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=MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: superjars

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6/28/2010 23:35:12   

Hey everybody, I'm the newest ArchKnight for the L&L boards. And this is a little tradition where you get to ask me questions, some of which I will answer and others which I will not. Which will be which? Ask and find out!

Follow all the rules that are set out in the forums, and then here are mine.
1.) You can ask 20 questions a set and you can ask 2 sets during any given day.
2.) Rules will change as this goes on.
3.) Ready, set, go!

I'll answer them with this!


< Message edited by superjars -- 7/2/2010 17:08:41 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/28/2010 23:36:55   

Hiyas Sups!
Heya Nightly!
Good luck, have fun, help out, visit the RPers every now and then :D
Thank ya! And I'm not going anywhere. I'm still a Tutor and ARPer and stuff, so I'm gonna keep strong in the boards, improving and helping out!
No I'm not stalking you.
Phew, I was worried about that! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/28/2010 23:49:34 >
Post #: 2
6/29/2010 0:11:24   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Its a bird. . . its a plane. . . no its superjars!? O . O
So amazing they are completely lower case...
I do like your avatar, it fits with your name nicely. ;)
Yeah, a friend from the RP boards made that for me when I told him the idea...He likes playing with photoshop! :P
*Gives a cookie*
*looks at it warily, testing it for nuclear fallout before chomping away at it*
Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun AKing! :D
Thank you kindly, sir, and I definitely plan to. It's already been fun and I just started! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 1:31:09 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/29/2010 0:39:38   
The Forgotten
Exquisitely pathological

*throws up confetti and double chocolate macadamia nut cookies* Congrats on making the first page The Forgotten!
I've missed out on the first page of so many MtAKs. I'm not going to be denied this one. :P
*considers moving this post to another page...* :P
Buuuut... I have no questions. Congrats and good luck!
No questions? So sad... But thanks for the wonderful pleasantries and I'm glad you made the first page. Come on back if you have any questions you want to ask! :D

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 1:38:18 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 4
6/29/2010 1:15:59   

Oh, hey, this wasn't here yesterday!

Nope, I snuck it on here today.

(Hey, that rhymes!)

You are a poet and you commented on that fact...

The Forgotten's feelings are pretty much that of my own. I USED to have the same set of questions to ask AK's, but I'd have to go digging through the archives to find them.

*hands mastin2 a shovel* "And don't you come back until you've found them!"

But, hey, it's the thought that counts!

That depends very much on what said thought is... And how many points do you get for the thought.

(...Or, at least, the impression of a thought. :P)

What kind of impression is it? Who are you impersonating? Because, currently, I don't see it...

So, (especially since this is my last night of vacation, hence, last night I can be here) I do what I can.

You know what you should do, though? Just throwing this out there, but you should totally just lengthen your vacation so you can find those questions! :P


Thanks a lot!

...Oh, and Good luck, too. Always seem to forget that one for some reason. Wonder why? :P

Very early onset Alzheimers is my best guess. But I'm not a doctor, so I wouldn't take that guess very seriously... :P


< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 1:49:36 >
Post #: 5
6/29/2010 1:20:55   

Woot congrats.
Woot thanks.

I have a few questions for you.
Alright, shoot!

What are you faster than?
I'm faster than a glass being pushed along a countertop...

What are you more powerful than?
I'm more powerful than a stuck pickle lid...

How high can you leap?
That really depends on whether I have the aid of an arc cannon or not. If I do, I can get fairly high, but the landing is kind of dangerous :P

Whats your super hero theme song?
Do do da da, da da di di, bo ba biiiiiiiii toooooooooo... Di di la la, ko ka ke ku... Do do do da, di di di... Something like that...

With superman stealing all the glory, how often do you get to save the day?
Usually only when people need to store stuff they want to keep. Superman's not that good at doing that. I actually have a spare suit of his somewhere in here...

That's all my questions for now.
Five? Not bad. If you come up with any more, put them in!

Have fun, bye! *Waves*
I shall endeavor to do so. *waves back*


< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 9:35:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
6/29/2010 3:51:33   
Postmaster General

Congrats superjars!
Thank you Sheriff D.
Indeed, in a world of regular jars, you stand out quite magnificently!
I mean, is there really any comparison. :P
What color are your shackles?
Shackles? *looks around at himself* Oh, I didn't notice that. I guess it's kind of a light green color...kinda goes awkwardly with the outfit...
For that matter, how do you imprison a jar? It's not like you could really run away, right?
Well, being superjars does have it's perk. And if I just rock back and forth, I can usually hobble my way around...
That's all I got, congratulations. As I've said earlier, I'm sure you'll do fantastic!
Thank you again! I'll settle for very good, but now that you've said it, I suppose I should shoot for fantastic... :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 9:44:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
6/29/2010 4:12:53   
Handsome Devil!

Heya Superjars!
Hiya Trogdor *starts singing the song* :D
Welcome to the team, new new guy!
Man, we gotta get someone newer, then they can be the new new new guy (or girl) :D
I'm not going to make any jar related jokes, just a congratz and luck wishing!
Oh my, you've jarred my sense of reality. Just don't leave the door ajar on your way out... There I made them for you :P
Congratz and goodluck! Cya around!
Thank you! And I'm sure I will.

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 9:47:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
6/29/2010 15:46:58   

So, you come to my (former) home, steal my hobby and now take my (former) job?
Pshaw, someone had to do it. Might as well be me! :P
I think we'll need to settle this thing the only way I know how too; with a dance-off. Name your time and place.
Hmmm... I don't really do dancing, at least not around people... could we have a game-off instead?
In researching your thread for petty insults I could throw your way I noticed I had never actually commented on your poetry. So I'll do it here. You're good. Get over it, you ego-maniac... And stop rubbing it in.
Thank ya. I knew I was good, but it's always nice to hear. *goes to rub it in some more with some more fancy poetry!* :P
All intense hatred for you aside, here is the serious part of this post:
Wait, that first part wasn't serious? Oh gosh, I totally thought it was... :O
Congrats on getting AK'efied on this board. How does it feel to be nigh all-powerful?
Soooo much powerrrrrr! He he, give me a few weeks and ask again. Right now, it's pretty cool, although I haven't really done much yet...
Who is your greatest source of inspiration?
I'm guessing you are referring to my writing. My biggest source of writing inspiration is a tie between Frank Herbert, who's Dune series pushed my mind to the limits of creating worlds and Orson Scott Card; who's Ender Saga and Shadow Saga pushed me to take another look at our world. I'm a huge fan of Science Fiction writing, because for me, it is a great medium for asking all of the big philosophical questions that have plagued humanity's curiosity for generations.
And if you had to confine it to people on these forums?
I've only really been on the forums for like 5 months or so, but my biggest sources of inspiration have been Eukara and her AK's! For RPing, it's been Kell and his AK's and some of the ARPers I've met (and joined)!
Do you view writing for L&L the same way as writing for RP? Or is there a difference?
Absolutely not. They are completely different modes. One you are immersing yourself into a (usually) single character, finding who they are and writing their parts in a grander story. For L&L, you are immersing yourself in a complete world, so your vision has to expand to encompass more things, to see beyond the individual characters and into the world itself. L&L just ends up being on a much bigger scale than RP.
What (kind of) question would you like to have people ask you, but doesn't seem to happen no matter how much you hint at it?
The people I know tend to be very forward, so they ask pretty much everything and anything. And I learned a long time to avoid subtle hinting and just go for broke when question asking was involved, so I don't have a good answer to that one.
And what kind of question you'd rather never see again?
I'm pretty easygoing and open to most questions, so...I have no question I wouldn't like to see again. At least not that I can think of right now. I'll get back to you if I figure one out. :D
And finally, just because I'm a hopeless romantic, and I like the question;
Oooh, me too! Hopeless romanticism is such fun! :D
Love lost or love not felt at all, what brings the greater sorrow?
That's a tough one, but from experience, I'd say Love not felt at all is much more painful. Love lost is bad for a time, but it's offset by the fact that you did love. And you learn more from it than not feeling it at all.

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 8:26:24 >
AQ  Post #: 9
6/29/2010 15:53:21   
Angel of Grief

Congrats Jar! ;D
Thanks Angel! :D

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 16:22:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
6/29/2010 21:24:29   

How goes it?
Around and around. Always circling the sun...
Best of luck!
Who needs luck when you get to work with such cool people as the L&L Mod and the other L&L AK's?! *grabs all the luck he can! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/29/2010 23:56:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
6/29/2010 21:25:11   

I've already said this numerous times, but congrats!
Once again, thank you very much!
Favorite book/author?
Totally a tie between Frank Herbert/Dune and Orson Scott Card/Ender's Game.
Favorite poem/poet?
I love Poe's poetry, but my favorite poem is definitely The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carroll (his poetry is just so fun and imaginative!
Play any sports?
I'm not a huge fan of sports, to be honest. When I can find opponents and places to play, I enjoy racquetball quite a bit and have been known to play some of the Frisbee sports (Ultimate, Golf, etc.). In the end, I'm a video game and board game fanatic, and love doing both when I get the chance!
Favorite food?
I have to go with burrito's from the Taqueria's in the Bay Area.
Well that's all, best of luck with your new position!
Thank you again. I have pretty good luck as it is, but more never hurts! :D

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 0:01:48 >
DF MQ  Post #: 12
6/29/2010 21:34:17   

'Tis time for the bombardment of questions! Quickly children, to the subway tunnels!
Yes! Absolutely! Women and children first!
Anyhow...well, yeah. Congrats. It seems as if a lot of people are being made AK's lately...
And here I was, thinking I was the only one. If they are bringing them up, there must be some good candidates! :D
Any word on the, ah, next AK? Maybe someone with a precious element in their name, hmmmm?
*quickly looks both ways* Word on the street is, it has something to do with platinum... O.o :P
Seriously though, congratulations, and my best wishes on your new AKship.
Wait, that stuff above wasn't serious? *Shock!* *Horror!* How many wishes is that, by the by?
So...PSP or 360?
I don't own either, but after hearing horror stories about the 360, I'd definitely go for the PSP. Or the PS3, if that's what you meant... :P
Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh?
For show, Yu-Gi-Oh!, for video games, Pokemon, and for TCG, neither, I'm a die hard Magic the Gathering player :P
Yankees or Red Soxes?
Neither; if I have to pick, I'm going with the Toronto Blue Jays...
American or Russian?
*flips a coin* Um, it says tails, so Russian. They get points for having Dostoevsky and Tolstoy!
Congrats. =)

Thanks! :D

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 0:12:42 >
Post #: 13
6/29/2010 21:46:08   

Hi Superjars!
Hi Homecat52!
1. Do you remember me?
How could I forget? We joined The Clubs at the same time! :D
2. Congratulations!
Thank you!
3. How it like being a AK?
It is like the sun glinting over the mountains on a fresh, crisp spring morning, when you have nothing to do but sit outside and enjoy a beautiful sunrise. And then it's like getting stuck in rush hour traffic. :P
4. Chaos or Unity?
Definitely Unity. Because it's prettier.
5. Doom or Destiny?
Um, I have to say, having worked much harder for Doom *curses Haunted Castle* I'm going with that one... Dooooom!
6. Pirates or Authorians?
Oh, you mean Arthurians... I definitely sided with the Arthurians, even though we lost... :(
7. That's all! Congrats on Becoming an AK?
Why is this a question? Of course you should offer me congrats! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 0:23:28 >
DF MQ  Post #: 14
6/29/2010 22:25:20   

I know you know me. Or do you?
We've spoken. On IRC. So I know of you.
ROAR. ROwr....rawr?....grarrr....meow?
Meep. Chirp...Baaa?...Cock-a-doodle-doo...Hello? Is this on?
Yeah, I'm bored...
But you've alleviated mine!
'kay bai

later! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 0:26:15 >
DF  Post #: 15
6/29/2010 22:32:31   

Zomahgudness first post!
Did you mean first page? Because this is like the 15th post or so... :P
Congrats (As if I haven't said that before)
Thanks (as if I haven't said THAT before :P)
You'll enlighten me on the AK Conspiracy, right?
Well, you see... *is grabbed from behind, a big shadowy hand clamping over his mouth and dragging him away into the darkness* O.o
OMG I MOD, I R B3 UR FR13ND?!?!/
Huh? I know not what you mean...
Hah, just kidding. 1337 isn't proper in L&L.
What is this 1337 you speak of /sarcasm :P
Wait, now that you are an AK, if you let up on posting, I'll smack you one >_>
Pshaw, you're the one everybody's waiting on *points to The Weavers RP* I'm not going anywhere from the RP; I still got tutoring to do, whip you guys in shape... :P
OMG I have a mod in my RP >_> =3
Yeah, pretty much. Watch out, or I'll eat you!
=D *Hands a celery stick* Eat it and lose weight!
Oh, do I have to... :( *goes into a training montage with celery sticks and Eye of the Tiger playing in the background*
Meh, only one question.
Just one? O.o
You stand in a dimly lit room, with three doors. And in walks in (From the back door that you don't see)... Chuck Norris. =D So, as I was saying. There are three doors. Chuck tells you that two of the doors hold goats on the other side. While one door holds a billion dollars. And a cookie =D

So, first off, you pick a door. Let's say you pick door 1. Chuck proceeds to open door 3, leaving door 1 unopened. Door 3 was holding a goat. Now, he gives you the option to change your choice, and pick door 2 as the door with 1 billion dollars and a cookie.

DO YOU DO IT!?!?!?
So I can has a goat, or one billion dollars and a cookie... *looks warily at said cookie* If I have to eat it, I say no... If not, then definitely yes :P
Anyways, congrats =D
Thanks Tim!

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 0:35:18 >
MQ  Post #: 16
6/30/2010 0:26:42   
Alexandria Serthes

Hi there Super!
Heya Alex! :D
Excellent, you got this up! Now I can pepper you with a few pointless questions, maybe one not so pointless question, and a congratulations where it belongs!
*Woots loudly* I knew they'd eventually do this to you! Oh noes, what did they do! :O
Second of all, time for some questions in which I will be as weird as possible.
*cracks knuckles!*
1) Is there more than one superjar besides that which is hinted at in your name?
There are many many superjars, spanning around the universe. Each one has their own story to tell and I know only a small fraction of them...
2) If so, have any of them ever broken?
Yes. *suppresses a quick sob* Kell likes to fire arc cannons at many of my brethren and many of my brethren have fallen to this hateful crime... ;_;
3) Where the heck did you come up with that name? (Curiosity is killing me...)
Okay, so. There's this old Sega Genesis game called Toe Jam and Earl 2: Panic on Funkotron where you run around and throw jars at human beings to capture them (you play as one of two funky aliens). In the game, there were these special jars called Super Jars, which could capture a human in a single throw. Since Jar is part of my name, my best friend started calling me superjars and it just became my online identity from then on. That was way back in high school... :P
4) Is poking AKs allowed, or shall I refrain from doing so?
It is allowed. Why else would they shackle us to the forums and put us on display for all to see? :P
5) Humans or zombies? (This one was a random one thrown in because of a random story from a not-so-random brother.)
Zombies. They are totally misunderstood...
6) There is no six.
Just like there is no spoon.
Or a knife when I need one.
Or an aglet.
If there was a six
It would be so grand,
I'd be so happy to answer it
And help you understand.

7) Do you know what an aglet is?
*googles* I do now... Interesting...
8) <--- Look, it's a smiley! Which means I have finished my pointless questioning! XD
What are you talking about? There was at least 6 points in there. Maybe even more.
'Kay now, bye, and see you in the RPs!
Yes, you will. I'm not going anywhere!
~ Alex
~superjars, AK L&L/RP Tutor! :D
P.S. I suggest running the cursor over this thing, because there's a hidden thing, which I've pretty well revealed simply by saying it's hidden.
/I/ suggest running your cursor over this thing as well, as I've hidden a message for you as well. Oh, dang, this was the wrong place to put this! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 8:23:28 >
DF AQW  Post #: 17
6/30/2010 0:26:53   

Gratz, Jars!
Thanks again, alexmacf!
Have a Girl Scout cookie.
*takes cookie and noms voraciously*
Best of luck!
I hope to have it! :D

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 13:41:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
6/30/2010 1:15:56   

Oheya Superjars!
O hai, Anastaysiya...So...Many...Y's! :P
No questions from me yet, since I don't have your tags. =/
How do you get my tags? Can I have them...? Feel free to return when you got your questions.

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 13:44:19 >
Post #: 19
6/30/2010 2:43:10   
The Arcane

Congratulations, very well deserved. ^_^
Thank you very much. I like to think it was, else they wouldn't have chosen me, eh?
No questions; I thought I'd let you live. e_e
Phew, I was worried I was going to die there.
See ya around. ;)
Not if I see you first! :P
Have fun AKing! :)
That shouldn't be a problem. I already am! :D

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 13:47:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
6/30/2010 2:53:44   
Silver Lion

Suupppeeeeer! ;D
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight... Not like I haven't said that.
Thanks. And you can say it as much as you'd like! :P
No questions from me... But, wanna see a doodle?
Do I have a choice? O.o
Oh, okay. I know you wanna see it. :3 Don't want to leave my post without anything fun, now?
You were right, of course I want to see it! Of course we need fun! It is paramount!

I was going to give you a waffle...

But then I was like...


But sharing is good.
Yay again!

But then I was like...
Hey again!

Awwww again...

So I ate it. ^_^

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 13:52:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
6/30/2010 4:00:48   

Er... Hello. Hi!
I'm new, so you will most certainly not know me. However, the praise I've seen you getting is... amazing to say the least. I've seen you around...Being a tutor, I stalk the RPA quite a bit. And yeah, they like me, they really like me :D
Then I looked at your work and it was amazing... to say the least. Wow, thanks! I'm working on improving, but I appreciate the compliment!
So. I am here to ask very serious questions. Oooh...serious ones.... O.o
Get ready. Set. Go!

1. Even though we've never met, Congratulations. (Oops, not a question.) Um... ?
Thank you? (oops, not an answer) :P Monkey!
2. What would be your best piece of advice to a newbie on how to stick it out in the RP forums?
Write a lot. As your character, about your character; know them as well as you know yourself. Oh and talk to your characters; you may be surprised by what you will learn from them and about them.
3. For how long have you had an interest in writing?
Let's see, I started reading the Chronicles of Narnia when I was four, so probably then. The first time I can remember being interested in writing was in grade 5 and 6 when I had creative writing and they made us write... I loved doing that...
4. What got you started?
Seriously writing was started in college, when I was reading Ender's Game and couldn't sleep when I finished it at midnight. Then I decided I wanted to write to have that effect on others.
5. What, would you say, has been the most useful thing you have done here, in terms of furthering your learning and understanding?
The most useful thing for me was talking to and getting to know the other ARPers. They are really good at what they do and right now make me feel like an RPing simpleton. But they are really good about giving advice and I can't help but improve by listening to them! :D
6. What rule makes you absolutely blood-pumpingly furious when you see people break it?
In RP, it's bunnying. My character is my character; don't you be messing with it. In L&L, it's unhelpful criticism; if you've got something to say, please do so in a helpful way. If you just tell me something I can't use to get better, what's the use of saying it?
7. What... uh... Nope. Run out of serious questions.
Bummer. I hope you come up with more, because those were fun to answer! :D
Thanks for listening to this! (presuming that you will...)
I was impressed that the words came out in that strange voice...How did you do that? :P And of course I read it. Come back now, you hear!

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 14:03:07 >
Post #: 22
6/30/2010 8:45:13   
Master Kazuko

*Psycho tackle*
Gah! *gets knocked for a loop*
Congrats Super :D!
Thank you very much, Kazuko!
You deserve a cookie or something...
*eyes all cookies suspiciously* You do know I hang out in the RPA a lot, right?
But if you want a cookie, I'm not giving you one, and if you don't want one, I'll shove one down your throat.
Um...I want one?
Ahem, anyways, they keeping you in a dungeon or something?
A pink one. Lots of teddy bears (gruesome) and flowers (*cries*)
Any torture? Cuz I know lot's of torture techniques...
Some. They keep bringing out soft pillows and making me sit in the comfy chairs.
Anything special about the name superjars?
If you want the origin story, go up and look at Alex's post. As for things that are special, how special do you think it is to exist as a plethora of jars that can contain entire galaxies and fly around? It's pretty awesome, if you ask me!
You're on a desert island, you're starving to death, and you must eat one of your limbs to survive, which would it be?
Dang, I thought it said dessert island at first... Um, probably my left arm.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that the cookie was poisoned (all of them are <.< >.> <.<).
And I don't know this already because...? *glares over at Kooroo and Starstruck suspiciously*
Why is the World flat?
Atlas decided a pancake was easier to carry around.
What's up with the word noodle? I mean, it's just a weird word if you don't think about the food! N-O-O-D-L-E weeeeird....
Blasphemy! His noodliness will not be pleased... :P
I'm hungry, got a spare leg?
Two of them, in fact. *pulls out a leg of lamb and hands it to Kazuko, then grabs one for himself.
What is in the superjars?!?!?!?!
Entire galaxies. And candy corn. And whatever else people decide to stick in them...
Do YoU lIkE pEoPlE tAlKiNg LiKe ThIs?
dO yOu LiKe It? BeCaUsE i ThInK iT iS oBnOxIoUs... :P
Well, enjoy the AKship :D!!!!
Oh, I plan to! :D
But I must go, civilizations to destroy, yeah :P.
Let the RP Apocalypse begin! :P

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 14:25:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 23
6/30/2010 9:02:17   

Another L&L AK!
Pshh...I'm the only one now. I hate all the other ones. *hides from incoming wrath*
Didn't knew you became one.
Neither did I. Then someone yelled at me to check my PM's. So I did. And now I know. And knowing is half the battle!
You dont know me, do you?
You're Loki (Dave).
Or did we meet on IRC
It took me a while to figure out what your forum name was, but I'm lurky and cool like that :P
If so, cool o.o
Definitely cool ^.^
Could you annoy CF on a nice creative way?
I can try, but Face of Cow does not seem to be terribly annoyable. Maybe I'll just poke him a lot...
I said that because I think he'd edit the post :P
He can try! O.o *pulls out counter-AK abilities, equipping his Sword of Edits
I am evil in such things.
Good to know...
Need a laserpen to escape from the shackles?
I prefer a sonic screwdriver, but whatever works... *fishes in his pockets, but comes out with only lint* Dang, must be in my other jar...
Later, man.
-Snug-(Get used to it >.>)
Thanks to Evox, I already am! *snugs in return*

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 14:36:30 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 24
6/30/2010 12:25:37   
Fleur Du Mal

Good Day, Superjars!
And a Good Day to you, Flowers of Evil!
Congratulations on getting to work for our amazingly superb mod, Ms Vox!
I know, that's the real benefit of this promotion! :D
Let's see if I got any annoying questions for you...
Bring them on!
!) Do you like kittens?
Who doesn't? They are so cute and furry and fun! I think I prefer kittens over puppies...

") Any thoughts that'd fit in one sentence on Twilight (the first book only)?
Doesn't interest me in the least.

#) Have you read the Earthsea series by Ursula LeGuin? If you have, any thoughts on it? If not, have you heard of it?
No, I have not... Any good? *goes to google the books* Hmm... Looks interesting. I may have to read one of them.

¤) Have you realized yet that the shackles are but an illusion of your own making?
Yes. Except I'm very talented at self-deception... This thing feels so real... :P

%) This question I ask of everyone into whose MtAK thread I happen to wander in: Have you ever fallen in love with a character in literature? If yes, then to whom, if not then why not? =P
Yes, I have. Jane from Ender's saga was a favorite of mine.

&) If you were absolutely forced, with no chance to espace, confronted and backed against the wall with the absolute devastation and laughter at the face of humanity by having to use one of the yellow forum smileys in every single one of your posts, which would it be?

/) What is your favourite place in AQW/AQ/DF/MQ/WF (pick one game or all)?
AQW - Yokai Island/AQ - Martial Artist place/DF - Ravenloss definitely/MQ - Planet Yokai looks pretty cool, but I haven't really played it yet/WF - I like the main ship...

() What works of literature do you perceive as classics?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, everything by Shakespeare, Frank Herbert's Dune, Orson Scott Card's Ender's series, C.S. Lewis' Narnia, J.R.R. Tolkien's books, Dicken's books, Poe's poems, etc., etc.

)) Do you think most of these questions are traps?
That was the assumption I was making... Are you saying only some of them are?

!=) Do you like doomkittens?
Absolutley! They're cute, cuddly and ferocious!

That's all for now. =) Phew, hard work!
Glad to have you onboard here! Glad to BE here!

< Message edited by superjars -- 6/30/2010 15:25:15 >
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