Mistermafio -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: superjars (6/29/2010 15:46:58)
So, you come to my (former) home, steal my hobby and now take my (former) job? Pshaw, someone had to do it. Might as well be me! :P I think we'll need to settle this thing the only way I know how too; with a dance-off. Name your time and place. Hmmm... I don't really do dancing, at least not around people... could we have a game-off instead? In researching your thread for petty insults I could throw your way I noticed I had never actually commented on your poetry. So I'll do it here. You're good. Get over it, you ego-maniac... And stop rubbing it in. Thank ya. I knew I was good, but it's always nice to hear. *goes to rub it in some more with some more fancy poetry!* :P All intense hatred for you aside, here is the serious part of this post: Wait, that first part wasn't serious? Oh gosh, I totally thought it was... :O Congrats on getting AK'efied on this board. How does it feel to be nigh all-powerful? Soooo much powerrrrrr! He he, give me a few weeks and ask again. Right now, it's pretty cool, although I haven't really done much yet... Who is your greatest source of inspiration? I'm guessing you are referring to my writing. My biggest source of writing inspiration is a tie between Frank Herbert, who's Dune series pushed my mind to the limits of creating worlds and Orson Scott Card; who's Ender Saga and Shadow Saga pushed me to take another look at our world. I'm a huge fan of Science Fiction writing, because for me, it is a great medium for asking all of the big philosophical questions that have plagued humanity's curiosity for generations. And if you had to confine it to people on these forums? I've only really been on the forums for like 5 months or so, but my biggest sources of inspiration have been Eukara and her AK's! For RPing, it's been Kell and his AK's and some of the ARPers I've met (and joined)! Do you view writing for L&L the same way as writing for RP? Or is there a difference? Absolutely not. They are completely different modes. One you are immersing yourself into a (usually) single character, finding who they are and writing their parts in a grander story. For L&L, you are immersing yourself in a complete world, so your vision has to expand to encompass more things, to see beyond the individual characters and into the world itself. L&L just ends up being on a much bigger scale than RP. What (kind of) question would you like to have people ask you, but doesn't seem to happen no matter how much you hint at it? The people I know tend to be very forward, so they ask pretty much everything and anything. And I learned a long time to avoid subtle hinting and just go for broke when question asking was involved, so I don't have a good answer to that one. And what kind of question you'd rather never see again? I'm pretty easygoing and open to most questions, so...I have no question I wouldn't like to see again. At least not that I can think of right now. I'll get back to you if I figure one out. :D And finally, just because I'm a hopeless romantic, and I like the question; Oooh, me too! Hopeless romanticism is such fun! :D Love lost or love not felt at all, what brings the greater sorrow? That's a tough one, but from experience, I'd say Love not felt at all is much more painful. Love lost is bad for a time, but it's offset by the fact that you did love. And you learn more from it than not feeling it at all.