Reaper Sigma -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: superjars (7/12/2010 15:58:10)
*steps out from the shadow behind superjars* Gah! How do you keep doing that? I am back again, with a purpose! Oh, and what might that be? I plan on making you respond to 100 sentences. That would take a lot of time on both of our parts... If you're wondering, there'll be two questions every set of ten sentences. I'm pretty good at math, so I really wasn't wondering. That's what I'd figure you'd do... Let us begin! Ready? Okay! Oh, I brought ANOTHER present! Yay! I love presents! It's a pony! Whoa, a pony?!?! *brings out an undead pony* Um, that isn't going to be able to carry me... *gives pony to the goblin from before* Do you like your present? It's nice. The goblin seems to enjoy it immensely, so it's my gift to him. Do you like ponies? Yeah... I mean, who doesn't... Look, up in the sky! Oh, where? Where? I don't think it's a bird... Hmmm... doesn't seem to have any wings... It doesn't look like a plane... Well, the not having wings made that kind of obvious, of course. It's President Taft's Pony Brigade! Oh my, what is that??? Roar. Meep. I challenge you to a Pokemon battle! *throws out Pokèball* Go Charlie the Unicorn! Go Charizard! Use Tackle! Use Flamethrower! Do you like ponies? You asked that already. Same answer goes here. Are you part of the conspiracy? Which one? I *shifty eyes* I can't believe it's not butter! Um, it's not though. In case you were confused... You DO believe it's not butter? I DO. They never fooled me with that name... Shun! Shun! O.o That doesn't sound very nice... I have three colors in my mind. Guess what they are! I'm still going with Yellow, Red, Blue... spoiler:
Black, Grey, White You know that when I go to edit this, spoiler stuff is shown, right? How'd you do? Well, I can make one of those colors with mine... A man, categorized as Neutral Chaotic, goes on a rampage. As he is destroying a village, a little girl falls down in front of him. Instead of destroying her as he is the village, he helps her up and allows her to flee. He is still catergorized as Neutral Chaotic. Give a reason for how he still stays this after doing an act of good. Chaotic means that he doesn't necessarily need to follow any specific set of guidelines or rules. And neutral means he doesn't necessarily always do bad things or good things. Therefore, he is perfectly justified in saving a girl while destroying a village. Story Time! Yay! *gets popcorn and sits in front of Reaper* A man goes on a quest. He gets eaten by a dragon. Whoaaaaa! The End. Oh, that's it? Did you like my story? It was...short... Two swordsmen engage in combat. Make a short paragraph depicting the battle. The field was filled with the blood of their comrades, making the grass slippery as they stood facing one another. To avoid further carnage, the two armies had made a fateful decision: a duel of each side's champions to determine the outcome of the conflict. Both men leaned forward, hands gripping the hilts of their blades. No one was ever sure which of them charged first, but it was always clear which had won. The strikes and parries were quick and furious, metal ringing on metal as they danced around each other. To the soldiers watching this intense battle, the scene appeared to blur, the men moving so quickly and precisely that it obscured their movements. However, before long the battle was complete and only one stood victorious. The war was at an end. I challenge you to write a story! I write lots of stories... The basic plot must be that the main character is walking down a road. It can be for any purpose, so long as he goes down it. As he/she/it goes down the road, they must encounter these things in order: a key, a cup, a tree, a body of water of any size, and finally a wall. Hmmm... I'll work on that... You don't have to write it, of course. Well, of course I don't have to. I just might though... She sells seashells by the seashore. Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers... Unique New York Hmmm... Sounds like a tongue twister... Say that three times fast. Unique New York, Unique New York, Unique New York! I will edit more questions. If there is time. Unfortunately, there isn't... :(