Isis -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: superjars (7/5/2010 17:59:09)
*twiddles thumbs whilst sitting on planet Isis* ECHO!! ECHO, ECho Echo, echo, echoooooo, ech...o... Wait, how did I get to planet Isis O.o Woot! Look at you and your popular self! Yay! You like me, you really like me Are you going to DragonCon? I need dress advice *pokes Tutor title* Unfortunately no. I don't have time or money to travel all the way there. Hey, when did I become a dress Tutor?... Um, dress as someone you admire? [/endgenericadvice] Besides eating three of your limbs, if you were stuck on a semi-deserted island what would you do? a) Make sand angels. b) Make a sandwich. c) Bury Zuko. Definitely sand angels over top of a buried Zuko. ArchKnights have the powah to edit any message on their board of governance right? ...*shudders* True, editing, deleting, inputting strict comments; whatever we need to get the job done. Then I have a challenge for you ;-; AKDCJLKJFHKKET4020E9CHZSYH80WQETJHIO4Q -- Hidden inside this jumbled pile of text is a tasty noun. Can you find it? Um, is it cheese? It starts with a 'C' and rhymes with ease...a daring young man on the flying trapeze, ahem. Sorry. Yup, it is cheese... :P Invisible text is fun.[;)] Yes, yes it is... The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog. Can you spice up this sentence for me? Does it still need to contain every letter in the English language? The dark brown fox darted forward, heading directly for the large sheep dog. At a ponderous pace, the canine lifted its head and turned it to face the fox, a dull look in its big brown eyes. The cunning and sleek cousin coiled its body and leaped into the air, sailing up and over the hound, who's response was to lay its head back down and resume its lazy afternoon. Chinka, chinka, chinka...*giggles* You have an amazing voice. What's your favorite song? Heh, thanks! Um, it depends on the day. Today I'm liking Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes... :D What do you look for in an RP? Non-overpowered characters, a delicious and interesting plot, and a unique context. I like to try new and exciting things, so I shy away from RP's that have been done. What makes a good RP'er? A good RPer is one part good writing, one part being inventive/creative and one part research. First, the basics need to be in place: you should be able to write well so that you can make things clear for your reader. It always helps to read posts out loud and/or have others look through them for you. We tend to miss things in our own writing, so it's always a good idea to have someone else look over them. And reading them out loud can give us a perspective on how it feels when someone reads your posts. Does your voice naturally get more excited on parts that you intend to be exciting. Do the words flow well out of your mouth? These are all important to having a good post. Second, you need to make things interesting and unique. Within reason, the sky is the limit for characters, scenarios and plots. You CAN do anything, as long as you have it built into the world you're creating and the character you've made. So go wild, create and invent, use as many ideas as you can. And always push for the new and unexpected with each character you make and each RP you start. Third, know what you are talking about. Even if you only reveal a small part of a character to your host and fellow RPers, have a plan written out for who they are and where you want to take them. Know their limits and their weaknesses, even if others don't. Know their strengths and what they can do. Along with this is to do some research into weapons and armor and culture for the world you are putting your character in. Knowing how things work will make it easier to know how your character will move and interact in that world. And make sure you know you're characters history and personality well, even if your character doesn't. Each thing we do comes from somewhere, no matter if it seems random or normal. I've many times jumped into IRC RP's with a half-made character and struggled through the first half hour/hour until I realized who the character was and what they were about. That first time, however, is difficult, as you tend to be wishy-washy and unable to figure out exactly who they are. So know your character before they enter a new world. Take a walk with them, sit down and have tea, go to a party. As you get to know your characters better, they start writing posts for you, rather than you having to force them into the world. And don't go crazy with tons of abilities and the like. The old acronym KISS works well here: Keep it Simple, Stupid! The more complex your characters set of skills, the easier it is to god-mod and the harder it is to write effectively. One simple ability, such as Gashe's water manipulation, has been the inspiration for tons of interesting ideas and uses. And I've got even more under my hat for later! :D But that's his only ability. He doesn't also have flight and telepathy and super awesome armor and a bunch of weapons he carries around. All he does is manipulate a layer of water filled with microbes around his body (and he competes well in RoP :P) Care to share any tips on RP'ing? Read your post out loud. TD and The Dragon Knight shared this with me and it helps a ton. I can't even tell you how many times I thought a post sounded good, then I read it aloud and was like, "Oh crap, what was I thinking when I wrote this...?" Also, talk to your characters a lot. Get to know them, how they speak, their mannerisms. You have an imagination for a reason, you know! :D Aw please?! Of course! I'll pay you *drops a penny inside superjars* Woot! *watches as said penny falls into a super nova...frowns...* If you and TD had a shake down in the EC, who'd win? (Hehe) TD would destroy me, in my opinion. I'm talented and got a lot of imagination, but I have plenty of room to improve. I'm fairly new to forum RPing in any real sense, but I have learned a lot since I've gotten here. I PWN Mortal Kombat [8D] So, *thwacks with a glove* I challenge thee to a duel! Pick your character. I bet you'd beat me. I usually try to do their special moves... I'll go with Scorpion :D *hands 'jars a knapsack* You have a pair of pink rabbit's feet, a pickled chilli pepper, two cans of mace and some silly string. Now, make a sandwich. *picks through the bag, wraps the rabbit's feet in between the two cans of mace, then chomps down on it noisily...throws the /pickled/ chili pepper away.. ewww... I'll be back...[sm=evilking.gif] Woot! ~ Isis. ~superjars. *builds a sandcastle on semi-deserted island* *goes and helps with the castle! :D