Legendary AK!!!
Robocockatrice Blade Also see Robocockatrice Blade Z Level: 125 Power Level: 125 Price: 676,950 1,619,748 Sellback: 338,475 809,874 Location: Miss Fixit - The Robocockatrice! Type: Magic Element: Earth Damage: 8-34 BTH: 16 SPECIAL Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Earth Damage: 276.545% Base and Random each Stats: 189.625%* BTH: +50 each Rate: 20% Effect: If both hits of the special connect(50% chance if only one hit connects), attempt to Petrify the enemy(Wind resistance increase by 1.5x Earth resistance). This lasts for one round. Monster gets +20 (Almost Trivial) to its save bonus. Level: 125 vs MonsterLvl Major: 200 vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK EFFECTS -2 BTH on all normal attacks with *=(85/83) damage. +7 BTH on both hits of the special with *=(85/92) damage. *Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs. DESCRIPTION Constructed by Kamui from the remains of the robocockatrice you neutralized, this weapon retains its mighty power to turn your foe into a statue! Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to JMill. Image thanks to Balu. Corrections thanks to In Media Res.
< Message edited by Balu -- 6/14/2012 9:18:52 >