Sigh... quote:
Maybe....I have been in the art forums. I have been in the DF forums. I have been in the HS forums. They are generally nicer, so nice, they seem robotic. Its just so...perfect, I get the feeling their somehow not real. Forgive me if I'm wrong. Compare to other ED's players posts .... So you are telling me that people who can talk likely, arguing in limit and respect other and try to create better community and game play is "robotic"? Not to mention you hit the best community of all, DF? I can't even understand why the heck Df can be robotic. This has 100% proved that you guys just don't visit other communities at all. And really? ED has it's own group? Or groups? Last time I check argument and flaming doesn't seem better than other (ok better than AQW at least) and people doesn't seem constructive at all. Seem like they either focus on some people or start making sides. I just have to post, since some people start thinking they are something "higher" than other and demand weird stuff. Let's take an example of the "group", if we make "Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming / Congratulations" thread, people like Fay Beeee (I have nothing against her, but I know some people are just...) will get tons of posts while other might not get even 1. Yeah I know people gonna argue with that. But let's put it in bigger picture. You guys post in "Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming / Congratulations" on OOC thread, people won't always reply to you, while they always reply to other. It's just the same. Tell me the reason why must we must make another "group" just to satisfy some other people? It end up people will want more, I doubt it takes long for ED players want "Own Balance Board" "Better suggestion system" "Allow to discuss this and that"... and end up with every other people want. After all, AE will become separate communities, ED =/=AQW=/=AQ=/=DF...etc. That's just destroyed the purposed of a "Community". Just laugh and say "ED doesn't need AE" but I would love the see people's face when the gap between famous ED's Players and other were made. Last, about the "ED vs AE". I mean really, what do players do beside posting here? It's ED staffs the one who decided to merge. So what do you mean by "we should be able to choose", why don't you act and control ED's staffs? No, you can't. quote:
With all due respect Lord Barrius, who in the HELL are you to tell us we are not a group anymore? He's not the one told you guys that. ED's staffs are. Sue them if you want, argue, whatever, if they agree we have nothing to against that will. I SERIOUSLY hate the ED vs AE argument. I really hate it, sorry for such bad post here but I can't stop myself. AE support ED with server, they even give them more staffs, they give them some free art, some mod, money... ED staffs, the original team is the one who is making ED now, if anything happen it's all their fault because they are the only one made that. But look, ED's players yay for anything right and start insulting AE but ED's staffs badly when anything happen
< Message edited by BlueKatz -- 9/19/2011 5:02:33 >