2vs1 currently is really bad, here how to improve it: * 2vs1 need a new button, so only ppl who want it choose it. * Increase the team lv, facing a lv 33 to 26-29 (instead f current 22-26). * a new Leader board for juggernaut consecutive wins (daily) * Add an option to make a team for 2vs1. * After each juggernaut win on the same day make the battle harder, example for a lv 33: 26-29 (0 win) 27-29 (after 1 win) 28-29 (after 2 consecutive win) 29-29 (after 3 consecutive win) 29-30 (after 4 consecutive win) 30-30 (after 5 consecutive win) 30-31 (after 6 consecutive win) 31-31 (after 7 consecutive win) 31-32 (after 8 consecutive win) 32-32 (after 9 consecutive win) 32-32 (after 10+ consecutive win) Those reset everyday, this would make it a challenge, it will also make room for new juggernaut (when someone has 9 consecutive wins, it would ensure less waiting time before a match begin. *Juggernaut should always go 2nd if facing two lower level player. (26-29) * Exception to the above rules, give 50% chance to go first if facing a team with a level -1 of the juggernaut * Exception to the above rules, give 33% chance to go first if facing a team with a level -2 of the juggernaut * Exception to the above rules, give 13% chance to go first if facing a team with a level -3 of the juggernaut Lv 33 face two lv 22-26. it a 100% win to any descent lv 33. You could put 3 or 4 lv 22-26 vs one lv 33 and the lv 33 will still win. It also a I win button, for those who pay 1200 varium. It a I lose button if a lv 22-26 try to play a regular 2-2 battle and end up vs a juggernaut. You can say just don't play 2-2, right ? Well a lv 22-26 has a lot of chance of facing a higher level in 1-1 and also lose. The new 2vs1, is actually removing a 2-2 mode for many players. 2vs1 need to be challenging, not a free wins.