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7/22/2011 7:55:42   
Clown the Jester

Feel free to discuss Gray Silhouette's new story Operation R.E.B.O.R.N.
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/22/2011 8:32:46   

Haven't read it yet.
I'll post when i'm done.
Also, Can I help?
I find it Interesting...

< Message edited by UnityDestroyer -- 7/22/2011 8:34:56 >
Post #: 2
7/22/2011 10:43:56   

It's a great story already, so far there's only been a prologue and yet i'm already expecting great things from it.
It seems to be from Blue Gear's....pardon,Ahem!.... the new Gray Silhoutte's perspective, I suspect he will be
different from his father in the way he handles things.....particularly people. Although, after all that happened in the
Choas Carnival Riots, im not sure just how different.......

@Unity: Please notice how Clown said GRAY SILHOUTTE'S story so im highly doubtful that you can or will help because its HIS
story and one of the few advantages of being a single author(unless Clown's helping Gray with his story) is that you could mold
the story to your whim(without someone trying to change it to how they want to see it).

Oh and Clown....love the avatar lol........

< Message edited by Celestin123 -- 7/22/2011 10:44:47 >
AQ  Post #: 3
7/23/2011 23:27:41   
delta blitz

Wow I can't believe it took me so long to find this. Too bad I didn't begin living on this planet until the Chaos carnival Saga. Would have been nice to meet Grey's son. Grey created a monster -.-,at least I wasn't my fault this time.....I hope that boy doesn't get so high and mighty to come after me. It would be a shame to have to *clean up* grey's mess.

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 7/27/2011 21:12:53 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
7/27/2011 21:00:25   

Glad to see that this has finally been started. I'll be very glad to see what happens...

Anywho... On to the commentary.

I recognise the name Ajax from somewhere... it's annoyingly familiar, yet I cannot put a finger on it, so to speak...

I do not quite see any hypocracy in that, but yes... I suppose that might be enough to get him out, if he's that foolish... perhapse a ruse? I doubt it somewhat, but I cannot be certain of the situation... This situation could be quite interesting...

Oh my gosh... I think that's Grey Sillhouette and Blue Gear's one and only mission together (annalysis after reading... 7 lines, including the narative first one [ 5 paragraphs, if you would prefer])!!!

I orriginally thought that might have been from the point of view of police officers, or special agents of the govornment...

Ah, the bowling alley birthday party... brings back memories... not that specific party, but... you know what I mean.

Interesting... improved thermal... Detailed enough to distinguish facial features... magnificent.

Interesting... More obsession, and 2 years back... I wonder if interest had subsided by the events of the previous story, or if he still was obsessed with the Mastermind before he discovered aparent evidence of Clown in the murdered gang member's home...

Nice tastes... I love red... pity he's probably about to die...

I wish I had dark red tinted shades... XD

To be fair, he might not be heartless. He could very well be a patsy who acts as the face of the real crime lord...

Then again, I don't exactly have enough info to comment on that... I only came to Liberty again, earlier this year...

Hmm... I'd reccomend a system less loud than a jet pack for flying... it's "roaring to life" very well could have alerted the body guards to your presence... I reccomend gravity manipulation...

His fathers hair... hmm... Natural bleached blond... most peculiar...

Poor kid... if he lives, he'll probably be traumatized for life, and there's a large chance he'll seek revenge... eventually... He could go to the side of good or evil, and try to fix things, or whatever, and then seek revenge on Grey when he sees him...

WOOT!!!! Desert Eagles... woner what caliber... probably .50...

Yes, the mistique of Grey was always quite... dark... powerful... I liked that about him; It was added to by his drive to make criminals pay... yes... quite terrific...

Reminds me bit of Bruce Lee... Not too muscular as to hinder speed, but strong enough, and flexible enough in combat to get the job done... Batman, as well... More vindictive, though... and obviously more deadly...

Nice shot... Must require VERY well tuned senses to hit accurately without looking, and with the aquardness of a bowling ball as a projectile in overhead throwing...

Nice coordination taking out the guards in such quick succession... a bit clumsy on the one where you broke his fingers, but you survived... By clumsy, I meant you took too long between the guard before him, and that one... a bit of the second longer, and he'd either have missed normally (somewhat doubtful), hit you, or you'd have had to have dodged it... You still pulled it off, though, so who am I to complain? XP

*sigh* If only they had better trained gunman... one that was also a martial artist could be very effective in a fight with you... being able to dodge, or counter, many of your moves, which would give him openings to atempt to shoot you, during it... He should have anticipated you coming after him... perhapse he did, and laid a trap for you... I know this mission is unsuccessful, so that may be the case... It was indicated, however, that Blue Gear was the cause of its failing... It could be a little of both, but then again, there could be no trap... I cannot say...

Oh, yes... you also need stealth tech... You espescially should have invested in that for this mission... even with the armor capabilities that you mentioned, stealth tech would still have been very good...

I find it strange to say "you" in reference to both Grey Sils... Very strange indeed...

The war was going on that far back? Based on what I know, it should have been only started a bit more than half a year ago... maybe it just hadn't atracted atention from the masses who swarmed to it after that time, but this I find very perterbing...

Hope it isn't using litteral X-Rays... That good be bad for the health of many people, and your reputation...

And mention of an attack on the apartment buildings... I can put that up to coincidence, though...

Semiautomatic, yet having machinegun fire... sounds like it's been hacked... they do that in real life (turning semi-automatics into fully automatics), and I like the addition of it in your story, although some people might get confused by the wording of it...

Nice armor indeed... I wonder how indestructable it really is... and I am also curious about the composition... I don't think I've seen it in the game's universe, although I have in the C&T continuity, so I'd be able to able to reproduce it in that version of events...

Good thing the gun didn't fire upon hitting the ground, and he didn't keep a hold of it... They do misfire quite a bit when dropped... at least often enough...

Ah, the clasic dilema... lose your honor, and live a while after you snitch, or be beaten to death by the angry guy in front of you...

I thought hardly anyone even knew the Mastermind even existed... no matter, that was from a point in time in the future, and it very well could be accurate then...

I like the part where you showed him his victims... priceless... deep pain and hatred, I feel, through your writing.

That man is a fool, it seems... adds to the intensity quite a bit... hehe...

I think he does want to die... I think he wants Grey to kill him, so the Mastermind won't get vengeance... I bet that would have been an even worse death...

Fury... rage... bloodthirst...


I still agree with Grey... he should die... Not quite sure the kid seeing him slain was a good idea, as I said before, but he should not have been allowed to live.

Justice? I'd say that is justice: Vigilanti justice works better than the lawful way alot of the time. If he was sent to court, he would have gotten off. He just bragged about exactly that.

He may be a little Knight Templar for many people's tastes, but he was right in this case, and many others. Society has become to squeemish about death lately. Too many people have gotten prison sentances that deserved to have been executed. It's only in modern times that we've become so complacent in this regard, and it's because of this that the jailbreak of L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N. proved so effective. Death is a just sentense sometimes. It may seem harsh, but it is a necessary sometimes.

Aaaand the criminal escapes while you are fighting... either that, or (more unlikely) commits suicide...

Yeah... I didn't expect him to stop when you were trying to appologize...

Went about as well as I expected... better, in fact... well, better then my initial thoughts on the possibilities indicate were likely, or possible...

Yes... a little more restraint could have led him to quite a bit more success in information gathering, if he'd tortured some of his victims, instead of outright killing them, but then again, that could be very dangerous...

Yeah... I thought so... I thought he'd devote his life to ending their lives with his hatred... I didn't anticipate him going that far, and wanting to kill all of them, but I knew that could be a possibility... always a chance of that in these scenarios...maybe that's where I remember the name Ajax from...

Now he seems a bit of a hypocrite, seeing as he's going to take the law into their own hands... I can understand that, though... I had felt the same once... so long ago...
DF  Post #: 5
8/5/2011 2:26:22   

Wow that was a loooong post, but, incredibly insightful. I pretty much agree with most of it - except for the capitol punishment bit, especially taking it to this extremely personal level. It makes me wonder if Gray was actually consciously thinking of what the long-term affects of his judgement would result as, or did he get momentarily caught up in his feelings about justice. In this case, Gray basically became an unstoppable Executioner. I think this was a rare mistake on his part simply because of the outcome - his cold measures inspired Black Vengeance, "filth". Unfortunately, sometimes the means of our actions may go against the aims of them.

Nicely written by the way! You're a master at details, expecially when it comes to story action. The prologue is a nice, steady foundation so far X3

AQW  Post #: 6
8/8/2011 18:39:40   

Thank you, Jae... I try; lol

Yes, I wouldn't have thought you'd agree with the bit about killing...

Yes, me and Gray have had quite a bit of discussion and argument on the long term and short term effects of his killing people with such zeal, including a conversation with the first Silhouette about a scenario exactly like this one, which Gray may have based that part of the story after (I am not talking about that specific scenerio, but a hypothetical version with the child turning into a vigil-anti killer wanting revenge, and I also talked about the consequences of that, the fact that he would be completely responsible, and that he would be killing someone that was effectively innocent, who was trying to kill him).
We have had many such conversations about morals, ect., and I have also helped him gather evidence for his case files on many occasions... I love conversating with my intellectual peers; lol

Yes... Gray is very passionate about his work. Some would say rightly so, although it does sometimes go too far... but the idea behind it is quite good, in my oppinion. Obviously, someone has to fight crime, and dfend the common man. Someone has to try to make the city a better place, and sometimes the police just can't get the job done. It could be for legal reasons, or because they don't have all the info on the situation, but justice calls. These things must be done, and until recently, I have been invariably glad we had Gray Silhouette on our side, regardless of how arrogant he can be sometimes (no offence).
DF  Post #: 7
8/8/2011 19:00:47   
delta blitz

Grey's type of justice is called Absolute Justice which I personally(in real life) edge towards when I think about crime and law in this world. Absolute justice is meant to be one of the best forms of justice with the purest intentions but depending on the person it can be twisted. For example in Grey's case in which he believes a hero should be killed for *tolerating* villains,that is a twisted form of Absolute justice as some heroes choose a less brutal form of justice for personal and sometimes religous reasons. David Blitz is a believer of *What is right* which is a form of justice that can change depending on the person's moral standards which in David Blitz's case is that the punishment should fit the crime(though in more recent cases he has killed villains merely for allying with a world threatening force like clown).
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
8/12/2011 12:48:13   
Clown the Jester

Oooh...I like the Clown Boys. Intresting how my ideas live on. Heh heh heh.

So much detail for Smiley, and Black Vengeance.

Nice Job Gray Silhouette. Epic Writing

This City had a lot of fun without me. Good to see the comedy never dies. Heh heh heh.
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
8/12/2011 18:30:49   
delta blitz

Nice first chapter,I can't wait to see what happens when *the new* Grey Silohuete meets me, though I'm still in disguise.

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 8/12/2011 18:31:40 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
9/5/2011 13:22:43   

I am utterly speechless.
This story is better than nearly every book I have read.
It is very difficult not to join in on this story, but I will not, as it is your wishes.
The story is absolutely amazing, and I hope it gets even better.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 11
9/5/2011 14:01:22   
delta blitz

Most epic return ever!!! Truly Blue Gear did his father's persona justice. Though once again I do wonder if the fact that I'm still watching over everyone in a disguise will be mentioned.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
9/5/2011 17:49:22   
Clown the Jester

Grape was a S.C.I.F. agent eh? I like it...explains a lot. And to think...my madness caused the Trader Town stuff...WA HA HA HA! Amusing.

I like the whole Clown Boy feel and also this Agent Frank Boston Massachusets. WA HA HA HA!

Boston has this intresting feel to it. Kinda like Agent Smith from the Matrix. Can't wait to see what mischief he gets into. Excelent knew chapter Gray as always.
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
9/15/2011 23:28:17   
Clown the Jester

Grape asked me to let you guys know he is asking for people to post if they want to be in Operation Reborn. Kinda like what we wanted for Operation Reborn.

Heres some people he says he wants to have in the story.

Lady Zafara

Mr. Unity




Star Screamer


Atroxia and Artisa



Ancient Darkness


Many more to come. He just wants to ask for permission from people as well as include as many other people who wish. Thanks.

< Message edited by Clown the Jester -- 9/15/2011 23:30:13 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
9/16/2011 8:00:24   
star screamer

ME? What, does he like my insanity?!
Anyways tell him that Star will be in if he wants him to,
As long as I don't get mauled by teddy bears.

< Message edited by star screamer -- 9/16/2011 15:51:39 >
AQW  Post #: 15
9/16/2011 16:17:51   


Okay, Grey can use Overcast, tell him thanks.

< Message edited by PallyKnight -- 10/3/2011 17:25:09 >
DF AQW  Post #: 16
9/16/2011 16:24:26   
star screamer

If he wants he can add my guys enemy, Commander Canada
Also my guy after gets stuck in his human form, knowing himself now as Dr.Fear in human, while he wears his
armor he is still known as Star Screamer

< Message edited by star screamer -- 9/16/2011 16:25:57 >
AQW  Post #: 17
9/16/2011 20:52:19   

My what a wonderful idea!

Gray had already asked me before but....I accept again!

I'd be honored should Gray use me in his story so....count me in!

I'm also glad that Gray plans on including other forumites who haven't been in quite as many stories as some others...

Anyways, I DO like where Gray's story is going. It's really really REALLY good.

Gray sure does have a talent for writing if I do say so myself...and I do. lol.
AQ  Post #: 18
9/16/2011 23:53:50   

It seems it is that time again.

260 lbs., eh? Pretty good for someone who doesn't have super strength... I think you'd benefit from a mechanical suit to add to your normal strength, though...

Oh, and nice to see you were willing to cuss in your story there... I respect that... it adds to the dark, gritty, realistic, tone of the story...

Nice stamina, too, especially after making your arms so weak...Hope you don't rip a muscle, though...

Nice that you included counting out of the exact date as well... Alot of traumatized people do that...

I wonder how well his skills in the Martial Arts have increased, as well... He'll need those...

O.o Thinking of himself in the third person... Interesting... Nice that he wishes to take up his father's mantle so thuroughly, but as far as I know, the original Gray always had a bag of tricks up his sleeves, so to speak... More than just his body. Not much more, but he was well prepared...

Hmm... Nice... you portraid the obvious eventual occurances that have been the fate of the city after the Chaos Riots quite well...

Indeed... who would want to give away such money, but keep it a secret... My prime suspects are myself (I am quite rich, and have little attachment to it, do to both my ability to create gold, platinum, silver, ect. to sell, and the fact I can make just about everything I need, anyway; I could have wanted to fund the city's repair out of guilt, among other possible reasons [I could have done the first payment personally, and programmed my base's computer/artificial intelligence to pay the second one, knowing the city would be heavily damaged after we were done with Modo]), the Dealer (as a result of some sort of bargain or another), and the Mastermind...

Interesting... You weren't there as Gray Silhouette when Modo came, aparently, which begs the question of whether or not you were there as Blue Gear...

And so it begins... but where will it end? Shall the Gray Silhouette have to die to save the very City he has sworn to protect, or shall he live?...

Interesting gang, these Clown Boys... Shall they all be destroyed here tonight, shall they live to fight, and will their reign be brief but bright? This is the question I ask today.

Hmm... If Zafara is the Red Death, could not Black Vengeance be another of Gray's "students"?... or would they be called disciples?...

Hmm... Smily seems serious... I wonder if he's a smasher... perhaps an ex-member of the Chaos Carnival who was dissatisfied with Raeven's regime... He could be a normal human, but if he is... He has experience...

Indeed... Very interesting that Tradertown still occured... and, considering the fact that Jae's story takes place three years after the Chaos Riots, that means Tradertown lasts a year or 2 at most...
DF  Post #: 19
9/17/2011 0:44:58   

Clown: I see no problem with using me.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
9/17/2011 4:34:06   
Crystal Lion

Oh, I missed the memo! Sure, he can use the American Lions in my story!

To start with, they're somewhat sheltered, but Atroxia is a touch more cynical than her elder twin. She's known as Attie by her twin, her parents, and her few close friends. Of course, if you see fit, you can modify them slightly, just keep Atroxia a slightly rebellious poisoner, and Artisa a ladylike painter.

Edit: The twins wouldn't exactly approve of the Clown if they met him, or the Clown boys for that matter. They want the city to be safe.

< Message edited by Crystal Lion -- 9/17/2011 4:36:36 >
Post #: 21
9/17/2011 5:54:18   

I would love to be in the story.
DF  Post #: 22
9/17/2011 7:42:54   
Clown the Jester

Grape says he would be honored to us you Dealer. However you will appear a little later because of how unique your character is and how much of an intresting scene could be made with the Dealer.

Grape thanks Celestin and Overcast, and Shadowlord for giving him permisson and thanks crystal lion for giving a character dosee is that how you spell is Dioseea? I think you know what I mean.

Oh Star Gray said he would think about it.

Drakkoniss...you know? I never thought Smiley could actually be ex Chaos Carnival. That would be really intresting. I agree with you on the idea that either Dealer or Mastermind are the anynomus donators. Mastermind's in control of S.C.I.F.? You can't say thats unexpected...but it still is scary. Heh heh heh.
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
9/17/2011 11:05:19   
star screamer

Is he thinking about me getting mauled by a teddy bear, or about the commander?
NOTE: if he adds the commander, he is not a smasher, has no powers but still wears a flashy cape
AQW  Post #: 24
9/17/2011 20:38:00   

Personally, for me, the Mastermind being in control of S.C.I.F. was actually unexpected, mostly due to the fact that I had been thinking far too little about the actual origin and purposes of S.C.I.F. itself, and had presumed it was just some govornment agency... but that is very interesting to know, indeed, and while I personally did not expect that, my in-game character did, because he knows far too many things about various subjects, among which is the subject of govornment agencies... It does make sense, though...

I would also like to point out that he would have had alot more time to think and gather data about that, and would have the resources to do so... but enough about that, for now...

Back to the story, which, sadly, I had not finished reading... I would also like to point out that just after I logged out last night, which was just after I had typed in that thought, I realized I was incorrect about the Black Vengeance... unless he is being extremely covert... but anywho... I DID remember that the Black Vengeace was Ajax's son/Ajax Jr. ; I had just forgotten that his Code name was Black Vengeance, because it had been far too long since I had read the first chapter...

:/ The Black Vengeance's point of view makes me sad... A true pity, if I have ever heard one...

An interesting viewpoint of history, to be sure...

Hmm... Seems Blue Gear is adapting to the job quite well... We shall see how far he will go... It'll be interesting, that's for sure...

I like Boston... He reminds me of a few people... In a very good way...

At least he finally released the info on what his background was... You can't get skills like that in so little time, even with revenge driving you... no, he had prior experience... Good to know just what kind...

Yeah... banks are shifty like that. They spend your money on investment and gambling, ect., to gain the amount they give you, along with significant profit, and money from interest in their favor... Crazy little businesses, sometimes... and someone running one can have alot of power...

Reminds me of the Watchers... I wonder how this will end, indeed, with the added complexity... and Blue Gear's lesser experience in certain arts... Boston might be able to tell that he is not the original... could be quite interesting... quite interesting indeed...

Hmm... A bit much, but that cop needed to know his place... Such a fool in so many ways, and yet, I pity him, and feel sorry he is dead... although eleminating dead weight (both physical and metaphorical) has its uses... and can cause very good results...

I can just imagine this as a TV show similar to Heroes... it would be quite entertaining... *grins*

Hmm... elimination of witnesses, too... Seems like this agency is run like the Mob... But it works... and you must be very careful with these sorts of things, sometimes... Hmm...

What made you assume that the voice there was the Mastermind, Clown? It doesn't say so in the story... Spoilers? I'd almost be willing to assume it was just the head of the agency, and that he knew what he was doing... But then again...

Makes me wonder who that Mr. Black who was referenced was... or is...
DF  Post #: 25
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