I am always right, and If I wasn't I would admit I was wrong like pretty much everyone else [on the first part, most are too arrogant to admit they are wrong]. if it is a matter of opinion and you can't force me to say you are right, I am wrong ? lol some people really don't understand the concept of a forum. I support the chat lock button, purely so people don't keep making topics about how they can't handle a tiny speech bubble online. quote:
@ Above You posted twice without even trying to be remotely helpful how can someone be helpful in this topic ? either you want the button or you don't. also he wasn't on about private messages, he was on about messages during combat, from your opponent or partner. quote:
If anyone is immature is that you, psibertus. You come here on the forums and pretending to be a god damn God who always is right and perfect, without coming with anything good in respond... actually no. sorry. and I do contribute a lot to this forum. just you guys always jump on me when I single out a stupid post. but hey, that was another stupid post I singled out, here comes the cavalry