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Swordhaven Knight(s)

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11/18/2011 22:45:42   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Swordhaven Knight(s)

Location: Swordhaven (Books 1 and 2), Swordhaven Past, Swordhaven (Book 3), Daybreak (Golden Hand), Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions)

Quests given

Shops owned

Swordhaven (Books 1 and 2)

City Entrance

Knight (1): Hail adventurer, and welcome to Swordhaven!

Knight (2): Do not test me, <Class>.

Fountains Area

Knight: On behalf of Swordhaven, allow me to apologize for the inconvenience. We have had some trouble with bandits recently.
Knight: I suspect the shops will be re-opening soon... Now that the threat is removed, the merchants will want to get back to business.


Knight (1): The court of King Alteon is off limits. Do not attempt to climb the wall.

Knight (2): Jim, have you ever noticed that something REEKS behind the inn? I was there yesterday and... just wow.
Knight (1): ...
Knight (1): I'm not listening to you.

Two Knights Near Yeshim

Knight (1): Did you see that cutie selling bread in the marketplace?
Knight (2): Th-that's my mom!


Knight: Err... I.. I'm not so good with directions.

Morgan's Booth

From November 18th, 2011 to December 2nd, 2011:
Knight: I'm sorry miss.. there's nothing I can do. He can rent any space he wants.

Residential Section Entrance

Knight: Hail, <Class>. Welcome to the residential section of Swordhaven. Planning on buying a home?

Swordhaven Past

City Entrance

Knight (1): You smell like spell components.

Knight (2): Do not test me, mage. Unless you're on a quest, you cannot leave town.


Knight (1): The court of the righteous and all-powerful King is off-limits.

Knight (2): One time, the king LOOKED at me as he rode by! I was all like "WOAH, he looked at me!"
Knight (1): ...
Knight (1): I want a transfer.

Near the Inn

Knight: I'm on break.

Group with Norma Knight

Knight: Aww, man!

Knight Next To Holli's Booth

Knight: So... is this stuff fresh?

Residential Section Entrance

Knight: Oh, hey there Alex.

Swordhaven (Book 3)

City Entrance

When entering Swordhaven (Book 3) for the first time:
Knight: Wait, isn't that—

Knight: Now, now, <he seems/she seems/they seem> like a perfectly upstanding <Class>. I'm sure there's no reason to—

Knight: ...

Knight: Yeah, you're good to go.

Knight: Oh, don't worry about him, he'll be replaced by the end of the week, I bet.
Knight: Fourth Rose partner I've gone through this month. Something about the posting just attracts a very...
Knight: A very power-hungry personality.

Knight: It's not so bad. Besides, The Rose higher-ups thankfully have little tolerance for these kinds of... problems.
Knight: At least, when they get pestered by them.
Knight: ...I'm sure there's a lot that goes unreported.

Knight: No problem. Welcome to Swordhaven, <Character>.

When approaching Knight thereafter:
Knight: <Character>, yes. You're welcome to enter but know that fighting and unauthorized spells are not allowed inside the city walls.

Fountains Area

Knight: Your own father and sister were lost when Xan took out King Alteon's Elite Knights...
Knight: Then you had to fight their remains when Sepulchure's four Necromancers attacked.
Knight: A gigantic dragon ate the Sun.
Knight: But a giant spell-flinging ogre covered in bark is too crazy for you? I'm telling you, I know what I saw!


Knight (1): The court of King Alteon is off-limits. Do not attempt to climb the wall.

Knight (2): Jim... I'm telling you... the cheese trader, next time he comes... you have to go check it out. It's like moldy socks and Knight's Inn mixed together....
Knight (1): ...

Knight (1): Don't encourage him, Salet. Just... just don't.

After completion of The Golden Hand and being directed to Swordhaven by Kara SuLema:
Knight (1): You still don't have permission to climb over the wall, <Character>. Approach the gate if you wish to enter.

If you approach the gate:
Knight (1): Queen Victoria is expecting you, <Character>. You may proceed.

Residential Section Entrance

Knight: Hail, <Class>. Welcome to the residential section of Swordhaven. Please remember, no solicitors and keep noise to a minimum after dusk.

Daybreak (Golden Hand)

Knight (1): They summoned that thing from the Rift! We have to stop them from bringing more through!

Knight (1): You say that, <Character>, but you've been chatting with them this whole time.
Knight (2): How do we know you aren't in league with these... Magesters?

Knight (3): So... if you get control of the rift, does this, uh, Titan... Does it return back to where it came from?

Knight (1): Then we're doomed!
Knight (2): What's going to happen to Swordhaven?
Knight (3): It's too late!

Knight (2): Keep working, Magester.

Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions)

Knight: Oh, I heard about things like that happening. Out in the hills, I think?

Knight: ...But... that was a while ago. Before the big whale and the sand and the shiny dome.

Knight: ...Makes sense.

Knight: ...That was weird. Was it okay to let them inside the city?

Knight: I saw a gnome the other day!

Other information
  • Swordhaven Knight(s)'s Swordhaven (Book 3) dialogue in City Entrance has been modified ever since; any retired content has been archived here.

    Swordhaven (Books 1 and 2) Appearance 2

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for images and corrections.
  • Alanna Zelen for Swordhaven Past dialogues.
  • Voodoo Master for correction.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/22/2025 17:29:33 >
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