-With several skills being nerfed, most importantly Field Medic, we have been left to our own devices to win a battle. Without the advantage of a powerful heal, we searched for a new means of regeneration and high damage, Ultimate attacks. -We begin to use our ultimate skill because they are very useful in keeping one alive: (surgical, massacre, and supercharge all heal you health and deal heavy damage). -With more and more stat/skill points, we are capable of using a higher level ultimate without losing in other areas. For example, a person with 5+ massacre back in beta (as far as I can recall) was basically done for. -Also, for the Hunter/Mage cases, there are builds that can use it even more effectively. Mages have 110+ dex builds, and even a 3 supercharge could deal 70+. Hunters, well, we've always used massacre, but with our massacre nerf and BL nerf, we have used it higher and higher to stay alive. There are rarely high tech mercenaries. -Finally, you have a minimum guarantee of 20 damage at level 1. That is beyond useful, especially for the non-variums. @Below I know :( I switched from CH. I'm still part of the union, but I need to switch back. I probably will, once I get better energy claws.
< Message edited by nico0las -- 12/12/2011 19:57:22 >