How can you expect to learn strategy if you run all the time. strategy is flushed down the toilet when luck is severely involved. when ur playing a match, and ur enemy goes first, crits u on that first turn. and then blocks ur next 2 attacks, (malf and static for me) i already know that im done. my build has 139 hp and the usually enemy will have 125-139 they go first, and crit a 40-50 damage my next 2 attacks are blocked his strikes do about 30 damage. 40 + 60 (from 2 strikes) im already down to about 40 HP before i actually get a hit on him while he still has about 100-110 hp im sorry fay but after that theres no swinging the flight. quote:
1---you either have the wrong build 2---you do not know enough strategy 3---you are a little low in level 4---you need to rethink what to play (I did npc to get my strength up - then 1v1) 1) i have a good build. (all builds are capable and most tend to have more dex than ur average enemy) 2) i try to make my builds as versatile as possible. to be good against almost anything. 3) im lvl 34 4) i do NPCs every hour. after all that, its not a strategy problem. its a luck factor problem. where players with lower dex are blocking. or im hardly ever going first. (all bloodmages i fought today went first except for mamaril)
< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 1/27/2012 6:06:07 >