As playarn suggested, you can always take off your primary if you don't want any challenges. The ignore function was also updated a week or two ago so it blocks everything (challenges, faction invites and friend requests), so if it's just one player trying to annoy you you can always use that. Removing the level limit from challenges was actually my idea. Challenges are now a social feature than a competitive one, so it doesn't make sense to have limits on it. A level 5 vs a level 30 might be no contest, but someone might enjoy that. They're meant to be for fun now, so why limit the fun? Personally, I've had plenty of friends that just joined up and I'd always want to show them all the cool things they could experience, but it was hard when I couldn't battle them on my higher level characters. quote:
ORIGINAL: Trans Good solution? You can turn friend requests off right? Then Staff could implement in spare time option to turn off every single request (challenges, friends, ally links, etc)! :3 It's not the highest priority, but pretty much everyone on the staff agrees that these would be good options to have. The release schedule is awfully busy, so no guarantees this is happening soon, but who knows what Titan will manage to squeeze in.