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(DF) A New World

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7/16/2012 18:36:10   
Evil Torn

Author's Note: This story revolves around my DF Hero (well, sort of...) that's linked under my avatar. Any achievements that my hero has will probably be mentioned at some point. I'm doing something different here. Two things different, exactly.

Commentary/Discussion/Talk/DragonFable Anonymous Meeting/Whatever here: *insert edited-in link here*



I got home from school, just a day like any other day. Walked through the front door as fast as I could since it was storming and threw my worn-down wet backpack into the corner of my bedroom. Nobody was home for now except for me, so I headed back outside to put the key underneath the plant pot outside.

Closing the door behind me, I nearly sprinted to my room. I flung open the laptop and shoved my finger down hard on the power button, checking to make sure that the charger was still plugged in since it was the lifeline of the laptop. I waited impatiently as the Windows XP screen came up. It was a Friday, and I simply couldn’t wait to log onto the forums and wait for the release. The Design Notes even mentioned an earlier release, as well!

I hurriedly typed in my five-digit password (it was the name of my crush that I had about two years ago) and clicked on the Google Chrome button. After waiting for about three minutes Google Chrome popped up. With no time to waste I typed in “dragonfable.com” in the address bar and hit enter. Soon as that page loaded I right-clicked over the “Design Notes” button and hit “Open in New Tab”. Checking the Design Notes, I realized it was true. The release was already live!

Wasting no time I flicked back over to the DragonFable homepage, hitting the “Play” button. The page opened almost instantly and I clicked the “Login” button. Selecting my highest level character, ElFok Vezar, I entered the world of Lore to play the release. Unfortunately, in an all-too-cliche scenario, lightning struck the moment I went to play as ElFok Vezar...

The lightning ran in an impossible way through the power cords, up through the charger, into the laptop, and somehow shocked me. I blacked out, barely capturing a glimpse of FalconReach...

< Message edited by Evil Torn -- 7/16/2012 18:37:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
7/16/2012 19:18:31   
Evil Torn

Not in Kansas Anymore

I woke up, head spinning, laying on...grass? I felt like I just fought a war by myself. Like I’d just fought the whole of Sepulchure’s army by myself. My joints ached, my back hurt, and I had a slight headache. I stared into the bright blue sky, and saw the sun out of the corner of my eye. I wasn’t in my house anymore. I looked to my left and saw a mysterious glowing red orb sitting on a pedestal. Was that a hood around it? I couldn’t tell. To my right was a dirt road. I could see that it led past some walls. Perhaps, if I could get up, maybe call for help...I heard footsteps nearing me. Looked like help had already come.

“Twilly! Over here! He looks hurt. Be careful,” I heard a voice call out. Did they just say...Twilly?

“Stay still. This shouldn’t hurt one bit. I’ll heal you up quickly!” I heard a small voice say. It sounded like a child.

I heard a gust of wind, and then I felt...fine. Normal. As if nothing had ever happened. I didn’t know what to think, what to say. Part of me didn’t want to look up, but part of me did. And, of course, I looked up.

Standing beside me at less than two feet tall was a red...moglin? No, it couldn’t be. Moglins don’t exist. DragonFable isn’t real...right? Right.

“Hiyas! I’m Twilly, and this is ElFok Vezar!” the Moglin said. I looked over at this “ElFok Vezar”, thinking someone was playing some sort of prank on me. But this was no prank. There stood my DragonFable character, donned in the DragonLord armor, right in front of my very eyes. This had to be a dream. I threw my head back onto the grass and letting out a groan.

“What’s wrong?” Twilly questioned, looking puzzled.

“Nothing. It’s just...ElFok Vezar...” I answered, groaning again. I felt his eyes shift to me.

“ Yes! That’s the ElFok Vezar! The one who braved Sepulchure’s might and lived! The one who saved FalconReach from the Mysterious Stranger!” Twilly yelled in excitement.

I couldn’t take it. This was too crazy. Couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be. Wait...

“Erm...Twilly...did you say FalconReach?” I asked, looking the moglin in it’s eyes, hoping that it’d say no and it’d all go away.

“Yessir!” Twilly replied casually. I groaned again.

“Is...that where I am? FalconReach?” I questioned. My “character” spoke before Twilly could.

“Yes. Somewhat. You’re outside the city walls. Some sort of magic the mages are using that keeps people from teleporting inside. Stops enemies from breaching. Seems like it works,” he said. His voice was not what I imagined. Gruff. Sounded like the Christian Bale Batman.

“Hey! I’m not an enemy, alright? I come from...a different dimension, different world. Okay? Can you believe that?” I stated, and I looked into his eyes.

“Something in your eyes tells me you’re telling the truth. Alright, here’s what’s going to happen. We’ll take you inside, to see Serenity, the local innkeeper. I can pay for a good room for about a week, but after that you’ll have to get your own money. If you try to double cross us though...” ElFok Vezar growled, lifting his sword. The Justicar sword. I farmed gold for that weapon. Created in...what was it? Celebration for something? I couldn’t remember. He noticed my eyeing his sword.

“If you double cross us, I will not hesitate to kill you,” he said, finishing his sentence. I understood completely.

I lifted myself up off the ground, happy that I could walk. Not happy that I was apparently trapped in Lore. But it couldn’t be that bad, right? I mean, with the Dragons, the undead, the crazy pyromancers...yeah, it can’t be that bad.

“Hey, you coming or what?” I heard ElFok Vezar ask, and I looked up, realizing that I had been lost in my thoughts staring at the ground. They were halfway to the entrance to FalconReach.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming,” I said, and I followed them in my faded blue-jeans and t-shirt.

< Message edited by Evil Torn -- 7/16/2012 19:55:47 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
7/16/2012 19:59:17   
Evil Torn

Serenity's Inn

It felt good to be out of the sunny heat that was outside. A cheer echoed throughout the inn as we entered. “We” being just me and ElFok Vezar. Twilly had went off to sit on his...stump. The one he was always on everytime I logged in.

Serenity came marching up to us with a big grin on her face. She looked...kind of cute, actually. I don’t know, maybe it was just the blonde hair.

“ElFok Vezar! Oh am I glad to see you! You’ll never believe the good news I have!” Serenity said, completely ignoring me, just like the rest of the inn. Nobody paid attention to the person wearing different clothes than everybody else. I guess they were used to strangers.

“Oh? And what’s that?” ElFok Vezar asked back, a smile appearing on his face.

“Those ghosts! They’re gone! I finally got rid of them!” Serenity answered with joy, doing a little dance.

“Haha! I remember fighting those blasted ghosts. Glad you finally got rid of them, Serenity. Oh, I’d like you to meet my...acquaintance, so-to-speak,” ElFok Vezar stated, pointing to me.

“Hello there,” I said.

“Oh! Hi! I’m sorry I didn’t notice you and that I ignored you! I was just-”

“It’s okay. Honestly.”

“Well, now that we got the meet and greet out of the way, let’s get down to business. Serenity, I’m going to need one of your best rooms for about a week for my acquaintance here. And...some clothes, too. This apparel stands out too much. A few drinks and a warm meal also, if you wouldn’t mind?” ElFok Vezar asked, smiling. Showing his pure-white teeth.

“That is all perfectly doable. I’ve got several rooms upstairs now that those ghosts are gone. I’ll have the clothes set in the room waiting for him. I take it you want the drinks out here?” Serenity said calmly.

“Ah...yes. Yes, that’ll do,” he replied.

“I’ll give you the ‘Hero of FalconReach’ discount, so it’ll only cost you 1,250 gold a day instead of the regular 2250, providing you want him to be fed each day. So...8,750 gold is the total amount due,” Serenity said.

“Here you go,” ElFok Vezar said, handing over the coin. Chump change for him. We walked over to a nearby table and sat down. A few minutes passed before Serenity reappeared to give us our drinks. We thanked her and began to talk a little.

“You said you were from a different dimension. Give me a description,” ElFok Vezar demanded.

“Alright. There is no exact dimension name, because we didn’t know others existed. We live in the Milky Way galaxy, on a planet called Earth. I, myself, lived in the Americas. They’re like...a nice place to be, especially North America. In fact, I live in the United States of America. We’ve got like...a leader, there. A president. Our current one is President Camacho. He’s a good guy, sort of. But let me tell you about the people. The people...are divided. Some are good, some are bad. But we’ve long abandoned swords and daggers. Well, we have knives. I guess those could be daggers. But we don’t use swords anymore. At least, not for combat. We use these things called guns. They shoot very small projectiles really fast and it could kill you if you’re not careful. Oh yeah. We also don’t have magic. We never did, in fact.”

“You don’t have magic? What kind of world is it where magic doesn’t exist?! Sorry...go on.”

“Yes, well. Er...our main focus is science. We’ve created several marvelous machines. And, we’ve created several destruction machines. War machines. Made specifically for killing other humans in war. It’s pretty bad at our world. Chaos, death, poverty...everywhere.”

“I’m believing you so far. You’re not the first ‘alien’ we’ve had, and I doubt you’ll be the last. So, how’d you end up here, in Lore, of all places?”

“I dunno. I seriously don’t. One moment I’m hit by lightning and the next I wake up where you found me,” I finished. We both heard very loud talk then and turned our heads in the direction it came from.

“You’re a cheat! A liar! You scammed me!” a skinny man wearing brownish trousers and a tight dull shirt said to another man, who was dressed in identical attire.

“I did no such thing!” the other man said.

“Yes you did!” the first man said, before throwing a punch at the other. A brawl broke out.

“Shouldn’t you stop them?” I whispered to ElFok Vezar. He looked at me, seemingly surprised.

“Nah. They won’t kill each other. The crowd will stop that from happening,” he replied casually.

“Well then. I guess it’s getting somewhat late. I think I’ll head upstairs to try and make sense of this mess,” I said, standing up. I tried to ignore the brawl as I climbed the steps and unlocked my room.
AQ DF  Post #: 3
7/20/2012 16:53:16   
Evil Torn

Training Day

It felt weird putting on a cloak the next morning. Actually, all of this felt weird, but in some strange way it made sense. Call me crazy, but I kind of liked being in Lore. I walked downstairs from my room to Serenity and asked if she’d seen ElFok Vezar anywhere. She simply replied that he’s “outside, waiting for me”.

He was waiting outside for me, just like she’d said. He didn’t seem to notice me at first, probably because he was talking to Lim. From what I could overhear it was about some type of machine, Dr. Voltabolt, and, of course, science. Finally he noticed me watching them and he shook Lim’s hand. I noticed he slipped him some money. Interesting.

“Look who’s up,” he said, walking over to me, smiling. A mischievous smile. He had something planned.

“What was that?” I asked, pointing my chin over to Lim.

“Oh, with Lim? Nothing that you’re concerned with. Here, I’ve got a few things for you,” ElFok Vezar answered, and then he reached into his bag and pulled out a Guardian sword, a dagger, and some steel armor. I had forgotten about the “pocket dimension” that the characters had that allowed them to carry around a lot of items.

“Aww, that’s for me? How sweet,” I said sarcastically.

“Don’t get cheeky. It’s time to begin your training. If what you’ve said is true, and you are from this ‘Earth’, then you probably don’t know how to use a sword or a dagger. Do you?” he asked, handing over the items.

“Well, no. Like I said last night, we use guns,” I replied, putting on my armor. I held the sword in my right hand, and the dagger in my left. Funny, it felt weightless.

“They’re magically enchanted. Made so they are as light as a feather. Possibly lighter. It’s also how we keep our stuff in the pocket dimension without it weighing us down. Every single item that I and most Guardians use is enchanted with this enchantment,” he explained. Convenient.

“Alright. Makes...sense. About as much as all of this does. I guess we better begin, then,” I stated, lifting my sword.

ElFok Vezar struck fast and furious, not bothering to give me time to react. But I either parried or blocked all of his attacks. We fought for a good couple of minutes, sometimes with me on the offense and sometimes with me on the defense. Neither of us hit each other.

“Impressive. Very, very impressive,” he said, panting, “I thought you said you’d never swung a sword in your life.”

“I-I haven’t. Not once. It just came natural to me,” I expressed, confused.

“Well, you must not forget...”

“Forget what?”

“Blades are not the only weapon!”

ElFok Vezar hurled a fireball at me, without me having any time to react. I, being scared for my life, held my hands up in front of me in a feeble attempt to block the fireball, not thinking it would work. Much to my surprise and his, it did. A shield generated in front of me where both of my hands were, stopping the fireball from getting any closer to me. It didn’t seem to extinguish the fire, but instead just halted it in it’s place. I decided to experiment, and so I pushed both of my hands forward in the direction of ElFok Vezar...and the fireball flew back to it’s caster.

“Whoah!” he yelled as he held up his shield and it blocked, and extinguished, the fireball.

“Very impressive! We must get armor and a better weapon for you. I see great things in your future,” ElFok Vezar said, astonishment obvious in his voice.
AQ DF  Post #: 4
7/20/2012 17:26:39   
Evil Torn


The next day I was donned in Guardian armor, painted in full black, per my request. I wore a dark hood so my face would not be seen, alongside a darker cape. Hanging on my left side was the Dark Star Katana, a weapon which ElFok Vezar had given to me. He said that he had always had it for decorative purposes in his house, but he decided to give it to me anyways because it took up too much space.

I was lying against the wall of Serenity’s Inn next to the door when he came running in with his pitchfork. He stabbed it down into the ground for support, and I could tell he was tired. I could also tell he was a farmer. Twilly came running up to heal him, but he shunned him away.I paid him no mind until Ash and ElFok Vezar came running up.

“ElFok Vezar...!” the farmer said, panting and wheezing. He must’ve run a long ways to get to FalconReach. Or ran very fast.

“Are you hurt? What’s wrong?” ElFok Vezar questioned. I too wondered what was wrong.

“It,” the farmer gasped, “It’s coming.” Now he had me interested.

“What is?” ElFok Vezar questioned, this time with a fierceness in his voice.

“Sepulchure is coming..!” the farmer said.

“Oh no!!!” Ash yelled, rubbing his head. I, myself, was very, very confused. Sepulchure was supposed to be gone. Defeated, for now. Unless...

“If it’s war he wants, that is what he will get. Let’s end this,” ElFok Vezar said, looking down, “Ash...go tell the guardians.”

Ash ran off to the Guardian tower, and I sat deep in thought for a moment. I could hear ElFok Vezar questioning the farmer, but he was to no use. Sepulchure was supposed to be defeated. The hero...my character...was supposed to have stopped him. That lightning bolt...it didn’t just send me into DragonFable...it sent me into the past, too.

The Guardians came rushing down from the tower with Ash on their hills. They gathered the villagers together in one gigantic circle and asked for those that could fight. Those that could came forward, and they were given weapons. Those that couldn’t were told to stay at the center of the town. They hurried back up to their tower to prepare. One stayed behind for a brief moment and asked for ElFok Vezar to go up to the tower to speak with Kain before marching off.

“ElFok Vezar! I’m coming with you!” I yelled, pushing myself up off the ground.

“This is not your fight. You don’t belong here. You don’t know Sepulchure,” ElFok Vezar said.

“I know more than you think,” I said.

“Alright. You’re a good fighter, I’ll give you that. You’ll do good in this war,” ElFok Vezar said, and we ran alongside each other up to the tower. Some of the Guardians were huddled around Kain, asking for orders. Once he saw us, or rather, once he saw ElFok Vezar, he shoved them away and walked up to us.

“Kain...how goes it?” ElFok Vezar asked, looking at Guardian Kain. Kain, however, was interested in me.

“Who’s that?” he asked. ElFok Vezar responded before I did.


“Ah, I see. I hope he can fight. Anyways, as you know, Sepulchure is advancing from the North,” Kain said.

“Yes, but knowing him he’ll try to surround us,” ElFok Vezar said. I’d heard this conversation before...or rather, read it before.

“That dog...Aye, our forces will need to be spread out evenly then.”

“He will soon be here. We should have the archers in place as soon as possible, the mages charging their mana, and the bladesmen lining up. We need to be ready for anything.”

“Agreed,” Kain said, then turned towards a fellow Guardian, “Ok, you heard him...let’s get moving.”

“Wait,” I said, causing Kain, the other Guardian, and ElFok Vezar to look at me.

“What?” ElFok Vezar and Kain said in unison.

“I-I’ve seen this before. ElFok Vezar, I want -- no, I need -- to explain some things to you. Is there a place we can speak...in private?” I asked.

< Message edited by Evil Torn -- 7/21/2012 15:18:02 >
AQ DF  Post #: 5
7/20/2012 17:58:07   
Evil Torn

High Stakes

“Speak swift and quickly. We must prepare and we do not have all the time in the world,” ElFok Vezar said.

“I will. The place where I come from, Earth...this place is real there. Sort of. It’s a computer video game on a website run by Artix Entertainment called ‘DragonFable’. I know this doesn’t make sense, and it’s not supposed to. I...I play this game. I play DragonFable every week, since it has weekly releases made by the staff. The staff, being Geopetal, Rolith, Eric, and Tomix, produce these releases. Cysero and Alina used to be on the team, but they moved to another game. However, the people I just named, they aren’t the same as in-game...or, in this world. They’re aliases so they don’t have to use their real names and so they can communicate with the players. Geopetal, in my world, is not a rock, Tomix isn’t a SoulWeaver, Rolith isn’t Captain of the Oaklore guards, none of that.”

“What are you getting at?”

“What I’m getting at is, when I somehow got transported into this world, it sent me back into the past. Or, the current present. Time travel is confusing. Anyways, the day I got transported, I was hit by this bolt of lightning. That day was the day of a release. We were supposed to go and defeat Wargoth.”

“Wargoth? And, if swords and magic do not exist, how were you supposed to defeat him?”

“Nevermind about Wargoth. But, to answer your question, like I said, it’s a game. You...are my character. My playable character. You’re not real, yet somehow you are. In this world, this alternate dimension.”

“You haven’t gotten to the part where this is supposed to help us with Sepulchure.”

“Oh, right. In my world, the real world, it’s past this. I’ve already played through it. I know what Sepulchure’s going to do. And I know that if you go to challenge him head-to-head you’ll lose.”

“Then how do we stop him?”

“That’s...I can’t tell you that.”

“Then this whole conversation was useless.”

“ElFok Vezar, if I knew how to defeat him, I would tell you. But...”

“Boxes! With the sign of Sepulchure! They’re coming through the air! This is it!” a Guardian scout screamed from outside. ElFok Vezar and I both looked at each other before both of us burst into a sprint to get outside.

Boxes were being carried through the sky by flying Dragon-like things. I could never describe them. ElFok Vezar stood to my right, and Kain stood by my left. We stared in awe as they flew, with Sepulchure’s fortress not far behind them.

“No! It’s too early!” ElFok Vezar yelled, furious.

“We can win this,” I said.

“I-I don’t know if we can,” ElFok Vezar said, despair covering his face.

“Th-there are too many of them! The sky is filled with these beasts! Hold it together! Now’s our chance to knock as many as we can out of the air before they get here! ARCHERS!!! FIIIIIRE! SCATTER THEIR BONES INTO THE SEA!” a nearby Guardian yelled, ordering commands. We all heard the whiz of the arrows as they soared into the air. Above us, Sepulchure perched his foot on the railing of his fortress.

“FALCONREACH! On this day...you will know your place in the order of things. The tale of your destruction...shall be told for thousands of years! NO ONE stands against the mighty Sepulchure! NO ONE withstands my wrath. Your fate is sealed! Today...you will witness the birth of a legend! Today...I will destroy EVERYTHING you love. And when your heart is filled with pain and sorrow, and your mind crushed under the weight of despair, I will claim the Orb of Darkness, and this world shall be MINE. HAHAHAHAHAHA! There is nowhere to run. There is nowhere to hide,” Sepulchure yelled down to us, his voice booming. I ignored his threats, knowing they were empty and he would be defeated. Unless, this world was unaffected by what happened in my time. In that case, I was a little worried. In fact, a LOT worried.

“His army is at our doorstep. This is it,” ElFok Vezar said, sighing deeply. He knew the stakes. We all did. We couldn’t fail.

“I’ll see to it that our archers and mages continue to blast the dogs out of the sky,” the Guardian that had ordered the archers to fire said.

“Alright. It’s time. Grab your sword,” ElFok Vezar said, looking at me, “Let’s go. CHAAAAARGE!!!”
AQ DF  Post #: 6
7/22/2012 0:03:11   
Evil Torn

Race against Time

You know the type of people that say war is hell? They’re right. It is. Especially whenever you have magic involved. Few days ago Sepulchure’s fortress crashed into the Guardian tower, killing a lot of people. Good people. Then, up came the Beast of War from the lake. Lucky for us, ElFok Vezar hopped on his dragon and defeated it, although with difficulty.

Those who couldn’t fight were in Serenity’s Inn. The people were afraid, and they had a good reason to be, too. You could hear fear within Serenity’s warm voice when you asked her for a drink, and you could see her hands shake as she poured it. I was there, too, protecting the place just in case something happened. Sepulchure’s army hadn’t breached the inner city yet, and we were holding them back best we could. ElFok Vezar always managed to come into the inn every day to give us status reports, but he didn’t come this time. Not the usual hour.

“Hey. Serenity. Shouldn’t ElFok Vezar be here?” I asked, looking over at Serenity.

“He...he uh...went to go fight Sepulchure,” Serenity said. The whole inn went quiet, and I stared Serenity in the eyes.

“He what now?” I questioned.

“He went to fight Sepulchure. I don’t know if he’s just that suicidal or just that smart, but he went anyways,” Serenity stated.

ElFok Vezar went to fight Sepulchure...that means that -- wait! Celestia!

“Sorry, Serenity, but I’ve got to go!” I said, jumping to my feet off the barstool and knocking it over. Two other Guardians looked at me weirdly.

“Wait! Where are you-?” Serenity started to ask, but she stopped once I slammed her inn door mid-sentence.

You’d expect the city to be silent, but it wasn’t. Some soldiers ran around to fight while others barked orders. I ignored them all and sprinted off up the hill toward the ruins of the Guardian tower. Hopefully, the Gryphon was still there and hadn’t flew off. Thankfully, as I reached the top of the hill, I saw that it was still standing there like nothing was happening.

Being from Earth, I’d never flown a Gryphon before. In fact, I’d never even been in an airplane before. To add to that, I was acrophobic. But I had to do it. I had to try and save Celestia. Had to try and get there before Xan and Akriloth does. She will not die this day!
AQ DF  Post #: 7
8/14/2012 19:52:56   
Evil Torn

Burning it Down

It took a moment or two for me to climb on top of the Gryphon and get it ready to fly. Apparently, since it didn’t know me well enough it didn’t want to cooperate, which was understandable. Eventually I managed to gain its trust and we took to the skies.

Flying was, to say the least, a terrifying experience. Soaring over the vast forests that surrounded FalconReach, I realized that I didn’t have a single clue as to where to go. Which sucked, because now I was hundreds of feet in the air riding on the back of a Gryphon lost. You ever been riding on the back of a Gryphon hundreds of feet in the air lost? Yeah, don’t try it anytime soon.

A distant roar caused me to turn my attention to the west. Fire rose from the sky and I could barely make out a silhouette of a dragon. That had to be Akriloth and Xan. No doubt about it.

“Hyaah!” I yelled, and off we went towards Sunbreeze Grove. We flew as fast as we could, the wind blowing back my cape and almost strangling me to death. Another roar resounded throughout the forest below us.

“Faster!” I yelled as loud as I could, and the Gryphon picked up speed. As we neared our destination I could see Akriloth watching as Xan slowly walked towards Celestia. The wind didn’t allow me to listen to what they were saying, but I could tell it wasn’t good and I wasn’t going to let him hurt her!

The Gryphon did a nosedive suddenly and it’s terrifying screech rang throughout my ears as it’s claws latched onto Xan’s shoulders and picked him up. We barely got ten feet higher before Xan shot a fireball at the Gryphon, causing it to drop him and me and fly away into the forest.

“HAHAHAHA! A savior to the Lady?! HOW NICE!” Xan yelled, two fireballs appearing at his hands.

“Xan! Stop this madness! It doesn’t have to be like this!” I yelled back.

“HAHAHAHA! I WORK FOR SEPULCHURE! After I’m done with him, I’ll deal with the Blue Mage, Warlic! But enough! Who might you be?!” Xan cackled, and I could hear the sizzle of the fire that burned, or rather, healed, his skull.

He asked me who I was. Just who am I, exactly? It is a good question. I came from another world, Earth, another planet, another time...so I should not go by my real name, not here. I had half a mind to say I was Jonas and that I was carrying the wind, but nobody would get that reference. I briefly considered my options.

“My name is of no concern to you, Alex,” I said, noticing Xan’s surprise, “But, if you must, call me...Sithe.”

“A MORTAL WHO KNOWS OF MY PAST?! WHAT IS THIS?!” Xan cackled, laughing as his fireballs grew in size. I heard a scream from behind me, and in a second several things happened at once:

One, I turned towards the direction of the scream to see Akriloth breathing his deadly breath at Lady Celestia, and I watched as she erupted into flames. The smell of burning flesh was not a pleasant one.

Two, Xan took the moment of distraction to throw his fireballs at me, and I heard from behind me “AKRILOTH WILL FEED ON YOUR CORPSE!”

Three, some sort of Darkness portal opened up besides Xan, and out came Sepulchure. So, I had Lady Celestia on fire, two flaming fireballs being flung at me, and Sepulchure. Yeah, I don’t think I’m getting out of this one.

I ignored Lady Celestia’s screams for help because there was nothing I could do, and I turned around and used all of my might to stop Xan’s fireballs from touching me. My nose started to bleed and I began to get a headache, but eventually I managed to shove them back at Xan. He blocked the blow, or absorbed it, and another fireball appeared in his right hand.

Enough,” Sepulchure said, “We are done here.”

“THIS FOOL DESERVES TO DIE!” Xan yelled back, and Sepulchure turned towards him.

“No. He lives. Just like the hero. Both of them will see the victor. And then, when no hope is left, both of them will die.”

They both vanished in the same way that Sepulchure had came in, and in the eerie silence I realized something -- it was silent. Lady Celestia...

I couldn’t turn around to look at her, but I forced myself to. There she lay, her whole body burnt except for one arm, with a broken cup beside her...

< Message edited by Evil Torn -- 8/14/2012 19:54:02 >
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