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=AQ= Meet the ArchKnights! This Week: Silverwing! *~*Finito!*~*

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8/7/2005 13:50:39   
Snuggably SiLvEr!

hey guys ^_^ i'm sure you've gotten used to my lurking around and moving your posts and editing stuff at times. And I think I've gotten to know a good number of people on these forums fairly well.

Well, now its time for you to ask questions about me all this week! Fire away! (be forewarned....i may or may not answer w/ the answer that ye seek :P)


< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/17/2005 17:52:22 >
Post #: 1
8/7/2005 13:52:46   

Hi Silver ^_^
heya! *snuggles*

If you could be any animal what would you be?
hrm...any animal eh? good question...i'd want to be either a cheetah (they're so cool and pretty and fast!) or perhaps a falcon of sorts (being able to fly would be neat)

What is your favorite color?
*points to name*

What is your favorite game?
AQ silly ;)

What is your favorite food?
i will eat mostly anything so long as its edible ;) but i like pizza, chinese food of sorts, and...speaking of which...*scampers off to go find lunch*

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:00:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
8/7/2005 13:54:51   
14th atlantis

wowwow...if u could have anything u want in the world what would u want
telekinesis and perhaps a simple day without work :P ooh! and possibly control over all energy (which is only an extension on the telekinesis :P) mwahahaha!

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:02:00 >
AQ  Post #: 3
8/7/2005 13:59:40   
Ancient One

whee! dusty pile o' bones! ^_^ *me snugglehuggles*

How did you find AQ?
i think i just did a google search one day when i was really bored...

What got you to stick with it?
i like to keep with something once i've started. AQ was lots of fun and then I got onto the forums and that was lots of fun as well. And then I built up my char a bit too far and couldnt let go anymore ;)

Do you enjoy being an Archknight?
indeed ^_^

Why do you rate people?
it would have been so nice to have had that advice when i was just starting out. I made so many mistakes and spent so much money experimenting around. Also, it was my goal to work on a reliable system and have a reliable center where people could go and be sure that the advice that they were getting was correct. Hopefully, I might be able to balance going back to it someday...

Favorite day of the week?
Friday! that means...two more days to procrastinate till work again XD

Favorite pizza topping?
pepperoni! yummm...

Favorite pile of dust?
ooh! i know! i know! dustbunnies! XD

im jk ;) *snugglehuggles!*

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:06:19 >
Post #: 4
8/7/2005 14:03:40   
Doctor Zhivago
Professor of Ratings

Yay! It's Silver!
yay! Its Doc! *snuggles*

Hmm... first things first, what would you say is your favorite part of being an AK? Least favorite?
chomping stuff *shifty eyes* lol, im jk. its good to be able to help in more ways that I used to before ^_^ least fav...moving stuff from Q&A to ES all the time >.> <.<

Have you finally decided on a good Armor for your Char?
...no... XD

Do you like to play any games other than AQ? If so, which ones?
Melee! chucking stuff at others sure is fun ;)

*Randomly asks for a brand of huggle*
*Doc is runover by the hugglemob sent by one AgWing*

Umm... will you forgive me for my general laziness on the CR Boards as of late? I'm really sorry for doing so little. :(
pfft! :P if you've been slacking...i'd hate to think what i am :P

Speaking of, how've your plans for the board been going? Do you think the Strategy boards have become more stable in general than they used to be?
erm...they've definitely been cleaned up quite a bit ^_^ but lots more stuff to come...progress is a bit slow, but hey! rome wasnt built in a day ;)

And finally, the age old question. Ninjas or Pirates - who would win in a fight?
fuzzy bunnies! fear the cuteness! lol no. methinks Ninjas....mbe..

Ya know, I always surprise myself with how short my posts are here. Ah well... You can bet on me coming by later, so...
see you then!
*Byesnugglecuddles Aggy*
*byesnuggles Doc*

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:13:31 >
AQ  Post #: 5
8/7/2005 14:13:39   
Legendary AdventureGuide

Silver! *nuzzles*
Wallo! *snugglehuggles*

How are you today? ^_^
alive ;) hungry...but alive...

Ancient One or me?
i plead the fifth

How did you go and become so good at rating?o.o
i rated....a ridiculous number of microsoft word pages worth of ppl...yar...and i did my research (sometimes XD)

Do you play any other games apart from AQ?
melee! *chucking stuff is fun only cuz defenestrate is too long to say :P*

Am I a rubbish AK?:(
o' course not! you wouldnt be here otherwise...lol...

I can't think of any other quessies for now, so byebyes.^_^ *runsnuggles Silver before running away*
bye! *snuggles*

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:16:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
8/7/2005 14:21:01   

O__O AqWing got AK o' t3h monthz0rs! lol...hi to you too ^_^;

Who do you wuv more: me or me?
apparently, i love 'me', any version of it ;) lol


How's that avvie working out for ya? I know I said it already, but it fits perfectly ^_^
perfect it is then ^_^

Warrior or Mage...*prepares swinging chain of pineapple d00m*
hybrid! :D but actually, i do prefer mage.

Gotta get back to me guide >.< I wish I could interrogate..*cough* question you more :(
lol. have fun ;)

Bye bye! *byesnuggleglomps*
till later! *snugglehuggles*

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:42:10 >
AQ  Post #: 7
8/7/2005 14:35:11   
Strong Guy

Who named u AK of the week, yourself?
...no...O.o i was named an AK by higher powers and every week we AKs (there are a lot) alternate being asked questions of.

What do you do at work?
i edit, chomp, lock, move, sticky, and otherwise keep Strategy and H&S (my secondary board but closely linked to this one) running and free of clutter and as useful to the forumites as possible.

Those are all i can think of, i will post more when i think of it. -_-
k then. see you later!

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 14:44:09 >


98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature
Post #: 8
8/7/2005 14:46:28   

'Tis Silverwing. Coolness! (I missed Spellfire's one of these....but I got you so 1 out of 2 isn't bad =P)
'tis Creasy! ^_^ lol, dont worry, Spelly's was only for about a day. But i'll be here all week long...*gulp*

Why did you start rating?
It would have been nice to have reliable help when I was just starting out and I wanted to help others in a very nice and reliable way as not all advice is always based on correct information all the time (including mine sometimes when i forget or mess up :P)

Wolves or vamps?
humans all the way...lol...erm...i plead the fifth :P

Favourite weapon (in and out of games)?
ooh...thats a toughie. I prefer the pretty blades, possibly leaning towards fantasy/medieval, but you know...modern stuff such as pistols or possibly even rocket launchers can be fun. and you know....i've always wanted to learn martial arts. mbe someday...(on just that last one :P)

*cheers for Silver* Heh my clan forum title has silver in. Gold is over-rated don't ya think?
hehe thanks ^_^ silver is a prettier color and iffn you really want, you can always get white gold XD

Why do so many raters seem to prefer Monster Claw over Gyrate Shield (Gyrate is better IMO)?
methinks Gyrate is still more useful but monster claw is basically a similar shield that is like...a mini golden. but since you have to be a guardian...gyrate is generally more useful.

Ever read DragonLance?
nope, cant say i have

If The One Wolf is the one wolf, what are the rest of us wolves?
the...rest of you wolves = the non-'one wolfs'? O.o *goes off to ponder*

Ever leave ES to broswe other boards? (other than Q&A in orderto move stuff to ES)
indeed. i'll pop up every so often in GGD as well as OOC and sometimes browse Creativity and look around for new contests ^_^

Do you remember the failed PvP thread in UC where you linked to your character that ruled?
lol...indeed. i honestly didnt think my char would do that well :P lol

Ummm......brain's dead. Have fun with all your questions from everyone.
lol thanks ^_^ these were fun to answer. hope you recover your brain soon, its a useful little thing to have...

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 17:42:39 >
AQ DF  Post #: 9
8/7/2005 14:47:39   
14th atlantis

hi again!

how old are u ..if u are married do u want kids?
i am older than you are

hm.... how did u become a staff
uhh....you are invited?

and is it cool being one and testing new stuff?
wouldnt know...

who is the fifth?
the person after the fourth and before the sixth XD

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 17:43:54 >
AQ  Post #: 10
8/7/2005 15:35:07   
You`re Tearing Me Apart, Lisa!

Never ask a women's age, 14th atlantis :p...but that is a good question though <.< >.>
lol...i'm above the average age of the forum but am younger than that last statement would make you think i was.

Hey there! How are you!?very good! and yourself?

I noticed your absense for quite a while, where were you these past months or so?
I was away on a trip and then...had to take care of stuff in RL and...generally relaxing..sry about that :P i do try i promise!

Do you make your own avvies?
pfft! XD wish i had that talent..

How long did it take you, on average, to comprise those 3 compelling guides with Spellfire?
OY! 4 guides...(poor ranger/rogue...) it took us a good month i would think for the lot, so probably a week per? but we did mage and hybrid first and then warrior basically from hybrid. the last one took really long cuz i had to do the backstories (they were RP stories) and I would run out of ideas every so often :P so that...took an additional week :P

If you're the assistant to Spellfire, doesn't that mean the Staff member status is pretty much taken away from you? ^^
bwah? O.o I'm basically a mod on the Stategy and H&S boards but there are certain things that I am not allowed to do. I cover most things but some I have no control over :P We are technically all 'assistants' or subordinates to the next higher up who gets a bigger say in what we do...but I'm learning.

Well, I can see I've bored you long enough XD I now also go on the search of food. Bye *snuggles*
hehe. not at all ^_^ see you later!

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 17:47:58 >
Post #: 11
8/7/2005 16:51:41   
Crimson Darkness


1. Are you on the vampire side?
i am on my own side! bwahaha!

2. What is the cure to boredom?
42. that is the meaning of life.

3. How would you kill a werewolf?
i am just that good. *points to name*

Now I'm blank.
i chomp you! *chomp!* *shrug* i dunno :P see you later!
I shall now use my vampire mage powers to teleport me.
o...k...you do that ;)

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 17:52:55 >
AQ  Post #: 12
8/7/2005 16:59:24   

Hello, SilverWing!
hey there Edilly!

What's your name(real one)?
First name: Silver ------- Last name: Wing ;)

How tall're you?
infinitely taller than nothing

How old're you?(Optional)
infinitely younger than infinity but infinitely older than a dot :P

I was annoying back then, when you still used MSN right?(hahaha)
hmmm *shrugs*

Am I annoying?
meh :P you could be worse...

Do you still use MSN?Why or why not?
i do, im just not on it that often.

Do you have your picture(Like finally)?(You probably forgot, that you told me, you would show me a picture of you when you got one)
...no...XD sry...i'm just slow :P

What sports do you play?(Which player do you like from that sport?)
i play vball! (but im far too short to be of any use :P) i used to hit left side (kinda) and i played rotation and kinda learned setting at some point :P any of the girls from the US Olympic Vball Teams (beach and normal)

You went to learn modeling right?(Forgot, but you told me that you went to learn modeling or something like that)
. . . ?

Do you find my friend annoying?(For not letting me mail Safiria, after I paid him for donation )
lol...well i guess? i dunno? its your and his decision to work out i suppose?

One last question:What is your favourite song?
its a small world after all! or...i've got a bunch of pretty coconuts...dudududu, here they are standing in a row...big ones...small ones..

ok yeah. im done now :P (that was a joke btw...)

Bye, lady!
bye, guy!

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 18:01:36 >
AQ  Post #: 13
8/7/2005 17:16:10   

good afternoon!

Do you play a lot Aq?
not nearly as much as I'd like to (no time :P) But I have grown attached to my char.

Can you give me your character page?
*whispers:* she is under the witness protection program! ;)

Are you a adventure quest aq team?
nope! I'm just like you...but w/ powers on certain boards.

If yes,how do you become it?
you are invited

What's your work?
i edit, move, clean, lock, sticky, and otherwise keep the board running, clean, and as flame free and useful to everyone as possible ^_^

When did you start the game?
last July 5th. I only came to the forums in about December tho...

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 18:05:27 >
Post #: 14
8/7/2005 18:24:30   


Do you remember me?

Can I poke you?
surely. *poke!*

*poke back*

Do you play GunZ cause its really cool
nope, i might have to do that though

Do you know the song Let Me Love You By Mario cause i just love that song
nope, sry. i might go and check that up now...

What is the meaning of life?

Ummm cya around

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 19:13:02 >
Post #: 15
8/7/2005 18:24:45   

Hey Silver!
hey there!

Do you go on the AQ forums much?
indeed, but im sometimes behind the scenes and not actually posting but i am usually here.

Do you play any other online games?
nope. got any suggestions?

Are you interested in Art?
very. i took an art history class actually as well as other various art studio classes ^_^ its fun to draw and paint and stuff...

Do you have a gmail account?
who doesnt anymore? :P

Are you Asian?
are you?

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 19:36:42 >
Post #: 16
8/7/2005 20:12:46   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 17
8/7/2005 20:19:04   
1 Oclock: Time to bend things

It be Teh Silly!

Splee, *snuggles* How ya doin?
i am good ^_^ and my forums work once again :P

What would get me for my birfday if you had the chance? XD
a huggle! lol...or something that you wanted that was in my financial capability?

I can touch?
bwah? O.o

You have four choices: East, West, Dennis, and Not-Dennis. What do you do?

More later, I can't think right now.

You like-a my sig?
Chomp! Yummy...dinner...^_^ lol jk. yes indeed.

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 21:08:07 >


AQ DF  Post #: 18
8/7/2005 20:19:36   


do monkeys fly in porto rico

you jumped out what does yo do

o k I give up not really

got no good questions bye

< Message edited by gnarkill1225 -- 8/7/2005 21:18:23 >
AQ  Post #: 19
8/7/2005 21:35:52   
14th atlantis

hi again
hey there.

is pleading for the fifth really that awesome.?

i like 14th...
why is that?

if u can choose a job that can make a lot of money and enjoy it at the same time what kind of job would u want..
win the lottery. or perhaps...anything that makes a lot of money and that i'd enjoy.

if u can choose personalities for ur boss ( usually man) what kind
one can do that? O.o

if u have all the money in the world what will u do with it and will u invite me to a dinner party since im ur biggest fan? haha ( optional)
all the money in the world? i would split it up and put about 150k per bank location (max. federal insurance) and live off of the interest. i would then get a nice house and whatever other material possession is popular nowadays :P but truly, i would want to take a global trip and see everything. and dinner party? iffn i have one...i suppose so ^_^

if tomorrow is dooms day and u know it what will u do today
enjoy the simply life and be w/ family and friends. interesting question.

that all i can think of rite now lol =
haha ok. bye!

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/7/2005 22:34:54 >


Humans are slaves to their mortality, from the moment of birth to the moment of death...
AQ  Post #: 20
8/7/2005 21:58:38   
Deleted User
[Deleted by Admins]
  Post #: 21
8/7/2005 22:58:52   
14th atlantis

if u have to choose 5 person from this thread as ur assiant..who will u pick....

if u ever get a chance to be a famous person... what kind of famous person will u be
a benevolent and useful one. think...bill gates goes jimmy carter (but female)

if u find THE ONE just for u what will u tell that person...( that is when u first see that person )
when i first see them: hi.

hahahaha now u can answer my super questions

if u O me a FAVOR and u have to buy me something what kind of present will u be...
*insert random noun here*

lol im going to sleep.....

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/8/2005 0:06:15 >


Humans are slaves to their mortality, from the moment of birth to the moment of death...
AQ  Post #: 22
8/7/2005 23:00:37   

Hello miss Silverwing.
hey there!

How are you this evening?
very good :) thanks.

What do you do for fun?
be on AQ

Do you like poetry or songs? Cause I can write both. ^_^
sounds cool :)

What do you look like? >.> <.<
that is for me to know and you to guess ;)

When's your birthday?i have a bday? O.o what be a bday?

Do you want a cookie? -bakes some-
ooh! yum! midnight snack! *chomp!*

What's your favorite thing in Adventure Quest?
everything :P the game, the ppl, the top list ;)

And that's all. Talk to ya later miss Silverwing. -smiles-
bye! *snuggles*

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/8/2005 0:40:15 >
AQ  Post #: 23
8/7/2005 23:02:38   
Banned- duplicate

Yay, another AK to annoy!
oh goody...lol

Meet the Mass Question Poster! Bwahaha! I have... less than two minutes to give you the worst Meet Teh ArchKnights you've ever answered!
well, granted the number of questions i've answered so far...im not surprised :P

If you were forced to give me a title, what would you give me?
Mass Question Spammer ^_^

Strange, your username is the name of an important character in my roleplaying character's past. Coinkidink?

What is your favorite book?
the dictionary XD no actually,i did read the entire A volume of the encyclopedia for no reason one day...

Book series?
clifford! lol jk. actually, this doesnt quite count but Sherlock Holmes was always one of my favorites. Detective novels are always good for me.
Gladiator/Batman Begins/Kill Bill(and mbe..Pulp Fiction)

TV show?
friends? sex and the city? blah! :P too much info have i divulged...

Type of dragon?

If you add two and two, then take the square root of Forever and add it to Pie, what does Barney say to the little kids the next day?
i love you, you love me...barney song :P

What is the Meaning of Life to a human?

The meaning of life to a dragon?
i chomp your question.

A human that can turn into a dragon?
i chomp your question.
Your meaning of life?
i chomp your question.

Dang it! I'm out of time! I'll be back! Mark my words! Care for a lolipop?
i chomp your question.

i chomp your question.

lol im done. :P

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/8/2005 2:30:09 >
AQ  Post #: 24
8/8/2005 3:55:05   

are we allowed to ask anything ?
theoretically yes.

do u play neopets ?
cant say i do

do u like dragon ??
who doesnt?

du u play rs2 ??
O.o rs2 = ?

< Message edited by SiLvErWiNg -- 8/8/2005 8:59:55 >


X-Guardian/Dragon Amulet Holder/ED Founder <- Supported Upgrade :)
Proud owner of UIK <- Supported Item :)

100% Supported by others kindness when I was much younger.

- A big THANK YOU for helping me.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 25
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