Although those who want a power advantage may not buy more varium, those who want a high K/D ratio will buy varium instead of battling and gaining more uneccisary losses to upgrade their equiptment so that they are the best in which they can be, aswell as Mutating Promo's, Robots, Rare bikes and other Promo items aswell as special abilities limmited only to promotional items. ED will still have a large customer base aswell as expanding its playerbase by balancing out the game to those who may be to young, Unable to purchase varium and those who prefer to work to get to the best standard. I also think this will be the biggest and greatest phase in the history of Epicduel as it diminishes the whole pay for power scheme that about 99% of all players hate about all games, now its pay for a time advantage and epic looking weapons and cute robots :D
The Frost Guardians