Renegade Reaper
i agree with remorse. i was not happy that when i got near the level cap, it was basically enhance my stuff or let myself get killed every single battle simply cuz i didnt pay at the time. i had a great character even before i got varium. enhanced players started killing my record, so i decided to pay as well rather than quit. if they had never thought up enhancements, i would never have paid anything for this game. 30% isnt quite what i would like to be compensated with, but its better than i thought it might be as well. a weapon might be nice to go along with my omega weps, but i dont think its necessary. besides, weapons in omega will be mostly about art. getting a weapon with compensation wouldnt really be much at all if you think about it, unless it got an ability with it or something. we are lucky to be compensated at all, and i think we should be thankful for what we are going to get. im really glad that the devs decided to do so much testing, so that when omega IS released, it will be virtually bug free and stable. Thank you, Devs, for doing a great job!