Hello everybody, We’ve all experienced quite a lot with the implementation of Omega. STR/Supp Mercs, Mass Cyber Hunters, Azrael Mages, etc. With this massive influx of these so-called “overpowered” builds, the devs released a series of crippling nerfs that have essentially sucked much of the fun out of the game, leaving behind a bunch of 5 focus BHs and BMs. Here’s what I consider overpowered: A build that is able to maintain both a high win ratio and get quick kills(i.e. 2-3 rounds). A perfect example of this is the original STR Merc build. They had the ability to two-turn you if not blocked, and they maintained a relatively high win ratio as evidenced by the leaderboards. The devs saw this and nerfed the Mercenary class into the ground. Huge nerfs to requirements for Hybrid Armor and damage for Double Strike and Zerker has now rendered this class unused and mostly forgotten, its glory days long past. These buffs alone left the Mercenary class in a relatively good spot. True, many of the options for mercs had been reduced, but it wasn’t crippled yet. Then came the STR scaling nerfs. For a class that is highly dependent on STR, the scaling nerf hit it hard, and the end of days came for the Merc class. This is just an example of what I like to call “non-friendly implementation”. What I mean by this phrase is any sort of change that restricts options in the name of decreasing power. By hurting the STR stat as a whole, having higher defenses was more efficient, which led to 5-focus and extended battles, which led to an increase in power and popularity for Bloodlust classes, as they are favored by longer battles. Essentially, offense in terms of STR and Support just isn’t worth it any more. Instead, we are forced to find offensive damage through our robots, deadly aim, plasma, bludgeon, etc. Omega was supposed to bring about an increased variety in viable builds. However, all it has really done is extended the length of battles and made luck a MUCH larger factor in these battles. Is this really the bright future of Omega, where battles last for 10+ turns, with crits and deflects and blocks flying everywhere? Has the game really come down to luck-based 5-focus smackdowns? What do you guys think?