Hello, I would like to start by saying that I was banned from the forums on the day Omega was released. I had received I think 6 or 7 warning prior to my ban, so it wasn't really unexpected. Anyway, I was sad I got banned at such a crucial moment, but I'm even more upset at the current state of the game! Cores: So a big issue I have with Omega, and the reason I really have not been playing, is the developers took this intriguing idea of "cores" and smashed it to pieces. I think one of the biggest problems with the game during Delta (that differenitated it from the other phases), was the luck factor in battles, and the almost unregulated balance. Crits, Blocks, deflects, and stuns make people feel really crappy, and for some people, luck procs (happens) much less than for others. Its not a fair system. I've been around a while, and luck has never had such an impact on this game. Core's outright encourage luck when they promote deflects, crits, blocks and stuns. In fact, out of all the new core's released on release day, I think there was 1 core that did not promote luck. Its really a shame, because by promoting luck you force people into VERY specific "op" builds. That is your current problem with balance in a nutshell. Because crits, block, and deflects break the game SO much, you either have to have a build which ends the game fast enough so that one of them doesn't happen, or a build that utilizes luck to its maximum potential. Now as I said, I really have not played since launch, but I'm pretty sure if you look at the new meta (current trend), you'll see strength and support builds pretty much crushing everything else. The luck factor has sapped the strategy out of this game, and turned the populations mentality into a "join them or die" way of thinking. Well, I know I would rather die any day. I will get to NPC's later, but when you throw a curveball like removing NPC wins (ie. PvE), you better make sure your PvP balance and mechanics are safe and sound....and they arn't, they are worse than ever. Health: Health was pretty depressing at launch, and I think it still has issues today. I'm not really sure where the idea of decreasing the increment ratio came from, but I think it could work if luck was not such a huge problem. With the adjusted base HP pools, people are probably now averaging what they were in Delta. However, luck is running rampant, and because people have far less defense/res as they did in delta, but a similar damage output (somehow this was overlooked?), luck is pretty devastating, and demolishes an HP pool much faster than it did in Delta. Energy: When I first saw the energy change, I thought it was great. However, now I just think its promoting more of the "1 build pwns all" mentality. Spamming skills is easier then ever, and strength/supp abusers can spend far less on energy, put far more into their respective stat, and get more damage out of there skills without having to sacrifice anything for it. Furthermore, energy draining skills such as emp, or the sidearm core (don't know the name), cause you to lose a turn, which pretty much means you are insta-dead unless you have a 3-turn kill build, or a build that tanks hard! Luck I've already touched on most of my issues with Luck in the previous sections, but just to reiterate, Luck plays a very large role in the imbalance we are currently seeing, and the imbalance we have been seeing since at least the beginning of delta. Review: The game needs a complete balance overhaul because the current system isn't working. No amount of tweaking, nerfing, or buffing is going to fix the problem. The developers need to go back to the drawing board and start over. Omega has not done anything good for balance, in fact it has worsened the situation. I know a lot of older players were going to come back for this release, and I was one of them, but in its current state I can't imagine having any fun playing this game. Thanks for reading, Prophet