Blitzex/Sr. Zeph
For Hunters its: Headstyle no. 1 with black hair and hairband. Red scar. With desert ronin and red pants, which makes me look awesome if i also got Charsketch sword on. For Mages its: The Elf head (No. 23 as i remember), my signature as im probably the only one using it almost all the time (...samurai... aswell but i let him change :P) Probably with PP as it looks great with it with Beige, Blue and Black. For Mercs its: Headstyle no. 69, the best looking headstyle there is and no one else uses it then me (havent seen someone with it so far) I always got a style that no one else has, i want to keep unique and recognizable by only looking at my head, and not first at my name. Im everything except a copier.
< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 5/7/2013 3:02:42 >