We have our standard stun grenades, then others, all the way up to poison. Then again, we only have so many uses for them- We consider some to be dated, obsolete and worthless on higher levels while some last long enough to stand the test of time. So, what do you think about them? --- Stun and plasma grenades, for example are less popular at higher levels as a damage option- They're more appropriate with shadow arts for a maximum of a 40% base stun chance, or as a last ditch attempt at stunning someone. Poison grenades have higher base poison than venom strikes while EMP grenades can take out a major skill. --- So... Stun/Plasma Grenades w/ & w/o Shadow Arts vs. Maul & Overload Poison Grenades vs. Botanical Hazard & Venom Strike EMP Grenades vs. Atom Smasher, Static Smash & Assimilation