your issue isn't with "stat abusing" its with stat balance. this is what happens when the devs neglect to balance their stats right. you get people choosing 1 stat over another because there's less drawbacks to having a particular stat being low. but "stat abusing" technically doesn't exist. 100 stats in str or 25 in str, dex, tech, support, is still 100 stats. i should also point out that removing what you call "stat abusing" will only lead to less build variety. it would make the game worse than it is. none of these issues are going away as long as the classes and stats remain unbalanced. i could maybe see them balancing the stats because it would be much easier, but they wont be balancing the classes anytime soon unless they get some serious help with some serious makeovers. and my personal opinion, anyone who blames something on "stat abusing" is somewhat ignorant to the issues mentioned above regarding stat balance. quote:
what is the main thing that stops people from being diverse with builds? The following is the answer not wanting to lose because Let's face it we both know no one wants to lose so in order to win the would sooner copy a successful build that gives a decent win rate then be creative and take the risk of getting hammered by successful builds (Which are cookie cutters everyone seem to be using) So as long as we have people more worried about their win/lose ratio then having fun there will be no diversity. i would agree with you there, if this were delta. but we're in omega now. you can make any build that would be considered a joke and get atleast 50% when people start talking about win ratios it mostly only defines the top 15 in the LBs. there are hundreds of players in ED. only 15 make it in the LB daily, and those are the one's whos %s you see. the majority of the high % builds come from the hardcore players. which in turn, is later copied by the softcore players. although most high %s builds now are mainly focus, which tends to have spread stats.
< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 9/5/2013 13:53:38 >