Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber
Note: This thread is to be used for war updates, strategy discussions and morale boosters (including polite bantering). It is not to be used for flaming, baseless accusations of cheating or unfair dev interventions, or whining in general, including whining about balance. Constructive criticism however is always welcome. Let's keep the discussion fun and civil :) Deleted a whole bunch of posts for ignoring that. Lets keep it out of this thread before there has be consequences for it. Edit: quote:
So where do we get to talk/discuss about this subject, because there are obviously 2 sides of opinions both with sufficient evidences etc? At this time, no where. It's pretty clear at this point that this subject can't be discuss in a civil manner without resulting a flame war, such as in this thread alone. Until you guys can prove your able to discuss things in a civil manner, not allowed.
< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 6/28/2014 0:35:36 >