I'm not really sure about bringing the old achievement page back in battle. I think it was great at the time it was released (bar the fact that we couldn't rearrange), but it seems like, moving forward, most mission chains will be getting achievements that I feel like I may end up losing a turn just scrolling through every page. I'd love to see them incorporate achievements into your stat page (some may remember early Beta when this used to happen) where you could see what the player was proud of achieving at a glance. A couple of things I'd like to see, personally - - Sorting achievements alphabetically. Not sure why Lore Master and 10 Year Anniversary like to hop around - / - Rare achievements in a separate tab. Ultras and Seasonals have their own category, was there a particular reason for these ones not having that as well? - Placing the 'Badges' category in an area that makes more sense. In my opinion - General, War, Boss, Arcade, Badges, Seasonal, <Rare>, Ultra