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War luck vs PvP luck

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8/17/2014 11:33:34   
One Winged Angel1357

Since the war rally thread was locked before this discussion could get anywhere I wanted to make a place where we could discuss the merits of luck ending a PvP fight and luck ending a war and if you think they are the same thing or a different matter entirely.

As always I withhold my feelings on the matter until there is some discussion happening
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/17/2014 11:37:59   


Off topic

Wow my comment actually sparked this.

On topic

As I pointed out in the other thread War rallies and RNG factors as very close to the same concept. Both of them come to the aid of a player, however with the war rallies it only comes to the aid of the losing player where as in battle it can come to the aid of either player regardless of the situation.

Both can make a player rage when they are on the losing end of the stick of it and visa versa.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 8/17/2014 11:38:29 >
Epic  Post #: 2
8/17/2014 11:40:58   


War Luck-

May possibly affect storyline.
Affects all players of an alignment, no matter how hard they've tried gets the same results.
Occurs with nothing that influences it.
Wars occur much more rarely than pvp fights.

PvP Luck-

There are tons of chances ahead for you to try out your luck.
The less likely you infest in tech/dex, the more likely your luck goes worse.

Players raging problem?

You lost due to a block. You retrained with a few credits and get more dex or gets upset, rested for a while, and goes back to PvP. Affects no balance.

You lost due to flawed rally system. Nothing you can do with it, or else you spend some bucks on an alignment change. Affects the population of Exile/Legion soldiers.

< Message edited by theholyfighter -- 8/17/2014 11:43:50 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/17/2014 11:46:13   
One Winged Angel1357

@Holyfighter Sorry mate Dread Wars will not be affecting the story like I was hoping because as soon as the war cycled back to that region the old story would have to go in place of the new story and it can create all kind of mayhem. This is what we were told when we brought it up as an idea and Trans left the full remark in a DN thread of late. I'll try and find it
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
8/17/2014 11:51:57   


Since the war is a cycling one, which is almost the same as PvP but with bonus rewards and increased Influence gain, creating story influenced by whoever wins isn't feasible. By the time the region would be fought for again, the story would contradict for future players, and previous missions would have to go rare - something that won't happen anymore unless it's necessary. In this case, it would have no significant benefit, not even story wise because you'd have to go back to it a few months later and create something new. Not feasible, unfortunately - not for a cycling war at least.
That's the final say on it. It doesn't stop us from creating more story, not necessarily influenced by the war, but we can always drop some hints if we were to expand on more NPCs. Nothing major, but hey! :p

AQ Epic  Post #: 5
8/17/2014 11:55:17   

Just to make sure, hope it doesn't lead to off-topics.

So wars don't ever affect the story, or it does but then gets rewritten again after a cycle?
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
8/17/2014 11:57:31   

@ Theholyfighter

Your point with PVP RNG is actually off a bit with the retrain. Why because even with more Dex, Tech, or support the opponent can still deflect, stun, crit, or block you. There is always the chance of it happening, and it does happen to players even when they have build advantage in stats.
Epic  Post #: 7
8/17/2014 12:00:25   

The Dread War, one we have right now - which cycles between all the regions - will not have any impact on the story. It's just too much work going into it, and confusing as well, since that story would change every few months, and newer players wouldn't have access to the older missions (story) because it went rare and the region may be under someone else's control.

Other Wars, such as Frysteland or the first Infernal War, do influence the story. We hope to expand a little on Silas and Lawman, if we get the time and permission to do so. They were a big part of the Infernal War and - at the time - haven't been developed as much. If you have more questions (and we may be going off-topic xD), feel free to PM either one of us. ^^
AQ Epic  Post #: 8
8/17/2014 12:01:16   

What I'm trying to say that if you had less dex and you received a block, you could blame stat-wised.

In a war tho, there's no one to take the fault and what so ever.

It does happen, and this thread is used to compare the differences between War luck and PvP luck.

In PvP, it's RNG's value can be influenced by stats invested, while in War RNG, nothing can do so.

@off-topic thing
Well, I assume that Frysteland issues will occur every year, sometimes over yeti problems sometimes over others.
I as well assume EbilCorp forces invade Delta V every year as well, but for the Infernal War it seems to be a one-time issue. I'd like to see the Infernal War affect a bif of the storyline tho, may not be the main story, but something.

< Message edited by theholyfighter -- 8/17/2014 12:11:16 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
8/17/2014 12:55:38   
The berserker killer


Sure is strange how exile got 2 rallys in a war and Legion was only a few grand behind. We must be fighting hard lmao

< Message edited by The berserker killer -- 8/17/2014 12:56:23 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 10
8/17/2014 12:56:58   

I think war rallies are just a dead idea at this point. They were originally created because exile was wiping the floor with legion, now that isn't really the case. So alls they do is get one side a temporary lead and better reaping for the prizes

< Message edited by Bagofbricks -- 8/17/2014 12:58:29 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
8/17/2014 13:33:42   

@ Bagofbricks

With weapons like the Health objective and the finisher the moment they remove war rallies would be the moment the side that has these items take a huge possible unstoppable lead. Remember the defenders have power equal to the standard objective's power unless a war rally powers them up where as the attackers have devices that either start out super strong only to become weaker (Health objective) or start out weak but gain power as the war progesses (finisher)
Epic  Post #: 12
8/17/2014 13:48:39   
One Winged Angel1357

@mother the war is neck and neck outside of war rallies even though both sides are attacking at different powers. I've talked to some people and throughout the war they say the gap was always around a couple thousand going either way. So while in theory you are right in reality we may be tied without war rallies
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
8/17/2014 13:54:56   


Exile at the moment has more people to compensate for this. Remember the update that made it where you can switch to the side that has less players? Well legion has less players, and with them having the finisher and health objectives that in sense compensates this fact.

In other words Less number with better weapons = more numbers with weapons that do less damage.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 8/17/2014 13:55:21 >
Epic  Post #: 14
8/17/2014 14:00:33   

@Mother1: That actually isn't true. The defending alignment's drops are actually stronger than the offensive alignment's standard objective. The defending alignment will for the most part have stronger consistent damage throughout the war.

So you know the offensive standard objective does 25-34 damage, while the defensive drops do 34-46 damage. As you can see from that data the defensive drops will give a range of 9-12 more damage than the offensive standard objective. This is part of the reason why if the alignment that is on the defensive side plays strategically they can dominate the active region easily. All the defensive alignment has to do is ensure their consistent damage will be higher by eliminating the most powerful turrets (Health Objective, Finisher Objective). Once those two objectives are down(the health objective doesn't have to be destroyed completely, once nerfed to do less than the standard objective you should attack the standard objective) your defensive drops will outdo the offensive drops used on their standard objective. If the Legion player base was more active they would be dominating this war because they now have stronger damage than Exile forces.
Post #: 15
8/17/2014 14:06:12   

@ Variation

Thanks for pointing that out as I missed it.

However on the final part you are correct in every point. OWA, SSM, as well as myself have pointed out the very same fact you posted quite a few times however, the problem with both legion and exile is they aren't banning together to do said plan.

They quickly destroy the health objective instead of just weakening it, then destroying the finisher. If Legion did that last war the war rally everyone called foul on last time wouldn't have mattered due to the weakened objective attacker, and I feel the same mistake may cost exile to lose this war.
Epic  Post #: 16
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