^Remember I did say this, quote:
I will tell you without a doubt making these robots blockable will buff strength regardless of the special (Curse of Kartherax). I remember when these bots first came out and I found out they were blockable in a 2v2. I was furious. Not because I wanted to have a deflectable robot(which I actually did besides the Botanical Borgs), but the fact that the attack is ranged. If the robot had a melee animation in the first place then it could've stayed blockable. Also it makes more sense for auxiliaries' accuracy to be based on technology, that's the reason why deflection chance was removed from support and placed on technology. Also, no I wouldn't make the argument that Berserker's accuracy should be based on strength, because it's a melee based attack meaning dexterity should determine its accuracy. Breath of Kartherax is a ranged attack so it'll only lead to confusion and frustration if it was blockable. They could very well change the animation to make it a melee based attack, but many players have already bought the promo solely based on the fact that the robots are deflectable. The developers should be encouraging spending, not the other way around. Also what I meant by them synergizing well with five focus builds(high tech), is simply making more robots with ranged attacks. So even with my arguments about the issues of blockable robots, if the robot has a melee animation then it's standardized to be blockable. That's how the developers standardize whether an attack is blockable or deflectable, and I'm not posting in this thread to have them change that. When I said we need more deflectable robots that implied we need more robots with ranged attacks. So no I wouldn't make the arguments that you've proposed I should've just been more specific with what I was trying to say. The high dexterity argument was made to show that there are reasons for more deflectable robots(robots with ranged attacks). Five focus users already have to sacrifice a lot of points into other stats to even get their 5 focus, while strength builds have to sacrifice very little for strong damage. My strength build had 552 primary damage, 1,400hp, 330+ defense, and 340+ resistance. All of that while having 107 dexterity which pretty much put focus users with blockable robots at a huge disadvantage. If their robot was deflectable(meaning the accuracy is based off of technology which is how its standardized for ranged attacks) they wouldn't have to fear using it against me and have a much higher chance to win the battle.
< Message edited by Variation -- 11/23/2014 18:12:03 >