T9 Location: Snowy Forest -> 4 Right, Frostvale (Chapter 9) -> Right Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue Snowy Forest T9: Hey. You. You look like someone who can explain what happened. Who are you? T9: T9. Bounty Hunter. T9: And you are <Character>. <Class>. T9: No. T9: I just... know. For some reason. What happened? T9: You tell me. I was tracking my bounty on Gark and all of a sudden I'm... here. T9: Displacement? T9: No, couldn't be, I was moving, I wasn't stationary. T9: Virtualization? T9: Virtualization on an unadvanced planet? Highly unlikely... T9: ... How? T9: ..... T9: ... I can't tell if you are serious or not. T9: So I have... time travelled. T9: Perfect... T9: 40k Nova Gems down the drain... You look familiar. T9: I've never met you... well, if I'm in a different timeline, I would guess you know my descendant. Or predecessor. Or whatever. T9: Not really. T9: You can go now. Didn't you say you had to things to fix? World to save? T9: Go then. Frostval 2014 T9: I guess congratulations are in order? You've defeated a huge creature, I bet you could get a nice bounty for it. - What now?
T9: I'm going back to my timeline. The... "Time Travel Fairy" was nice enough to accept my request. T9: I'm sightseeing right now. I'll go after this holiday celebration you call "Frostval" is over. T9: It was nice meeting you... I suppose. T9 (Wallpaper) Thanks to Slayer Zach for information. Tomix for wallpaper image.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/17/2025 23:02:44 >