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Changing class whenever u want

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> Changing class whenever u want
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1/5/2015 10:53:52   

Hello. I got an idea about that class changing...

What about this

Player with a class tech mage, will buy a bounty hunter class, but, his tech mage won't disappear if u know what I mean. You'll buy all the 6 classes and u can change them whenever u want just as u choose, but not for 900 varium or 50k cause it's so much... You know, once you buy that class and it'll be yours. And, if you'll be about to change class, it may cost a minimum like 500 credits or so... You know you will have all classes for each case. What do you think?
Post #: 1
1/5/2015 11:51:54   

well that's like replacing a core one you got a core you keep it not sure about that but a good idea though
Epic  Post #: 2
1/5/2015 12:12:17   

i do not know for sure but it is a kind of a bad idea. varium and credits are both a form of currency in this game and given the price we can conclude that

900 varium = 50k credits. if not more.
only making it one purchace will minimize the players who will buy variums in the long run, in the currency circuletion temporarily you are taking a huge sum of varium and credits out of circuletion but after all things are bought a form of inflatetion will occure where due to the 1 purchace thing the ammount of things you can buy with varium will decrease and due to the fact this game is still in devolopment stage people constantly change classes

change classes ( if they have money they use varium) > they buy varium > they play with class > and they maybe change the class again later.

the current economy in the game is stable and implimenting this will cause imbalence in it beacuse another reason to buy varium will be gone.

50k is a HUGE sum of credits and that is why it is working well ( more or less)
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/5/2015 12:56:55   

Your varium opinion is bad.. cause, try to realize how many times a one character change class? Not more than 3 times I think... So it doesn't even matter cause this could be good idea for developers, because more people will spend varium for this if they'll may change class still. Do u really think that a character will change a class 6 times in a total of it's playtime? I don't think so..
Post #: 4
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