Gold Shock
What factors made you better at building? Things change so quickly in Epic Duel that what might be successful one day, changes the next. By searching out builds and copying them down without thinking critically about them, they will not perform as they were intended to perform. In addition, they are not going to be permanently successful. I was trained by a handful of players with very different ideologies to battle and builds. From level 1-20 I trained myself mostly. For those old dogs out there, this was during the time just before TSAAS, when gamal was the 1v1 leader and Lords was a leading faction. My first trainer was xxDantExx. He would always seem to take his time in battle, he mostly played by his own instinct with very little calculations involved. He helped me when I first started nearing the level cap. I adapted his play-style of instinct over calculation, and that's how I've played for a long time. My second trainer would have to be PlzJustDieNoob, he taught me about stat progressions(when they existed) and high health builds, before that I always swore by low health builds, but he explained to me how health was worth more point for point than def/res. Also he used mid-high DEX builds most of the time and thought me how useful the stat can be, even for mercenaries!I always try to make sure that my builds have a decent amount of DEX because DEX is still more useful overall than tech. My third trainer was F.J. . F.J was the best in 2vs2 back in days of beta. He was the first mercenary to not use his multi in 2vs2. F.J was one of the main killers in Knights of The Round which was very convincing. The final trainer I wish to talk about is urFEAR. A non-varium player, I think out of all the players I learned from; I learned the most from him. He taught me the value of skill point placement. When placing skill points it's best to try to get a lot for a little, in other words you shouldn't waste points for a small gain, when you can use that point for a much larger gain in another skill. He also taught me the importance of energy efficiency, which is having enough energy to use your skills in many combinations, one effective method is making sure your skills all cost around the same amount of energy. I tend to have 1 primary skill which cost a lot of energy, and then 3-4 complimentary skills that can be used in any combo with my main skill. I also try to make sure that my builds can survive even if my main skill isn't usable, since there's a lot of energy drainers these days. For you When I make a build that is inspired off of a past build I usually just utilize the current meta-game to my advantage. For instance, at this time many players aren't able to handle a energy drain, so I try to keep a good energy drain option in my builds (Although this will make you more vulnerable to parasite). Also physical weapons are more common these days.When making a build from scratch, that nobody has tried, I always start with a 1st draft that usually fails. I improve the build till I can win 7 out of 10 battles, and after that I start to test newer drafts in 50 battle increments. Simply put, process of elimination. Every 50 battles I change something depending on how I lost my fights, for instance if I lost a majority due to my energy being depleted I'll add more energy; or if I lose due to blocks often I'll add more DEX. I continue to do this till I can get about 40 wins with 1-5 loses which is when I consider a build to be successful. Honorable mentions- -Lord Machaar - Who taught me the value of turn order, and helped me learn how to use Tactical Mercenary effectively. - Fahim/Optimise- Re-taught me how to play a Mercenary the right way in Omega.
< Message edited by Gold Shock -- 5/20/2016 4:17:33 >