I would recommend you to read this and then this before doing anything else I suggest. If none of those solutions work for you, you should attempt a clean reinstall of AQ3D and then Steam if you believe that Steam itself is an issue. If you are still experiencing performance issues on AQ3D, it could be the cause of the following issues- - Outdated drivers- Be sure to update your drivers to a stable approved version. - Issues with AQ3D in General- Because of this, you should clear your cache frequently which can be located in in - C:\Users\<your PC user>\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\WebPlayer\Cache - Hardware Issues- If you could post your computer specs and how long you've used your computer, it could probably help others figure something out more easily. Furthermore, overheating and disconnected wires may also be a problem. Be sure your computer has proper ventilation and sufficient cooling. - Unwanted software-Malicious software, Adware, and other pesky things can also be the cause of framerate issues. If you are familiar with the program SecurityCheck, you can send me a log and I can take a look at your computer for you. - Steam itself- Make sure nothing is downloading in the background, and if you have chosen to Opt in to beta participation, uncheck that. If you are running Steam in compatibility mode, please disable it. You can follow the instructions here. - Your current settings Although a bit unheard of, but are you sure you are using your graphics card, and not your integrated graphics?