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EpicDuel and the other game

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12/28/2016 22:45:21   

Okay so this is kinda frustrating, don't you think the dev's should disregard the BioBeasts(???) they have been trying to promote lol?

I mean the promo in game has been in it too long and proves that the devs are giving little to nothing attention to EpicDuel.
Dont you guys think it's kinda unfair for those who supported the game since the day it began and just see them retire, and being the reason is because of the game is like on life support?
I'm not trying to offend the games' developers, I mean i know how hard it is to gain money, but if you genuinely love your fans that supported you the game, you would support them back by giving your full attention to the game and not onto some other game for 7 years old thinkin it would be a hit lol. (again no offense)

AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/29/2016 4:08:39   

EpicDuel is not going anywhere anymore, IMO they should just forget about it.
Epic  Post #: 2
12/29/2016 6:10:57   

^I think they already forgot about ED lol. No new feautures or whatever for a couple of months/years
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
12/29/2016 6:45:18   
SouL Prisoner

We'll know how well ED is doing by tomorrow or next year.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/29/2016 7:53:00   

ED is on this state, where it's taken over by roBOTS lol, get it? (botters, NPCs, etc.)
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
12/29/2016 8:31:22   
SouL Prisoner

^That's what happens when real players quit. Anyway.. not all are "botters" One bad fish ruins the pond, but not an ocean.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
12/29/2016 9:37:55   

ED is a pond, not an ocean, so a couple of bad fish can easily ruin it.
Epic  Post #: 7
12/29/2016 10:19:08   

I see you dare but just try not to cry, be brave
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
12/29/2016 10:38:06   

@8x are the devs one of those fish?
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
12/29/2016 11:18:01   
One Winged Angel1357

Every game has a finite lifespan that is normally based on the technology it runs on because of the pace which we are seeing technological progress.

EpicDuel running on flash cannot live forever because flash is being phased out. EpicDuel from a game design philosophy cannot live forever because a lot of the mechanics are no longer sought after in the modern age of competitive gaming unless you are a triple A studio funded by sheeple. EpicDuel from a monitization standpoint cannot live forever because it still has pay to win mechanics in a Western game.

The other games, in this case BioBeasts, you want to exist because you want the developers to have enough experience in a modern game engines so they can recreate an EpicDuel that uses modern ideas and accepted forms of monitization to create another game to last ten years. The post mortem of BioBeasts is a really cool thing because it shows that while we look at EpicDuel and think how out of touch they are with the industry and we are the ones who are wrong. EpicDuel's problems more so stem from just how old it is and not recieving the needed time tables to address these issues with another major overhaul. That and the Omega update, in Titans words, most likely did physical damage to the developers bodies while trying to get so much done in that time table. So the prospect of doing another major overhaul to the systems in EpicDuel is most likely not very high on there list.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 10
12/29/2016 11:40:46   

They would probably be the people who clean the pond. And sprinkle the fish food into the pond... lol
Epic  Post #: 11
12/29/2016 11:52:34   

@8x well they are doing a bad job or they need to retire from doing "it" lawl

@One Winged
So EpicDuel life's span is like what, 6-9 years only? lol it's true it won't last forever, but why dont they just kill the game already instead of waiting for it to die with flash
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
12/29/2016 12:00:33   
One Winged Angel1357

@GoldenNeo that's a simple answer all projects have to get approval from Artix. Artix doesn't want the team working on a new game then the team doesn't get to work on a new game. Given the state of AQ3D is it likely that another large scale project won't get approval so we are left with mobile games and EpicDuel not recieving the needed overhauls
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
12/29/2016 13:03:42   

We wrote a very long postmortem before Christmas break on BioBeasts year long dev cycle. I know its long, but please read it thoroughly. It addresses much of what we did last year. We wrote it to help provide the community more transparency on our end.

Second, OWA is right that everything we do has to be approved by Artix. Last year Artix wanted us to get caught up with Unity and research new technologies. The best way we thought to do this was with a smaller project. Again the postmortem has addressed what we learned.

Our team is currently being re-evaluated for the 2017 cycle. So I can't comment as to what we are going to be doing as of yet. But I will say that it will be a conversation with Artix Entertainment and with our team to figure out what goals we want to address/achieve in 2017. Which is where we are at right now.

< Message edited by Charfade -- 12/29/2016 13:05:20 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 14
12/29/2016 16:58:02   

Hopefully they put you guys on something new and exciting, ED just seems like a waste of your time at this point.

Just out of curiosity, what is the state of AQ3D? To me, it feels like it's the type of game people would not want to play on PC.

The pond is full of algae, but the good news is, there are so few fish left that they can just live off of algae and don't need much fish food. Also, there were massive floods a couple of years ago that flushed most of the fish away (Caused by hurricane Omega).
Epic  Post #: 15
12/29/2016 17:50:18   
One Winged Angel1357

@8x as far as I can tell it's in baby beta phase so everything is scary. And we are talking about the PC MMO crowd that will leave you for dead without a second thought.

Also enough teams have pulled the game abandonment trick on steam that even if it is clearly stated to not be the team working on AQ3D putting another AE game on steam is risking too much negative PR

< Message edited by One Winged Angel1357 -- 12/29/2016 17:54:36 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 16
12/30/2016 0:24:17   
SouL Prisoner


Is ED up for sale by any chance?

and start the war already.

< Message edited by SouL Prisoner -- 12/30/2016 0:25:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
12/30/2016 0:30:06   
Lord Machaar

Looking at how much money was spent on ED during the gifting, shows that the game has potential. That's that. The devs are still blinded, and by looking at the graph in their dev' blog, you can tell that the life span of BB was merely 2 months, and there was a 85% shutdown in installs in matter of days. That's how fragile mobile market is, especially if you aren't big enough or have a solid idea, or let's just say lucky enough to hit the sweet spot (Angry Birds).

Moving to unity and making BB was a good step for the devs to expand their knowledge, although, they should never forget about ED, and they should never about how much ED has given to them, and to us. Sure current ED is beyond redemption, but the core and spirit of ED should live in a future project. Not talking about making ED an AQW 2.0 here, because ED reached this state for being ED.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 12/30/2016 0:32:08 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 18
12/30/2016 1:20:26   

^That was I was trying to say, look how much players spend during these types of events. IMO, this is one of the reasons they can't kill ED. It's because they know that moneh they get from ED can fund their other projects.
All we want to say is that what if the devs took more time on ED and focused on resurrecting the game itself? I mean for the past years they've managed to open up to 4 servers in game lol. Now the first server merely even gets full.

And with the gifting event over, ED will be back to the grave again probably
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
12/30/2016 4:09:51   

from the last year's gifting to this gifting i saw that they have just pushed it and pushed it by repeating war and stuff and got their yearly money back this gifting . Hopefully 2017 has something new in epicduel or something new altogether

< Message edited by crownthedeadman -- 12/30/2016 4:10:23 >
Post #: 20
12/30/2016 8:52:58   

@Lord Machaar:

there was a 85% shutdown in installs in matter of days.

This is true of all games. The majority of sales and installs happen within the first week, with spikes for major updates and events.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 12/30/2016 8:53:08 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 21
12/30/2016 9:30:08   
SouL Prisoner

^Even PGO couldn't escape that... and you're just BB.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
12/30/2016 9:36:54   
One Winged Angel1357

@Lord Machaar you can also minimize damage from the drop off with targeted advertising. As was brought up in the post mortem the tracking just wasn't there so targeted advertising when the game had a large install base wasn't there.

Now if the metrics had been there it is possible the ED team would have been able to climb higher into the app store rankings which creates a cycle of new downloads on its own because most people don't spend a lot of time scrolling through the popular new release chart.

Steam works in a very similar way except it's based on front page exposure so your time to get your audience is even smaller unless you manage to pull into top selling games. Understanding the metrics and taking full advantage of what amounts to luck is one of your best ways to get to a point where the install cycle takes care of itself.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
12/30/2016 14:05:50   


Every game has a finite lifespan that is normally based on the technology it runs on because of the pace which we are seeing technological progress.

*laughts in aoe2 and tibia*


Post #: 24
12/30/2016 22:31:55   

IMO, the devs couldve tried this new "platform" on ED instead of making a new game for a new platform (if that made sense lol)


And seeing how Nightwraith mistakenly gave out his armor to a different Cosmic Emperor, just goes to show how they AREN'T taking this game anymore seriously.
And I think that's very disrespectful lol

< Message edited by GoldenNeo -- 12/30/2016 22:40:29 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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