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All-Time Rarity Leaderboards

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1/2/2017 0:09:07   

Like seriously, are you kidding me? Something must be done about this...


Bane Hallow The Last Shadow Fiend.
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/2/2017 0:22:25   

What can they do about it?
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/2/2017 0:25:42   

they can reset all player's rarity after they sell their fake items. am sure they need inventory someday. or they already know who's a gifting rarity and who's a real rarity so they reset it to that. or exclude arcade items from rarity and take out the rarity tag from them and rarity score.
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/2/2017 0:33:32   
SouL Prisoner

All guys got it all wrong.

The solution is rather simple. Just check inventory rarity once in 24 hrs. Once a player makes it to the all time leader board, everyone on lb get's it's inventory rarity checked every 24 hrs.(automatically) That way players don't buy tons of items, get's rarity checked and sell their stuff.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/2/2017 0:36:56   

^ that wont work either lol like RomanianSanta kept his items from last year and as i know he's keeping them not gonna sell them for next year's gifting cause people are that much greedy.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/2/2017 1:49:26   

Lol as if the devs are going to make tweaks about the useless LBs
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
1/2/2017 1:56:00   

it isn't useless, gifting made id useless but if they do this it will be useful again
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
1/2/2017 3:32:37   

There is a simple fix. Remove all of the nonsense leaderboards.
Epic  Post #: 8
1/2/2017 4:49:10   

^ not really cause some people paid real money to earn that spot like nemesis30 buffy des n r0se etc... while others just wait for gifts to get there for free and then punish the ones who paid money to get there ? it's not a simple fix it's an unfair one.
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
1/2/2017 5:30:56   

^Life's unfair sooo..
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
1/2/2017 5:50:01   

I've said this before somewhere but the only leader boards that actually mean anything are the PVP based ones. The reason being fame leader boards for example are an inaccurate display of who is actually 'famous' in game, as well quite frankly it would be more accurate to call them beggar leader boards. Inventory rarity again is useless due to the fact it simply isn't accurate, the only items that should even contribute to this leader board are 'rare' items, i'm not sure why normal items i.e. ones from gifting are even counted for rarity leader board when they aren't rare items. Faction influence use to be a great leader board unfortunately war bombs ruined it. Last but not least the one everyone is unsure why it even exists, is the all time code redeem leader board. I mean honestly even the fame *cough beggar cough* leader board has more of a point to it. The code redeem is a pure pay to win leader board in which no one even cares if you're on it or not. Why is that? Perhaps it's because we have gifting, perhaps it's because you could be a noob and be 1st on the LB or it maybe even is because no one cares about code redeems in the first place.
Post #: 11
1/2/2017 9:59:36   

I completely agree with what Satafou said.


^ not really cause some people paid real money to earn that spot like nemesis30 buffy des n r0se etc... while others just wait for gifts to get there for free and then punish the ones who paid money to get there ? it's not a simple fix it's an unfair one.

People spent plenty of money on war kills leaderboard and yet, that one was still removed. The point of leaderboards is to earn the top spot, not to buy it.

Devs just love to repeat their past mistakes. For example, the current war system is almost exactly the same as the first frysteland war (except they put a limit of 50 war bombs per hour in the shop) and the personal influence leaderboard is now more or less the equivalent of the war kills leaderboard.
The first time around, they realized what a major disaster the frysteland pay to win war was, but now there aren't enough high-rollers left to make it clear what a screw up the current war system is.

Fame leaderboard was mentioned earlier, so I'd like to say a couple things about that. Fame has always been complete nonsense, a week after its release, it was clear that fame is a failed attempt at advertising. But, no. They felt the need to throw more fuel into that failure and add a daily leaderboard with achievement. And as if that's not enough, after years of fame beggars making everyone's experience bitter, the devs actually removed the ability for people who are actually famous to earn fame.

One thing that should be kept in mind in a lot of situations is Quality over Quantity. Don't poop out bad content for the sake of making content. Don't make good features overcrowded with nonsense. If something is a complete failure, put it out of its misery.

Don't even get me started on the code redeemers leaderboard... I guess I understand why they didn't feel the need to take any actions against the varium exploiters, but the least they could do, is remove them from all leaderboards, especially the P2W ones...
Epic  Post #: 12
1/2/2017 15:58:55   

The rating LB is now slowly becoming a useless LB. Of course, due to these nonsense credits sink achievements. They think that these cheevos are a "success" and they keep adding them. Before this candy cane cheevo was added, the rating LB seemed to be OK and fair. The moment they added the cane cheevo, randoms started appearing on this rating lb. All these cheevos must be removed or their cost must get reduced BY A LOT. I'm sure they can compensate those who paid so there's literally 0 reasons for them to say no.

"We wanted to find a way to let people spend their credits on after the gifting finishes.''
Couldn't you find anything else but these cheevos? You can simply create cosmetics, super cool armors, super cool weapons and many other things that don't affect the game at all that could cost millions of credits. But, why did you choose to create these cheevos and ruin the rating lb? I'll answer. It's because the cheevos are the easiest to make. Another thing is that the devs don't care about their players at all. They are biased for the gifters and those who can get gifts only.
"There was no intention at all of being biased to them when we first created it."
Then go fix this problem ASAP. What are you waiting for? Oh I forgot, yes you're biased but you cant really admit that.
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
1/2/2017 16:44:28   


Rating itself has been biased way before these credit sink cheevo's came into play. In fact they have been biased since they made varium only cheevo's that only paying players can get access to.

Year of the dragon
Infernal slayer
The yeti tournament cheevo's (seeing as you had to pre order to get access to the tourney itself)
The coding cheevo

All of which are cheevo's that came with spending money to ever

A) get them


B) the the chance to earn them (The yeti tourney cheevo)

Epic  Post #: 14
1/2/2017 17:00:24   

I know. But, according to them, the game was P2W and now it's not P2W. If that's true, then simply stop making the same old mistakes and stop being biased.
"Epic Supporter" "Grand Gifter" "Good code crafter" What nonsense cheevos. Varium only cheevos should never exist after this second. The only one that should exist is the gifting one but, it should become seasonal rare instead of ultra rare. Stop repeating the same mistakes. Real cheevos are boss cheevos, total 1v1 wins, total 2v2 wins, total juggernaut wins, "achieved 100% win ratio with 100 1v1 wins." This is the real meaning of cheevos, not credits sink ones and the varium ones.
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
1/2/2017 17:57:07   


When they said that they were talking about PVP battles and things that affect PVP battles.

Now for example if you had mentioned the cores they made varium only then I could 100% agree with you seeing as these have an impact on PVP battles and should have never been introduced to the game for only a varium tag (unless they are doing like they did with old promo's with this)

However Rating doesn't fall under that. Rating is a perk for bragging rights just like those certain bikes, and houses for example.
Epic  Post #: 16
1/2/2017 18:29:40   

I wonder why they suddenly decided to create the rarity leaderboard (probably just because they can)... The leaderboard has always been completely out of the question, because there was always someone with "Elite" or "Founder" or "Beta Tester" that could never be beaten by a newer player.
Epic  Post #: 17
1/3/2017 2:16:31   

just reset all player's rarity score as in their charpage now and remove rarity tag from arcade ones.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
1/3/2017 9:49:55   

@ Shadow bane

What able the gold item Ebil corp husk? That originally was a drop from the NPC snork in delta and before that arcade came in was a legit rare item. Removing the rarity from that item would be a nice kick to the teeth for anyone who got the drop from battling snork seeing as that item had a 1% chance of dropping.
Epic  Post #: 19
1/3/2017 10:11:02   

no not that what i meant is to remove it all rarity tag from ARCADE items only like if u have dropped ebil for snork in the past then rarity tag will hold still and like if u bought any dragon item with credits/varium the rarity tag still but if u won the same item from arcade the rarity tag goes... like only ARCADE items u get are tagged free.
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
1/3/2017 10:56:57   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins


You're talking about the Rating points leaderboard, right? With the total amount of rating points increasing, the advantage gained by old unobtainable achievements, like Founder has been slowly declining. Right now the vast majority of the players on the leaderboard aren't Alpha or Beta players. Don't get me wrong, older players definitely have an advantage, but that's true with most of the leaderboards.

I was always curious to the current max obtainable rating, since some achievements like "Gamma Player" or "One in a Million" aren't avaliable anymore and in my opinion the rating point leaderboard lends some useful insight.

< Message edited by Battle Elf -- 1/3/2017 11:14:50 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
1/3/2017 11:58:00   

@Battle Elf

That is only the case due to the fact those players have quit and weren't around or didn't participate in missions. Missions enable a player to obtain a huge amount of rating points (which shouldn't be the case in my opinion although this is irrelevant to my point). The point being if this game didn't do such a bad job in general for the past 3-4 years it is more than likely the majority of those older players would still be around and would of dominated the rarity leader board, which in it's design shows how poor a leader board it is. Many delta/omega players still play today due to the fact i'm sorry to say but the game's quality is has declined from around mid delta and these omega/delta players didn't really have the oppertunity to experience Epicduel during it's peak (in my opinion that would be the gamma to early delta time period). I'm not being nostalgic by any means, it's simply undeniable that the Epicduel we have today is of a much lower quality of game compared to it's younger age for multiple reasons that i'm not going to bother to list as it's all been said before by other forum users.

< Message edited by Satafou -- 1/3/2017 11:59:31 >
Post #: 22
1/3/2017 12:39:10   

I just noticed that the daily code making leaderboard is promising a "Code Gifter" achievement, but nobody actually seems to have it.


That is only the case due to the fact those players have quit and weren't around or didn't participate in missions. Missions enable a player to obtain a huge amount of rating points (which shouldn't be the case in my opinion although this is irrelevant to my point). The point being if this game didn't do such a bad job in general for the past 3-4 years it is more than likely the majority of those older players would still be around and would of dominated the rarity leader board, which in it's design shows how poor a leader board it is.

This is exactly what I was thinking while reading Battle Elf's reply.

< Message edited by 8x -- 1/3/2017 12:42:05 >
Epic  Post #: 23
1/3/2017 12:55:06   


I think that cheevo is supposed to be the daily coding champ one so it my be a bug possibly.


But on another note here is a new nonsense one that everyone missed. Juggernaut thanks to them adding NPC to fill in the role in the PVP battles Juggernaut is now slowing turning into a nonsense LB as well. It originally was the only PVP battle mode that wasn't tainted by NPC's due to events or the old ability of farming NPC for 1 vs 1 wins, but now... not so much. We already have some players coming onto the LB due to these wins, and others raising through the ranks of the retired Jugs who earned their wins without these. Eventually if it remains like this it will become the (who was able to beat /bot the most NPC's in Jug LB rather than actual skill.)

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 1/3/2017 13:02:23 >
Epic  Post #: 24
1/3/2017 13:31:51   


Juggernaut has always been more or less broken. The leaderboard now seems to be returning to the way it was in the beginning. Who can beat the most outmatched enemies within the shortest amount of time. I can imagine how much of a pain it was for ConQrr to get as many juggernaut wins as has. But now, they others will have much easier time getting up there. :/
Epic  Post #: 25
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