I think it is a virtual reality world! Here is why: 1.) It would explain how we can kill each other over and over, always ready for another fight after our death. Our characters are just avatars that respawn after they die. 2.) People with body problems are more likely to spend time in a virtual reality. The mysterious man says, "I have heard so much about the planet I loved since my body failed". 3.) There is an all powerful AI core. This is what runs the virtual reality of Delta V. The M4tr1x is proof of this, as not only is she level 100 but also is quoted saying, "I am M4tr1x, a sentient program created to serve the AI." 4.) It is often mentioned that you are not from Delta V, that we are just visitors. The mysterious man says in his first quest, "You're from my planet, aren't you?". 5.) It would be pretty cool if it was a virtual reality world.