Couple of suggestions to make this game better: (though I doubt it will be taken on board:) Ascending and spending time crystals need a "Are you sure you want to ascend" and a "Are you sure you want to buy X" option. The levels show the amount of items, but once you perm unlock a item it shows on the level even when you've not reearned it, My suggestion is three settings: question mark for unearned and unpermed, silhouette of the item for unearned but permed, then full item for obtained and permed. Ascension feels to some like it's useless. It might new either a few more bonuses to it, or reworking of the current on a small scale. Maybe 0.1% damage buff per crystal is not enough? Difficulty curve seems unusual, there's a wall just after death knight with the only way to progress seeming being either grinding tons of gold in low gold areas or farming time crystals to get a damage buff by mob buy. Game needs a update now and again just for fun.