Listed in Dev notes, but in looking at it, there's more. THe DL shields use STR for greater boosts, and w/o STR is rather weak (maybe 300ish) Got 514 with 250 str. (tested with quadforce) No more LS on them, so lucks made substandard once again. However, this was potentially game breaking, especially how it would interact with gandolphin+lucky strikes. But other different interactions compared to before. So click DL shield, got 300 barrier. Wielded the new mana crystal defender, casted a spell, listed a 2nd, separate line with what it gave. 150. When attacked, its taking HP out of one first, then the other. Also, if you cast Gandolphin, this wont allow the shield to be clicked. It thinks the shield's already clicked that round, even though it's a different effect. (HP shield vs Mana shield) Start battle in Necromancer gives a barrier, and you *can* click DL shield, and this lists a 2nd line with it's own barrier. Also the mana crystal defender and necro post-spell barriers are still receiving lucky strikes (for now), but nothing game-breaking (never was). We will see if there will continue to be a push towards dex>luck forever and always, though. I personally expect this to change. With these other (non gandolphin) barriers, you *can* click DL shield. 2 Lines listed. Archmage Apprentice is also getting lucky strikes (also not game-breaking), and this is listing the 2 barriers seperately. Takes out of Mana barrier first, then HP barrier. In Archmage Apprentice, If there is a Mana shield there, and there is a HP barrier there, clicking the DL shield changes the HP shield to a Chi shield, with much higher barrier . In conclusion, 1. DL shields 1 time per turn. (You *can* still use each one, once) 2. No LS with it 3. Interactions with multiple sources of HP barrier lists 2 lines now, doesnt stack and combine with each other into 1 line now. (likely a bug fix or way around the OP interaction from before) 4. Gandolphin + Archmage's still lists 1 line, with this stack. 5. Gandolphin, Necromancer, mana defender shield, and archmage apprentice barriers all still get Lucky Strikes (for now, I predict this changes at some point) 6. 2 Bugs A. Bug 1-> Gandolphin casted first, disables DL's 1 turn click even though they're not the same effect B. Bug 2-> If you have Archmage Apprentice's Mana barrier active, and DL shields HP barrier active, clicking DL shield changes the HP barrier to a Chi barrier, with much higher Hp shield(Chi barrier hits your SP first, much like Mana barrier hits your MP first, at a conversion) Also to mention as apart of Bug 2, Gandolphin's Mana barrier active + DL's HP barrier does *not* bug out to a chi barrier, even if you've stacked Archmage's on top of Gandolphin. Thoughts..discussssssss!!!
< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 3/7/2022 14:18:37 >