And Pun-isher
I'm glad people are having fun with Paladin's new story! quote:
Starting off in giant halls, with blacksmiths providing top-notch gear and a reputation that has people from all around come here for help... Sharp. Keep an eye on that detail - Things are starting out a lot better than Artix expected, with a lot more help than he felt he would receive and an at least largely positive reception... but the other shoe hasn't dropped yet; even Braugholt is only the beginning. For those curious about the leveling format: After playing the original quest, you attain every class level that's not a multiple of 5 by going on a quest with a random source, threat and boss. The stat roll is randomly selected between all stats, and only adds some additional battles rather than restarting if you fail. Bosses who are not already undead or wielding necromantic power have the Necrotic Artifact status and are functionally tagged as undead; that way the Paladin armor is always good for leveling its own class. Every 5 levels, you get a unique quest as a milestone instead of the random quest. These quests follow from both recent events and Artix's journey of self discovery, containing both the development of the new Paladin Order and... Well, you'll see. As of the bugs, we've taken note of the issues with specific enemy lists. We'll be flogging Kamui with asparagus until IMRy fixes them. That's how it works, right?