Legendary Ash
In balance assumptions builds are always pure, hybrid builds meaning more than one Mainstat are not assumed. Accuracy was approximately 85% at the old stat cap of 200 for the player, for the enemy it is lower as players have the additional MRM of a shield. Stat formulas are the same for both player and monsters, therefore one can predict what a higher stat means for the latter, the higher than 250 for Mainstat standard existed since 2012, it isn't as you believe it to be increasingly frequent in recent years. Monster blocking wasn't increased to compensate when the stat cap was raised to 250, thus player accuracy increased. Accuracy scaling standards progressively become more strict as a player progresses from Level 1 to 150, as more stat points are unlocked accuracy is increasingly tied to the stats expected at one's level, thus at each level the different base BtH and blocking as well as stats must be accounted for to calculate what is required to meet the assumed 85%.