Asleep Cat Monday, February 20, 2023 Book 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade Hey there, heroes! Book 3's main story continues! While events have been unfolding inside Swordhaven Castle, what of the Greenguard Alliance? Circe and Eirn have infiltrated the Rose airship, but can they find a way to sabotage it before it's too late? Meanwhile, you and your allies of the Greenguard Alliance are returning to Swordhaven, as Vseslava tries to get in contact with the Golden Hand Out post Yeden... Head over to Queen Victoria in Book 3 Swordhaven to play the next quest in Boook 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade. Also this week, some bugfixes and updates! - Puntin g Twilly in the intro quests will now stun the corresponding enemy for a turn at the start of battle.
- Fixed some issues when selling armors that were previously saved.
- Fixed a bunch of typos where "Gorillaphant" was mispelled.
- Anything else I may have forgotten!
And that's all for this week! Have feedback about recent releases? Have any crazy theories or ideas? Want to discuss all things DragonFable? Join the discussion on the official forums! Want to play DragonFable without using an internet browser? Check out the Artix Games Launcher! Follow us on Twitter for sneak peeks and updates (and feel free to tweet us your fan art and feedback too!) Verlyrus Twitter Dove Twitter Tags: #Verlyrus