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Meet the Moderator: eagle88, Raptor of sorts

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3/29/2007 2:31:25   

Hello one and all, this is my Meet the Mod thread. By now I'd say most of you know the drill, but for those who don't, here's the ground rules:

-keep all questions legal according to the Universal Rules
-please try to not ask the same questions over and over again; read up and see if someone else has already asked your question.
-I do reserve the right to not answer a question if I don't want to
-no requests (titles, special treatment, etc.)

Ok, that should cover the rules bit. Now a bit about me:
I am from the US.
I was an OOC and Clans AK and I am now the UCaG Moderator.
I'm often found on IRC, usually by either eagle88 or eagleplushie
I like to fish, sing Barbershop and construct model railroads.

So that's that, ask away! ;)

AQ  Post #: 1
3/29/2007 2:52:03   

Well Hey there!
When did you become a moderator?
Bout a week or two ago I'd say
What's your favorite kind of eagle?
Golden eagles- they rock!
What is your favorite subforum in the AE forums?
They are all my favorite (And saved by the generic answer XD)
What is your favorite smiley?
What is your least favorite thing on the forums?
Do I have to have a least favorite? *escapes doom*
Have you ever played any pen & paper RPGs?
Uh, nope
Do you like Rping?
I don't really RP that much- my time stays pretty split up on things
That's all for now, bye!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 4:15:26 >
Post #: 2
3/29/2007 2:57:16   

what kind of eagle do you want?
I want no eagle- eagles should be allowed to roam free in the wild ^_^
what is the next rank after the moderator?
Moderator-Who-Asked-Too-Many-Questions-and-Vanished :o
Heh- it would actually be The Admins :)

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 4:19:15 >
Post #: 3
3/29/2007 2:57:32   

Ahoy Eagle!
Ahoy Thar!
How did you morph into a UCaG mod?You were an OOC and clans AK.
It's a new roosting site for my nest ;)
Favourite food?
Drink a lot?(water or juice or soda I mean,not alcohol)
Heh, iced tea
What made you choose this username?
Part of my name is after an award I got and the other part is my favorite number.
dO I VAH Birens?(translation:Do I have brains?)
The Monty Python board says: Yes ;)
Same question that I asked SKAKK,are you a donut?
*checks* nope, not a donut
That's all for now ;).

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 4:24:25 >
Post #: 4
3/29/2007 3:02:00   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Hey there eagle, glad to say I have never had to be on the receiving end of those talons of yours... Well, on to the questions.
Questions are good :)
Origin of your name?
It comes from an award I once received and my favorite number- combined!
Favorite food?
Calamari, fish
Favorite part of AQ? of DF?
The weekly events- they rock!
If the staff let you have a unique item, what would you request?
Hmmm, never gave it much thought- I don't know!
Favorite Mod? AK? Normal Forumer?
I like all my fellow forumites- y'all are just one big happy flock XD
Favorite movie?
Currently, it stays as Casablanca, though V for Vendetta was good too.
I figured I would get the common stuff out of the way along with some unique ones, thank you for your time.
No probs!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 4:42:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
3/29/2007 3:44:01   


no requests (titles, special treatment, etc.)

but.......How bout a huggles? :(
:D It's the Ripster! *Huggles*

Heya Plushie :D
Hey dude
Mod now... geeze... I remember when you got AK.
In the before time, long long ago?
Good Old Times.
Yes, they were *rocks in a rocking chair, sips his tea* ;)
Favourite Ice-cream flavour?
The non-headache sort
Who should I be dancing with?
Nicky! :P
Thats about all....
Awww- really?
Will think of some more later :D
Nuts- I mean absolutely wonderful ^_^
Enjoy the rest of the questions....

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 4:47:58 >
AQ  Post #: 6
3/29/2007 3:50:51   
wacko guy

How is it going?
It goes slow as I'm sitting down *I'm a rolling fiend!*
What time are you compared to Greenwich Meridian Time?
Actually, I'm in the same zone os the AQ Server ;)
Fave. Television show?
Dr. Who
Fave. genre(s) of music?
Movie scores and Comedy Music
Fave. Band?
Billy Joel
Fave. song of that band?
We Didn't Start the Fire
That's all I got for now, BUH-BYE!!!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 4:57:47 >
AQ DF  Post #: 7
3/29/2007 4:00:32   

Aw... didn't get first post. I was distracted XD
I remember posting on your MtAK thread sometime back, so nice to meet you again (not like we don't see each other everyday lolz)
This is ture- hey Doomsday :)
1. Where do you usually lurk here, since you are a Mod now?
Oh, one never knows wher I might be found gliding about
2. Whats your favourite fish (including stuff like starfish and jellyfish)?
A Tasty fish!
3. Do you still play AQ/DF anymore?
Sure do
4. Do you believe that birds are living dinosaurs?
The evidence suggests that birds are the descendents of dinos, yes. That works for me!
5. Did you know that a Harpy Eagle hunts monkeys that are as heavy as itself?
:o Harpy is my Cousin Chuck!!
6. Do you read comics, if so which is your favourite?
I unfortunately don't read comics anymore, but when I did it was Spiderman and Star Trek comics for me.
7. Can I get a snuggle or is that special treatment? XD
*Snuggles* :P
8. How old are you?

Alright, 8 questions to boggle you for now. Have fun answering them and watch out for pranks on April Fool's Day ;P
April Who's Day?! *bye!*

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/29/2007 5:07:03 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
3/29/2007 4:28:03   

Hmm... so you sing barbershop?. Tell me, Does your band have a name?.
Actually, it's less of a band then it is a Choir ;)

Which bands have been to you, A very entertaining passtime to listen to?.
Uh, I've been to Divisional Competitions before and heard other choirs- those are fun.

Do you play any AE games anymore or is that a rare occasion or something that happens never?,
I mainly play AQ for events or just to kill some time- like around lunch time!

Which species of animals would be your second faviroute?.
The Praying Mantis of course ;)

If you was to move anywhere in this world when you retire, Which place would you want to go?.
I'd move west young man- West!

Have you currently got any girlfreinds, Fiance's, Wifes?.

Which hobby will you seek to one day undertake in the near future?.
Uh, the hobby which I get to next Tuesday :P

Ok, bye bye eagle alarm clock ;)
See ya!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 1:15:35 >
Post #: 9
3/29/2007 4:39:07   
The Extinguisher

Pirates or Ninjas?
Pirates, due to Ray Stevens little pirate song ;)
That is all.
ok then

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 1:18:30 >
Post #: 10
3/29/2007 4:41:44   

Ola, eagle88
'eeey dude
Why do you like eagles so much?
Because liking sparrows just doesn't work in my mind
Favorite Official AQ mini-game?
I like em all
Pokemon or Digimon?
Eh, the early seasons of Digimon
Which do you think came first? The egg or the chicken?
heh- I've been sworn to secrecy on that one ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 1:21:27 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
3/29/2007 4:51:32   

Ello. Gotta go so I'm gonna make this fast...
*dives in*
Why eagles?
Why not?
Ever posted in The-Not-Nearing-The-End Story?(round 2005-06 I think)
Do you know of me?
Not that I recall....
How many clans/clubs did you disband when you were still an AK?
Since yer a Mod, why not change yer name to something else like, eagle-something-more-fancy instead of eagle88?
Who's yer favourite Mod/AK/Admin?
Because my name is eagle88, and I'm fine with that :)
Well, thats all for now, and I got stacked up with lots of homework, so cya.....

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 1:30:02 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
3/29/2007 5:51:54   

Hi. I'm Kosefira.
Constructing model railroads...the novelty toy ones kids buy or the professional metal and wood kind?
The HO Scale sort (the next level after toy trains ;) )
How many threads have you locked so far?
What's your sig locking line? (Icemaster Yeti's is 'Your sig has been iced')
I haven't fully fashioned one yet.
Just guessing, how many nice people are there on the forums compared to bad people?
Oh, I just remembered. Why isn't your AQ character having AE forum moderator privelages?
Cause it isn't ;)
No probs!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 1:44:38 >
Post #: 13
3/29/2007 6:05:45   

Is it nice to be a mod?
It's a good crew ;)
What's your favorite song?
So many to choose.....We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel
Is your fave song from your fave band?
Uh, sure!
Ooh, so you like to construct model railroads. Do you like have a collection of 'em?
Like sure ;)
So which of the forum staff has your uttermost respect?
They all have it, wing feathers down ^_^
So why do you like the number 88? Is it because of the Chinese superstition where 8 is a lucky number?
I like its symmetry.
Lastly, what do you think of my sig?
Yup, tis a sig right there ;)
That's all for now.
ok then

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 1:51:50 >


AQ  Post #: 14
3/29/2007 6:24:26   
Of Omega Therion

Hi, eagle!
Hey dude!
Remember me?
Uh, nope- sorry bout that
Do you like cheese?
Ya- but eagle-dieting requirements stipulate that I can't eat much of it anymore.
Do you have an Xbox? Play Halo 2 along with it?
I don't own an xbox unfortunately.
Favorite book series?
Foundation series by Issac Asimov and X-Wing: Rogue Squadron by Michael Stackpole
If you could be in a band, what band would it be?
The Eagles :P
What position would you be on that band?
Drummer, always! (But it'd never happen)
Play football?
Used to
Not really
Any other sports?
I like checkers :P
Do you play StarCraft?
I have played it before- not too shabby
Ever gone to Atlanta, Georgia?
No, but I've been a few hours away before.
When do I get a cookie?
Nevah! *Ebil laughter*
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
The world may never know!
That's all. For now.
Ok then!
See you later. And please don't eat my mice.
*eats mice* what was that?

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 2:35:46 >
AQ  Post #: 15
3/29/2007 6:46:57   

Hi eagle88
What are you most often fishing after? (I fish too!)
Whatever decides to bite the line XD
What did you do to become a MOD?
It was a highly technical and painful process
Do you believe in BIG bang or a religionous creation of the world?
hehe- Someday I may answer that question ^_^
What kind of beer do you drink, when/if you drink beer?
Huh- so people think I'm a drinker eh? Interesting....
What kind of music is your favorite?
Movie Scores and Comedy music
Which MOD/AK is your favorite, besides yourself?
I like em all- they are wonderific!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 2:50:20 >


Your signature has been fired

Signatures cannot contain advertising.

AQ  Post #: 16
3/29/2007 7:22:51   

Yeahhhh the eagle88 is a Mod (Partyy) but Congrats

1.(construct model railroads) so how big is your Model Railroad?
It's still under construction.
2.if a Eagle makes a nest in your garden what would you do?
Watch the chipmunks run for cover XD
3.Wisdom/Power/Speed/or courage?
Hey- where's Charisma?!
4.On Which side of the 8 elements are you? (Like I'm on the wind side)
Element Z (It's a new one, not yet discovered by elemental scientists)
5.if you could choose to be a hero or a villain what would you be?
Plucky sidekick
6.And what's your favourite fruit?
Wait- I like fruit?!
7.what do you like about a full moon?
I don't like it :P
8.And whats your favourite holiday?
Xmas- it has the most comedy songs by far!
9. Golden feathers or Silver and ruby Feathers?
Warm feathers ^_^
10.What do you think about the Egyptian god Ra?
He's my Uncle Vern- what about him?
11.And which mythological creature do you like?
The winged ones!
12. and what is your Favorite Quest of AQ? and DF?
Frostval is always a blast
13.And can i get one of your feathers need it for a Shaman Ritual?
*Molts* O_o
14. But from 1 to 10 how do you rate my siggy?
I rate it the # i
15. What is your favourite type of weather?
16.Ive heard you baked cookies can i have some?
The only thing I know how to bake are hockey pucks :P

Again Congrats but maybe more Questions are hiding in the Shadow so you better watch out
*I Jump on a Giant Roc and I Fly far away*
I'll be waiting.....

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 3:00:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
3/29/2007 7:34:18   

ih duuuuuude!!
Hi there
do u like me?
I just met ya
ive never seen you before.
Same here
You always stick out your tongue to say hello?
how do u like that "=p" up there?
I've seen better
is it fantabulous?
See above
Duff or Duff Light?
What's Duff?
Lock threads
When it is warranted, yes
all day
You really don't know me, huh?
must be fun
It is what it is
ill bet
How much?
no im sill here
Shucks- I mean, wonderful!
like my speliing?

me smatre u sees.


did u see that comming?!?!?
no u didnt

i know
I bet you do :P

ILL BE BACK......With worse grammer
Oh Goodie!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 3:06:15 >
Post #: 18
3/29/2007 8:09:15   

Hey =D
Remember the other Eagle 88? e.e Did you find yourself wishing smacking was possible via text?
No I didn't remember him.
Do you like Legend of Zelda?
Do you have a Wii?
Do you swordfight/do martial arts?
uh, nope
What's your favorite band?
Too many to pick from....
What genres of books and shows do you like?
I like a good mystery book now and then
Who's your favorite author?
Agatha Christie is pretty good
Well, guess that's it ^^ See ya!
See ya Den!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 3:12:33 >


AQ DF  Post #: 19
3/29/2007 8:35:53   

Can I have a Snuggle?
favorite kind of pie
If you were trapped in a room full of blood-thirsty crazed monkeys,and saturn blew up and you have 12 toes, what colour are my socks?
Logic suggests that the answer is White with pink polka dots
ya thats it.ya
Do you think i'm a boy or a girl?
ya thats it.ya
awww- *snuggles*

< Message edited by samjam727 -- 4/4/2007 16:35:37 >


PS3;Meter $53 left! w00t
AQ  Post #: 20
3/29/2007 8:46:17   

When do you wake up?
When others go to sleep!

So.....have you met the early bird yet?
I hunt the early bird- but he's always after that worm, man!

Do you like worms?
Not on the top of my menu :P

How many times would you punch a virtual character for fun?
Violence is harsh, man!

Are you down to earth?
Only when I crash into it ;)

Thanks for wasting your time to answer my questions?
YW I suppose

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 3:39:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
3/29/2007 8:52:54   

Congrats, eagle88!
Thank you
I have a bit of time, so here are some questions:
:O you stole my bit of time!!

Do you have a 'spiritual connection' with eagles, or simply think they're cool?
Naw, they're just cool

Do you know what the Raptor Trust is?

Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Fall to Winter

What gives you the fantods?

Do you know what an "altion" is?
Shucks, and I forgot to study....

If you could visit any one country, where would you go?
Italy, maybe

What makes you laugh?
many, many things XD

What makes you tick?
My Tock

What is your greatest dream, and do you think you'll achieve it?
Wait- we're supposed to have those? Shucks man!

Do your model railroad environments have little people in them?
Yes- sometimes I paint them, too

If so, do the little people like living there?
They have no choice! >:D

If there are no little people, why not?

I think that's enough. Have fun! See ya around!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/2/2007 4:12:28 >
Post #: 22
3/29/2007 8:55:37   
Lord Ouranos

ZOMG!!! Eagle is a mod!!! This calls for a secsy party!!!
It does?! O_o
It is about time!
Naw- time has no meaning!
So, on with the questions.
Uh oh!
Do you ever get fed up with all the stupidity in the Polls area?
I don't let a frown get me down- cause it's the smile that goes the extra mile ^_^
Are you going to change your catchphrase now that you are oh so Modtastic?
Who is your favourite forumite? Least favourite?
I like you all just fine :P
What is your favourite part of the forums?
All of it is pretty cool- it's a nice community
How long were you an AK?
Uh, a year maybe?
Do you think of yourself as a strict/get-it-done mod, or a more considerate and understanding mod?
I think of myself as an eagle, so of course I need therapy ;)
Do you have a hero?
Mhm- a Hero Sandwich!
What country do you live in?

What is your favourite smiley face?

What is one word to describe yourself?
Well, that's about it.
Sounds good
And congrats again on becoming a mod!!!
Thank you most kindly
*Gives Eagle a smurf cookie*
:o Made from real smurfs?!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/3/2007 1:20:15 >
AQ DF  Post #: 23
3/29/2007 9:04:10   

congratulations eagle, never seen you before
Same here :P
favorite smilie? (mine is ;^) )

do you speak, write, know any dutch words?
uh, nope
even been in the Netherlands?
which country am I from? (looks at the above two questions)
I'm guessing the Netherlands?
favorite top 5 books/ films/ games?

what do you think of my poems? conveniently located here (and do not say, will look at them in a moment and completely forget them makes me <=^( )
Heh- but I must: When I get a moment I'll be sure to check em out ;)

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/3/2007 1:22:40 >
AQ  Post #: 24
3/29/2007 9:55:50   

yo eagle!
so what kind of birds or fish do you usually prey on?
The tasty sort ;)

so what kind of sport is your fav? (besides hunting)
I love American Football

that's all folks... have fun hunting...
*Flies in patrol of food* sure thing

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 4/3/2007 1:25:01 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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