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Poetic Alchemy

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6/26/2008 20:21:14   

Welcome to my new poetry thread! I will be splitting this up just a little bit because I have so many poems. the 1st section will be all poems relating to Battleon I have written in the past. The 2nd section will contain Limericks (there are only 5 right now-1 is new) and then the last section will hold pretty much everything else I have written in the past. This way I can keep the page count down but will make new posts for when I put up anything new. Sound good? comments go here: Poetic Alchemy-Comments III

Section 1- Poetic tales and parodies of Battleon

A Battleon Christmas poem

Christmas is coming,
in Battleon, there are things to be done.
Many slayer's quests,
and battles to be won.

Adventurers patiently waiting,
until they could log in.
Adventure Quest was having,
yet another guardian swim.

The Vampires and Werewolves,
are preparing for their war.
No matter who wins,
somebody will be sore.

There's lots of new armors,
and weapons to try.
And so many monsters,
to go out and fry.

The zombies rattle their chains,
and the banshees howl.
The air is definitely,
beginning to turn foul.

As the chill sets in,
we hear the wind's icy song.
A voice cries in the night,
"And to all... battle on!"


A Tiny Tale

Once upon a time,
in a place not so far away.
Little frost moglins,
love to work and play.

A place called Frostvale,
all a'sparkle with snow.
Little moglin huts,
with their lights all a'glow.

Along came an army of klawgs,
with their pinchers and might.
They gave the frost moglins,
quite a nasty fright!

Many were kidnapped,
and taken away.
But they had many friends,
to come help save the day!

They braved the Skraeling Desert,
and put Sandy Klaws down.
Don't think his minions,
will again bother that town!

But now another problem,
arose while they were away.
Frosty the Snow Golem,
decided to enter the fray!

So now what will,
the little frost moglins do?
That my dear friends,
I suppose, is up to you!


A Tiny Tale part 2

Frosty the Snow Golem,
tried his best.
But he went down,
like Sandy Klaws and the rest.

Seems the Moglins,
have more friends than they thought.
As they came,
by the thousands and fought.

But no-one seemed to notice,
during the fight.,
That Frostvale was facing,
yet another plight.

When the ice and snow cleared,
and all was said and done.
Everyone was ready,
to celebrate the battle won.

But what is this vision,
their wondering eyes did see?
Reign Dragons in the sky,
with all the gifts for you and me!

Poor little Kleemus's hut,
was ripped to shreds.
By the only dragons,
with antlers on their heads.

All the gifts were stolen,
taken to the Great Frost Wyrm's lair,
And the Moglins,
were once again in despair.

So once more again,
Moglin's friends came to their aid.
And the Frost Wyrm's lair,
was then under raid.

The Reign Dragon's were fought,
easily and swiftly enough.
The Frost Wyrm was defeated,
and returned all the stuff.

Warlic revived the dragon,
and asked him why.
The Reign Dragons were sent,
to steal the Moglin's supply.

He could not answer,
as his memory was unclear.
Seems it disappeared,
when he awoke once a year.

Someone must have planted,
the idea in his sleep.
That evil someone,
must be a real creep.

Now the Great Frost Wyrm,
wants to make things right.
And help the little Moglins,
with their next plight.

Time was running short,
for the gifts to be given away.
He told them not to worry,
he could help save the day.

What the Frost Wyrm did before,
he still couldn't see.
For now it will,
remain a mystery.

So Frostvale was saved,
and barely just in time.
Hope everyone has enjoyed,
this little rhyme!


A Tiny Tale.....Conclusion?

Frostvale was saved,
but it was as everyone feared.
The last gifts were delivered,
and Zorbak appeared!

Confessed it was he,
who caused all the grief.,
Said it was he,
who made the Frost Wyrm a thief.

He is such a mean little Moglin,
something we all know.
He wanted to ruin the fun,
that comes with the snow.

Taking all the gifts,
making the Frost Moglins sad.
And in turn making,
all the Moglin's friends mad!

They fought Zorbak,
and made him run away.
But he'll be back, I'm sure,
to bug us again someday.

Happy Frostval to you,
all my friends.
For now it is time,
this story ends.


Here we go Again

As a chill sets in the air,
and snow begins to fall.
We enter our beloved season,
we call Frostval!

Lots of new classes,
to go and achieve.
And lots of new gifts,
for guardians to receive!

Quests abound,
all over the map.
Just watch out for Zorbak,
the ebil little chap.

Save the Moglins.
and their little town.
As we don't like to see,
our little friends frown.

Lots of surprises,
I am sure are in store.
Like new weapons and spells,
and so much more!

Keep on fighting,
'til the threats are gone.
And once again to all,
I say... Battle On!


Sandy Klaws is Coming to Town
(sing in your head like Santa Claus is Coming to Town)

You better watch out and might want to fly.
You better be prepared, I'm telling you why.
Sandy Klaws is coming to town!

He has a list of evil things to do,
He just might want to do them to you,
Sandy Klaws is coming to town!

He sees the Moglins sleeping,
and frightens them awake.
He kidnaps and enslaves them,
so help for goodness sake!

So you better watch out and get your sword in hand,
Kicking his butt is gonna be grand,
Sandy Klaws is coming to town!


Frosty the Snow Golem
(sing in your head like "Frosty the Snowman)

Frosty was a Golem,
Who was made out of snow.
He has an evil army of friends,
As everybody knows.

Frosty was a monster,
As mean as he could be.
With icy claws and frosty jaws,
Oh what a fright was he.

There must have been some magic,
In the friends the Moglins found.
Cause they were ready to kick some some butt,
When they returned to the Moglin's town.

Frosty will go running,
When fire weapons abound,
'Cause either way we are here to stay,
And that sucker's going down!

The snow will be melted,
And the Moglins can start to play.
With happy hopes and dreams,
He wont be back again someday!


In Battleon
(done to the tune "In the Ghetto" by Elvis Presley)

As the snow flies....
On a cold and gray Lolosian morn,
Another little baby child was born..
In Battleon....in Battleon

He grew up tall and he grew up right,
Learned to speak well but also how to fight..
In Battleon....in Battleon

He found a blade that put him in awe,
Legends said it was made by his pa..
In Battleon....in Battleon

He found a girl to make his bride,
And they made their own house to reside..
In Battleon....in Battleon

He only had his mom when he was a tyke,
As his father fell victim to a dragon strike..
In Battleon....in Battleon

Soon he will have a son of his own,
But vows to stay 'til he is grown..
In Battleon....in Battleon

And on another cold and gray Lolosian morn,
Another little baby child was born..
In Battleon....in Battleon


Rudolph the Red-Horned Reigndragon
(sing in head like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Rudolph the red-horned reigndragon,
had a pair of very red horns.
I swear those things were bright,
and probably sharp as thorns.

All of the other reigndragons,
said hanging with him wasn't allowed,
Because poor Rudolph,
really stood out in a crowd.

Then one foggy Frostval eve,
the Frost Wyrm came to say,
"Rudolph with your horns so bright,
wont you guide my raid tonight?"

Then all the reigndragons liked him,
and invited him to stay.
To play with the gifts they stole,
and he had a happy day.


Get it Done!

A job has been placed,
upon us all.
To deliver the gifts,
intended for Frostval!

To ride the Frost Wyrm,
through the skies.,
And pass out gifts,
of every size!

We must battle monsters,
along the way.
But together,
we can all save the day!

So saddle up that dragon,
and let's go have some fun.
To all adventurers and guardians,
go and ....get it done!


Beware the Undead

Frostvale has ended,
and gifts were all received.
But danger has not ended,
as all would like to believe.

Darkness starts to fall,
across the land.
A chill as only death can bring,
is close at hand.

The Undead have come,
to attack us all.
But if we stay united,
we cannot fall!

Now is not the time,
to run and hide.
But to stand and fight,
side by side!

Keep your eyes peeled,
and be sure to keep your head.,
As you must always,
beware the Undead!

They come in many forms,
as we all know.
As zombies and vampires,
and ghosts that glow.

They want to steal our souls,
and make us their slaves.
And try to take us back,
to their gloomy graves.

They want to take our blood,
and make us weak.,
And to turn the whole world,
cold and bleak.

The skeletons rattle their bones,
and wave their swords high.,
As ghosts and banshees,
float in the sky.

When you get,
that overwhelming sense of dread.
You have so been warned,
beware the Undead!


Frostval Returns!

The days have grown short,
and the chill is in the air.
The time has come,
for our favorite affair!

The Moglins have been busy,
doing what they do.
Making awesome gifts,
for adventurers true.

Gift boxes await,
with amazing things inside.
Weapons, shields and armors,
to cover our hide.

The Frost Wyrm has tried,
with his Reign Dragons in tow.
To ruin our fun,
in one big blow.

Getting Frosty the Snow Golem,
involved in the mess.
Made everyone in Battleon,
go crazy with stress!

This year who knows,
what the holiday brings.
Will we have to face ,
ven more rotten things?

Well then bring it on,
cause I am ready to go.
I have my sword in hand,
ready to brave the snow.

With my spells at the ready,
and pets that cause burns.
I go without fear,
as this Frostval returns!


Here Comes Sandy Klaws
(sing in head like Here Comes Santa Claus)

Here comes Sandy Klaws, here comes Sandy Klaws,
Right down Battleon Lane.

He's bringing things that are nasty and mean,
And ready to cause pain.

Swords are clashing, lightning flashing,
All is eerily bright.

So make you vow to bring him down,
Cause Sandy Klaws comes tonight.

Here comes Sandy Klaws, here comes Sandy Klaws,
Right down Battleon Lane.

With his klawgs in tow, thru the ice and snow,
They really are insane.

Pincers snapping, bodies clashing,
They put up a fight.

Don't hesitate to meet your fate,
Cause Sandy Klaws comes tonight.


The Icemen Cometh

The Icemen cometh,
we have been told.
An army made,
from the frost and the cold.

They have come,
to ruin our holiday fun.
And steal the Moglin's power,
every single one!

With Jack Frost as their leader,
making all the calls.
Ruling with a frozen fist,
over all of Icefall.

The Icemen cometh,
we have been warned.
We have no time,
for losses to be mourned.

We must raise our weapons,
and get them fiery hot.,
And side by side,
strike down the evil lot.

Time is short,
and the battle is at hand.
We must fight together,
to save the land.

The Icemen cometh,
we have seen.
The coldest army,
that's ever been.

With their frozen hearts,
and icy swords.
They come at us
by the hoards.

Have faith in each other,
and do not frown.
Together we can bring,
Jack Frost's army down!


Winter Wonderland
(obviously, this one is to the song Winter Wonderland)

Moglins sing,
are ya listening?
In the glow from their huts,
the snow is glistening.

A wonderous sight,
they're happy tonight.
Moglins in a winter wonderland.

Chased away,
were the bad guys.
Here to stay,
are the good guys.

A wonderous sight,
they're happy tonight.
Moglins in a winter wonderland.

In the clearing they can build a snow fort,
and pretend to take monsters down.
We'll say "are you rogues?" they'll say "no man",
But you can get the stuff to be one in Battleon town!

Later on,
they'll eat snow cones.
Then have cocoa,
in their snow homes.

A wonderous sight,
they're happy tonight.
Moglins in a winter wonderland.


A New Tiny Tale

As we all know,
Frostval is but once a year.
A time for gifts,
and folks to cheer.

This year has brought us,
many new delights.
New items to try,
and new homes in our sights.

Jack Frost came along,
and tried his best.
To make this year,
lose it's zest.

He came with his monsters,
from the snow and ice.
And treated the Moglins,
not so very nice.

King Frost stepped in,
when Jack was defeated.
Though normally an icy guy,
his anger was heated.

His son got whipped,
and that was not cool.,
And naturally that,
made him feel like a fool.

But he also got taken down,
and it was oh, so grand.
Everyone rejoiced,
throughout the land.

Then came the task,
that fell upon all.
To deliver all the gifts,
in time for Frostval.

But once again,
the job was done just in time.
For me to come up,
with this little rhyme.


Ebil is as Ebil Does

Zorbak was sitting,
on a stump.
Similarly like,
that guy called Forrest Gump.

He was talking,
to any passing by.
While staring at things,
floating in the sky.

He talked of all,
his ebil ways.
And how he would remain ebil,
for all his days.

He wanted to ruin Frostval,
and make the Moglins sad.
For this particular Moglin,
was truly bad.

He mentioned,
how he had been ebil all his life.
And how he hoped someday,
to find an ebil wife.

They could go out together,
for some ebil fun.
While running about,
tormenting everyone.

I had to ask why,
and he said, "just because.
Mama always said,
'ebil is as ebil does'."


Dragon Storm

Dragons are flying,
above in the sky.
And swarming the land,
in droves, oh my.

Dragons of energy,
fire and ice.
I do not think,
they have come to be nice.

Dragonslayers gather,
and make their plans.
To fight together,
even tho from different clans.

Galanoth will lead them,
in this mighty fight.,
As this many dragons,
is truly a fright.

They come from all places,
far and wide.
Sharp of teeth,
and thick of hide.

Why they have come,
I can't say.
But I do wish,
they would stay away.

We must fight them together,
united as one.
As I am quite sure,
this will not be fun.

The time has come,
to get your weapons in hand.,
And protect Battleon,
our precious land!


Dragon of the Void

Dragon of the Void,
all dark and mean.
The toughest dragon,
I have ever seen.

With strength and power,
of untold might.
You are truly,
a ghastly sight.

A menace,
to all of Battleon are you.
The words I speak,
are all so true.

We must all try,
to send you back.
To the place,
where all is dark and black.

Back to the Void,
from where you appeared.
Into the darkness,
where all is feared.


Beastmaster Teach Me

Beastmaster teach me,
all you know.
Help me,
as a person to grow.

To be one with the beasts,
that roam the land.
And have them fight by my side,
at my command.

Take me to a level,
I have never known.
Show me things,
I've never been shown.

Beastmaster teach me,
hour by hour.
Show me the beasts',
strengths and power.

Heighten my senses,
to another plane.
A new sense of self,
I know I will gain.

Take me to the place,
that will make me be.
Just as the beasts,
that roam wild and free.


Frostval is Coming
(sing in head like Christmas is Coming)

Frostval is coming
Zorbak's getting fat
Please help the Moglins
fight the ebil rat!

If you haven't a weapon
a magic spell will do
If you havent a magic spell
then Warlick bless you!


Ring the Bell
(twist on Jingle Bells)

Dashing through the snow,
in a dragon pulled sleigh.
O'er the fields we go,
slashing monsters on the way.

A bell in Guardian Tower rings,
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to slash and play,
on this Frostval night!

Oh, ring the bell, ring the bell,
ring it all night long.
Bring everyone to the tower,
just to hear it's song.

Ring the bell, ring the bell,
ring it far and wide.
Call everyone to the tower,
to get their gifts inside!


Artix Got Run Over by a Reigndragon
(twist on Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer)

Artix got run over by a Reigndragon,
walkin' thru the woods on Frostval eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Sandy Klaws,
but as for me and Twilly, we believe!

He drank too much at Boog's Tavern,
and we begged him not to go.
But he had forgot his armor,
and he wandered out the door into the snow.

When we found him Frostval morning,
at the scene of the attack.
He had scorch marks on his forehead,
and Reigndragon claw marks on his back!

Now we're all so proud of Twilly,
he's been taking it so good.
See him sittin' by the fire,
sipping cocoa and grubbing on some food.

It's not Frostval without Artix,
all of Battleon's dressed in black.
And we cant help but wonder:
Do we let Sandy Klaws slide or all attack?
All attack!!

Now a feast is on the table,
and everyone is gathered 'round.
A look of sadness on ther faces,
thinking of poor Artix on the ground.

I've warned all of Battleon,
watch the winter skies.
They should never give a license,
to a Klawg who drives a sleigh Reigndragons fly!

Oh, Artix got run over by a Reigndragon,
walkin' thru the woods on Frostval eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Sandy Klaws,
but as for me and Twilly, we believe!


The 12 Days of Frostval
(twist on The 12 days of Christmas)

The first day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The second day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The third day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The fourth day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The fifth day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The sixth day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
six Guardians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The seventh day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
seven castles floating, six Guardians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The eigth day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
eight monsters mashing, seven castles floating, six Guadians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The ninth day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
nine reigndragons flying, eight monsters mashing, seven castles floating, six Guardians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The tenth day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
ten zards a'chomping, nine reigndragons flying, eight monsters mashing, seven castles floating, six Guardians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The eleventh day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
eleven dragon eggs hatching, ten zards a'chomping, nine reigndragons flying, eight monsters mashing, seven castles floating, six Guardians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree.

The 12th day of Frostval, my true love gave to me:
twelve gift boxes shaking, eleven dragon eggs hatching, ten zards a'chomping, nine reigndragons flying, eight monsters mashing, seven castles floating, six Guardians playing, FIVE Z-TOKENS!, four falling stones, three magic spells, two turtle pets and the Blade of Awe in a tree!



A child was born in a little known wood,
who's parents were both decent and good.
They raised him well and he grew big and strong,
there seemed to be nothing he could do wrong.

He had talents, of which nobody knew,
that became stronger as he grew.
He knew not how he came upon these things,
he could change his shape, grow claws or wings.

Any animal he thought of, he could instantly be,
as large as an elephant or as tiny as a flea.
One day he found a cave and ventured inside,
he found a chest with a scroll, made of dragon's hide.

As it unravelled, a magical being appeared before his eyes,
she wore a beautiful gown and was small in size.
Delicate, pixie-like wings grew from her back,
in her hands, was a small glittering sack.

A wreath of flowers lay upon her head,
and he knew, from her, he had nothing to dread.
She smiled when she saw him and pointed to the scroll,
he let go of the bottom and let it continue to unroll.

"I have waited for you to find me" she said with a smile.
"Oh, how I have waited, for such a long while".
"How can that be?" he asked "I know not who you are,
and I've been all over these woods, both near and far."

"Read the scroll and you will know all you need,
of this I beg of you, I implore, I plead."
He gazed upon the words and all became clear,
it was his destiny to find her here.

His name was upon it and the letters sparkled in hue,
it seems a Legend had finally come true.
A Goddess of nature had been locked inside the chest,
and placed in the cave by some very evil pests.

The scroll told of his birth and the powers he possessed,
and how with these gifts, he was truly blessed.
It was she who gave him this power he had,
the one he discovered when he was just a young lad.

"Why me?" he asked, with amazement and awe.
What, in him, could have the Goddess foresaw?
"I am Mother Nature" she said at last,
"I am the present, the future and the past."

"I control the animals, the flowers and trees,
the skies above and the powerful seas."
"When I was locked away, I made one last flower bloom,
your mother plucked it and held it against her womb."

"This is how your powers came to be,
so you could eventually rescue me."
"Now we must celebrate and hold great feasts,
for you are now dubbed, the Master of the Beasts."


Legend Part 2

Mother Nature was rescued and the land thrived once again,
and one man's destiny was about to begin.
Vephoma is his name and a great warrior is he,
he can become any animal, he truly wants to be.

Beastial skin he can create with a thought,
so many gifts that could never be bought.
He is one with the beasts and knows their every detail,
he can copy them exactly, ever without fail.

Walking through the woods disguised as a bear,
with total perfection, right down to the last hair.
Humans are fooled and have no clue he is a man,
he can see and do things as no other can.

A bird soars high, over the mountains and trees,
through villages and towns and above the seas.
It lands, on an old log near a stream,
and its body starts to glimmer and gleam.

It is he who was the little bird,
but most would think it quite absurd.
How could it be a man?.... It just can't possibly be
But he knew the truth....it is his destiny.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 8/29/2008 6:05:55 >
AQ  Post #: 1
6/26/2008 20:39:48   

Section 2- Limericks

(something different for a change but dont get used to it)

There once was a man on a plantation,
who wanted to go on a vacation.
But, alas, he could not,
for no money had he got.
So he still sits in the same location.

Tragic is the tale of a lady named Sadie,
who really wasn't much of a lady.
She hung out in bars,
left with strangers in their cars.
I'd say her life's a tad shady.

Toby liked sports but was always afraid,
he was not very good at any he played.
He fell on his face,
during a cross-country race.
So in a hospital bed he stayed.

When it comes to beauty I'm no star,
there are many more handsome by far.
But my face I don't mind it,
for it is ME that is behind it.
It's the people in front of it I jar!

There was a boy who didn't follow instructions.
He couldn't even tell his nouns from conjunctions.
It got so bad,
the only "A" he had,
was in a class called "How to Cause Destruction".
AQ  Post #: 2
6/26/2008 21:21:52   

Section 3-Potluck of Poems

The Eyes of Death

I feel them close and upon me,
Staring and burning through my soul.
There are no sockets within,
Only deep, dark torturing holes.

They change from time to time,
From black to gray to red.
I know they are not of a mortal,
But a messenger of the dead.

I feel my time is near,
I find the shortness of my breath.
I open my eyes for one last look at the world,
And I am staring into the eyes of death.


Dragon Call

Rise ye, dragon.
rise from your murky grave.
Rise ye, dragon,
and face the bold and brave!

I fear not your evil,
I feel no pain.
One of us is stronger,
the strongest shall remain.

My heart is pure and true,
just as God my lord.
Rise ye, evil dragon,
and feel the power of my sword.

Do ye fear me,
oh, dragon of the deep?
Then rise ye, scum,
wake from your dreamless sleep!

I hear ye, dragon.
I hear ye breathing down below.
Do ye think ye will kill me dragon?
One thrust of my sword will show!

I see ye, dragon.
I see your fiery eyes.
When ye feel my sword in your heart,
I will hear your dying cries.

Ye are dying now ye, dragon.
Ye put up a tremendous fight.
I won because of truth,
and truth is always right!


When Darkness Falls

When darkness falls,
across the land.
The forests move,
and things shift in the sand.

No moonlight or stars,
to guide your way.
Little tricks of your mind,
begin to play.

What was that noise,
you just heard?
Maybe the wind,
a fox or a bird.

Your heartbeat,
begins to pulse and race.
As you try to make your way,
through this dreary place.

Creatures of the night,
roam where you can't see.
They growl and howl,
and cackle with glee.

You can hear their voices,
and their gruesome calls.
All must fear,
when darkness falls.



Magic forces,
all around.
Enemies come,
without a sound.

Not knowing,
what is illusion or real.,
Just having,
that creepy feel.

A spell is cast,
a potion made.,
The mind swims,
and begins to fade.

The fall into madness,
starts to set in.
Uncontrollable fear,
starts to begin.

Who cast this spell,
and set the stage?
A sorcerer or wizard,
or just a lowly mage?

This awful feeling,
I cannot shake.
Unable to decipher,
between real and fake.

Surely I too,
must learn magic of my own.,
So I can go without fear,
to face the unknown.



It is dark,
here in this place.
So cold and lonely,
in such a cramped space.

I know not,
how long I have slept.
But my clothes and belongings,
have been well kept.

My sword still lays,
gleaming by my side.
Elegantly sheathed,
in pure dragon's hide.

A bottle of "nourishment",
is next to my hand.
As where it should be,
for I had it planned.

I drink its contents,
and feel my blood churning.
All my power and strength,
quickly returning.

I am ready to break out,
of this tomb of stone.
And go out and claim,
all that is my own.

I can take all I want,
and no-one will suspect me.
And finally,
I can truly be free.

As I have awakened,
on this full mooned night.
This vampiress,
is ready to take flight.

I give a little wink,
with my cat-like eye.
As I turn to mist,
and take to the sky.


The Vampire's Curse

He roams the night, in search of blood,
sinking sharp teeth, to start the flood.
Taking his victims every last drop,
but pulls back before the heart's last stop.

He stands and watches the terror on their face,
as he feels the new blood begin to race.
Through his icy veins and stone cold heart,
refreshed power, begins to start.

Night after night, it goes on and on,
year after year, it's been so long.
He remembers his ride in the long black hearse,
after another had given him this horrid curse.

A shadowy figure in the night he saw,
the fear he felt was cold and raw.
It took his blood, but gave some back,
forcing him to drink, shortly after the attack.

Now he is immortal and a creature of the night,
living in fear of the sun's pure light.
Forever searching for victims is his final fate,
with a hunger he can never sate.


Night of the Wolf

I cannot tell you how long ago,
I wandered alone in ice cold snow.

In a forest so dark, not even the moon's light,
could pierce the eerie darkness of the night.

I heard sounds...but from where I could not tell,
only that they crept closer...that I knew well.

I tried to pick up my pace but it was too hard to see,
thats when the beast pounced upon me.

Teeth sharp as knives and claws the same,
eyes bright red, full of fire and flame.

I could not move or even fight back,
I was overpowered by the beast's attack.

I was ripped to shreds and left for dead,
thoughts and dreams started swimming in my head.

How long I slept, I know not,
but I could feel the sun, all bright and hot.

My wounds had healed and I was bleeding no more,
but my clothing lay in shreds, upon the forest floor.

I knew not what had attacked me, until one moonlit night,
I felt very ill when the moon came to sight.

My body started changing, growing fangs and claws,
I felt strength in every muscle, power in my jaws.

I had become a werewolf, that I now know,
the same creature, that had attacked me in the snow.

The urge to hunt and kill churned in my blood,
it burned and flowed, like a raging lava flood.

Now I go in search, of victims in the night,
to share with me this endless plight.

So if you are out alone, when the moon is so bright and new,
that sound you hear might be me after you!


It's All Just a Dream

You see things, you know cant be real,
you feel things you shouldnt feel.
Is it illusion, or the real thing,
what are these things, not normally seen?

A trick of light or maybe your eyes,
are causing these scenes to go by.
Creatures of all sorts and strange things abound,
a place to hide cannot be found.

Your greatest fears, all brought to life,
your fright so great it stabs like a knife.
You run and run, but find no requiem,
when suddenly, you awake, to find it's all just a dream.


The End is Just the Beginning

A special dragon roams the land,
with golden scales, that glitter like sunlit sand.
Crystalline eyes that glowed no more,
sad with age and no fire in their core.

She searches far and wide for only one thing,
others of her kind and the comfort only they could bring.
She eventually comes upon a rocky beach,
the ocean spreads before her, as far as her eyes could reach.

"Where can they be? Ive searched far and wide,
and none have I seen, not a tail nor a hide."
She raised her head high and spread her wings to their massive span,
when suddenly, she saw movement, an intruder, a man!

He came running out from behind a large rock,
he was so quiet and quick, it put her in shock.
A sword was in his hand and he was waving it high,
she knew in her heart it was her time and gave a great sigh.

He plunged his sword deep, within her fleshy belly,
blood oozing out, all purple and smelly.
The man knew not, that she was one of a kind,
but she had a secret, she hoped no-one would find.

Deep within a cave, in a long forgotten land,
were four golden eggs, that glittered like sunlit sand.
Kept warm and safe, by an underground lava flow,
where no-one could find them, no-one could know.

As she lay dying, a vision appeared before her eyes,
of her children being born and taking to the skies.
She felt a happiness in her heart with her last breath took in,
for she knew, eventually, her kind would arise again.


The Ancient One

He sits alone,
in a cavern all dark and deep.
It has been centuries,
since he has known sleep.

Ancient and wise,
but tired is he.
What he once was,
he can never again be.

Blind in one eye,
and damaged wings.
Body ravaged with old wounds,
caused by heartless beings.

Long gashes from swords,
and deep holes from spears.
Things stuck in his flesh,
that have been there for years.

Talons all worn,
and cracked with age.
Scales falling off,
from a spell by a mage.

He was once so mighty,
and strong in heart.
Until his kind was attacked,
and scattered apart.

Their kind was Legion,
when they fought as one.
But their numbers lessened,
as each day was done.

Armies of thousands,
invaded their land.
He knew the change,
was close at hand.

As the others disappeared,
and it was getting harder to hide.
He found this place of solitude,
and burrowed deep inside.

How long he has been here,
he remembers no more.
But he has felt safest here,
than anywhere before.

He is immortal,
and from others that sets him apart.
His only way to die,
is the removal of his heart.

So he will sit and wait in his cavern,
no matter how long it will be.
In hopes that someday,
he will again be free.


The Hydra

A mighty beast of origin unknown,
with the loss of each head, two more are grown.

Massive in size and a venomous breath,
many a warrior has met his death.

Blood, filled with poison, courses it's veins,
causing it's victims to writhe in pain.

It's serpent-like body moves deadly and fast,
bringing many deaths to mythology's past.

Hercules was told to bring the beast down,
to break it's terror on every village and town.

He started slicing off heads, but as we all know,
for each one he chopped, two more would grow.

He spotted a downed tree burning with flame,
he would not let this beast put him to shame.

So, with the burning tree in hand, into the fray he hopped,
and placed the flame to the wound, of each head chopped.

The one last head could not be harmed by weapons known to man,
so Hercules ripped it off with his own mighty hands.

He buried the Hydra's head deep within the earth,
and placed a mighty boulder atop to prevent it's rebirth.

A mighty hero was he in this battle of lore,
as the man who made the Hydra live no more.


Magical Paradise

Sunlight bathes a glen all misty with dew,
flowers awaken to the morn in every known hue.

A waterfall splashes down into a sparkling sight,
creating prisms of color from the sun's first light.

Then comes the awakening of the fairies and gnomes,
popping happily out of their little forest homes.

The birds fly about, twittering their song,
as crickets, frogs and others join along.

A harmonic symphony of beauty and sound,
a most magical place to ever be found.

Animals of the forest all come to the pool,
to drink of the water, all sparkling and cool.

What a sight to behold at the sun's first rise,
in this magical place called paradise.


Fairy Dance

In the rings they gather, one by one,
to celebrate together, the rising of the sun.

Fairies of all the elements gather around,
out of the trees and water and even the ground.

Large and small, young and old,
grasp hands together and let their wings unfold.

A lone and beautiful fairy is at the center of the ring,
she clears her throat and begins to sing.

They all flap their wings at the start of the song,
creating a musical sound to play along.

They sway to the sound, so happy and sweet,
floating above the ground and swinging their feet.

A most wondrous sight, if one ever gets the chance,
to see all the fairies perform their dance.


A Dragon's Tale

The was once a dragon of little known fame,
in fact so unknown, he didn't have a name!

He was quite small, as dragons are compared,
and he didn't have features that most dragons shared.

Large puppy dog eyes and a very sweet face,
the poor thing was shunned by every dragon race.

His wings were very small and he couldn't fly,
around others, he always got timid and shy.

Stubby and short legs, with an overly long tail,
to everyone, he appeared most sickly and frail.

Then as he wandered he found a pool in the wild,
it's water was delightfully cool and mild.

It tickled his nose and seemed to bubble down within,
and a most wondrous transformation started to begin.

He felt strength he never knew could exist,
and started twitching, that way and this.

Taller and taller, he grew as big as the trees,
his legs got longer and power trembled in his knees.

Finally his wings spread out to an impressive might,
to see him was to behold a beautiful sight.

He pumped his wings twice and took to the sky,
at last, this dragon could finally fly!

He flew far and wide, where all could see,
that poor little dragon, was no longer he!

They bowed at his beauty and his awesome power,
he certainly became the dragon of the hour!

Perched atop a cliff, with his wings unfurled,
the no-name dragon was on top of the world!


Of Prophecy and Omens

Seers stare into their crystal balls,
to find out where our future falls.

Cards are read by a turbaned teller in a tent,
they can see where you're going and where you've went.

A dream could be an omen of things to be,
when our waking eyes are too blind to see.

A prophecy is told of a warrior so wise,
taming and riding dragons through the skies.

A girlchild is born and her destiny is set,
to one day become a goddess to people she's never met.

What will happen to us, we can never know for sure,
but we can find out, by seeking those who are pure.

They are one with the universe and the secrets it holds,
they can tell us what our future holds.

So seek them out if you truly dare,
to know what...for you...is in the world out there.


I Am

I am the mist,
that brings the morning dew.
I am the sun,
that rises each morn to you.

I am the breeze,
that gently brushes your cheek.
I am the babble in the brook,
and the bubble in the creek.

I am the ripple upon the water,
of a pond so still.
I am the ray of light,
that shines on your window sill.

I am the twilight,
that comes before the night.
I am the stars,
that shine like a million lights.

I am the leaves on the tree,
and the sand on the beach.
I am the shine on an apple,
and the fuzz on a peach.

I am the song of a bird,
and the buzz of a bee.
I am the light and the hope,
I am happy,
I am me.


The Slayer

Vampires come,
with the dark of night.
Wolves follow close behind,
with incredulous sight.

Dragons breathing fire,
flying through the sky.
Gargoyles and demons,
perched on castle tops so high.

Zombies stumble along,
on an unknown path.
He has seen things,
like no other man hath.

He is the slayer,
and he is afraid of none.
He vows to slay them all,
one by one.

No matter how big,
how evil or dark.
Even the ones,
who posess a magic spark.

He is a hunter, a warrior,
a seer of kinds.
He senses when evil is near,
and slays all he finds.

So raise your glasses high,
and sing his praises at your feasts,
All must be thankful,
for the slayer of the beasts.


This Tomb

As you lay,
in this dark and lonely place.
So dark you can't see,
your hand before your face.

Water drips down,
from an unknown spot.
The climate ever changes,
from cold to hot.

The stench of death,
permeates the air.
Worms wriggle around,
and bugs crawl through your hair.

You can not move,
nor even speak.
You are aware,
but oh, so weak.

When the catatonia hit,
all had thought the worst.
They called for help,
but then called the hearse.

How could they know?
You showed no sign.
To everyone,
you seemed happy and fine.

No one could know,
of the disease you had inside.
It went undetected,
it knew how to hide.

They put you in a casket,
and placed you in this room.
Only to have you awaken,
and die alone in this tomb.



He is shrouded in darkness,
with a hood over his bony head.
He is the Reaper,
the collector of the dead.

His scythe is ever sharp,
and always by his side.
Waiting to reap the souls,
of those who have died.

He is invisible to the living,
for they cannot see.
With their mortal eyes,
the being that is he.

He comes in their last moments,
to show them the light.
Most only cringe,
and tremble with fright.

They are not ready to go,
nor do they understand.
That peace is soon to come,
once they take his hand.

He is merely a transporter,
a courier of sorts.
Delivering the souls,
to their designated ports.

Do not fear him when he comes,
feel truly blessed.
For he will be your escort,
from this world to the next.



Dangerous beasts of enormous size and length.
Rending claws with massive strength.
Amazing abilities like flying and breathing fire.
Gnashing teeth where the threat is dire.
Out of the forests, the mountains and the seas.
Never will we know all their mysteries.


Siren's Song

Sailors of old,
upon a briny sea
Searching for treasures,
that might truly be.

Through waters,
sometimes rough and unforgiving.
Never to expect,
to find something living.

When out of nowhere,
there arose a faint sound.
The men could make out,
three figures on a mound.

The sound grew louder,
and it was soft and sweet.
The harmony alone,
made their hearts quckly beat.

They became entranced,
in this newfound song.
Never once did they think,
anything was wrong.

They crept ever closer,
to the side of their boat.
And saw one of the figures,
rise in the air afloat.

A beautiful woman,
with the wings of a bird.
Singing the sweetest song,
they had ever heard.

Their trance grew deeper,
and they lost their mind.
They just had to be closer,
to this wonderful find.

Off the boat they jumped,
one by one.
Without even realizing,
what they had done.

They lost control of their bodies,
and started sinking down.
It was only then they knew,
they were going to drown.

But it was too late,
and there was nothing they could do.
In circles above them,
the creatures flew.

Sirens of the sea,
had stolen their last breath.
And led them all,
into the darkness of death.


Zombie March

Crypts and coffins,
with dead old and new.
Their contents within,
all sleeping true.

When suddenly,
one moonlit night.
The land beheld,
an eerie sight.

A strange fog,
had swept the countryside.
Homes were all locked,
and folks stayed inside.

The coffins shook,
underneath the ground.,
Doors of the crypts flew open,
with a creaking sound.

The earth rumbled,
and the coffins rose.
Their lids flying open,
and the dead were exposed.

The fog swirled around them,
all misty and green.
The most horrific sight,
anyone had ever seen.

One by one,
the dead were awakened anew.
Not really knowing,
what they were supposed to do.

Some were quite skeletal,
with little or no skin.
Teeth and hair gone,
and no brain within.

Others were newer,
and quite intact.
But death in their eyes,
was a giveaway fact.

Together they gathered,
and started to walk.
Some dragging along,
and some trying to talk.

Through the town,
they marched all night long.
The living hid terrified,
knowing this was wrong.

They moaned and wandered,
'til the rise of the sun.
When, as suddenly as it came,
the zombie march was done.


Creatures of the Water

Oceans and rivers,
lakes and streams.
Nothing in the water,
is ever as it seems.

A ripple here,
and a gurgle there.
Strange sights and sounds,
come from everywhere.

Was that a fin or tentacle,
or maybe an arm?
Is it just passing by,
or there to cause harm?

Shadows in the water,
both large and small.
The fear of not knowing,
is worst of all.

The Kraken has the power,
to pull a ship down,
Sirens and mermaids,
cause sailors to drown.

Serpents swim by,
in search of prey.
Nereids on dolphins,
try to save the day.

These watery creatures roam,
from inland to the sea.
How many still exist,
remains a mystery.


Whispers and Echoes

What was that sound,
I heard in the night?
A disembodied voice,
that made me shake with fright.

No-one is there,
i can see with my eyes.
But I can hear,
their breathing sighs.

Someone is speaking,
in a voice so low.
It does not sound,
like anything I know.

A slammed door,
echoes it's bang.
Like a tuning fork,
continuing it's twang.

I honestly swear,
I heard someone call my name.
Then another and another,
all doing the same.

How many there were,
I could not tell.
The sounds whirled around me,
and began to swell.

Spirits of all sorts,
resided in this place.
The only light,
beamed from the moon's face.

A haunted house,
on a haunted hill.
Walking it's floors,
gave me such a chill.

I felt the urge,
to leave and get away.
I did not want to hear,
what the voices had to say.

When I grabbed for the door,
my hand went through.
That's when I realized,
I was a spirit too.


The Dragon Stone

The Dragon's mountain,
was treacherously high,
Reaching far,
into the clouds of the sky.

It sat at the top,
sparkling in the sun.
Waiting patiently,
for the one.

A chosen soul,
who's destiny it was to find.
This rare and precious,
one of a kind.

A stone of marble,
shiny and bright.
Carved on it's face,
a dragon in flight.

Oval in shape,
similar to an egg.
A tiny inscripton,
near the dragon's leg.

"A warrior of greatness,
will find this stone,
and over all dragons,
he will rule alone."

The stone was a legend,
told for many years.
Maidens who lost their loves,
shed many tears.

Warriors who left,
in search of this prize.
With thoughts of glory,
twinkling in their eyes.

But none had returned,
from this journey so great.
Their search for greatness,
led them to their fate.


Battle of the Ages

One by one the warriors fall,
some quite large and others very small.
A smoke grey mist hangs over the land,
that once flourished beautiful and grand.

Massive castles now laying in waste,
all due to everyones haste.
Families all weeping o'er their dead,
as one warrior sits wrapping his bloody head.

No-one could remember what started this war,
some didn't know what they were fighting for.
They were told to hate everyone not their kind,
and to destroy and kill all they could find.

Brainwashed into thinking there could only one be race,
that deserved the right to exist in this place.
But as the battle wore on they discovered they were wrong,
and that they needed to work together and get along.

To live in peace and harmony is what they needed to do,
to give understanding and loyalty true.
They held a gathering in the the noon-day sun,
and at long last the battle was done.



A fine mist dances, across the ocean's face.
Seafoam gathers, spreads like tattered lace.

Beams of light shine through clouds in the sky.
A virtual rainbow of birds goes soaring high.

All is at peace and beauty abounds.
When suddenly, there is a bubbling sound.

The water's surface starts to steam and hiss.
What kind of creature could be causing this?

The water boils from the heat below.
A shadowy form begins to grow.

The surface breaks and the Leviathan leaps.
High into the air, from the ocean's darkest deeps.

Snakelike in form with razor sharp claws.
Fire pouring from it's nostrils and jaws.

Scales harder than the greatest armor made.
Weapons just bounce off and into the water fade.

This Sea Dragon appears in many Legends told.
All saying the same...it was a sight to behold.


Treasure Hunter

I found an old map inside a massive cave,
home to a dragon, it was quite a close shave.

The dragon had returned while I was still inside,
I found a small crevice in which I could hide.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness within,
I could see the dragon and knew I couldn't win.

Pushing harder into the crevice a wall gave way,
and suddenly, there was a tunnel lit like day.

Torches with blue flames ran along the path.
Do I dare go, or face the dragon's wrath?

I opened the map and got a surprise,
it laid out this very tunnel right before my eyes!

It told of a treasure no-one has ever found,
jewels and trinkets and golden coins abound.

Being a hunter, my curiosity could not hold back,
I just wished I had brought a bigger sack!

It was obvious this treasure was great,
charged with excitement I couldn't wait.

Cautiously I went down into the tunnel deep,
even though I was tired and desperately needed sleep.

It seemed to me this treasure could be the one,
to make my treasure hunting days be done.

The ultimate find of wealth and riches vast,
yes, this one could definitely be the last.

The tunnel finally opened into a cavern bright,
where my eyes beheld a wondrous sight.

There was my treasure and the map didn't lie,
it brought a smile to my lips and a twinkle to my eye.

Suddenly, there was a tremor and rocks began to fall,
sealing off my way in, once and for all.

I searched all around and found no way out,
I was trapped inside, without a doubt.

My greed had finally led me to my doom,
to ironically die in a treasure filled room.


The Dragon Maiden

She sits upon a boulder, nestled on a sandy beach,
she looks towards the water, as far as her eyes can reach.

She looks up at the sky, all blue and clear,
at the forest and mountains, both far and near.

She wears a green gossamer gown with tiny gems,
from the top of the bodice to it's many layered hems.

Tiny seashells adorn her braided hair,
her beauty enough to make anyone stare.

A giant seashell horn is raised to her lips at last,
and it emits a sound in a long, loud blast.

Figures appear from every which way,
how many there were, I cannot say.

The waters churned and the sky grew dark,
all moving together towards one specific mark.

Dragons of all elements came by the score,
all gathering around the maiden on the shore.

They all brought her treasures they laid at her feet,
she patted each one and gave a kiss so sweet.

No harm came to her as she sat on her stone,
almost as if it were her personal throne.

They were her pets of this I am sure,
she must truly have a heart that's pure.

As I watched from a secret hidden space,
I could see the joy on her pretty face.

She sat as they came one by one and hour by hour,
I must learn more of this dragon maiden's power.


The Unicorn and the Dragon

A smart young unicorn named Calla was walking alone,
when out of nowhere, came a horrible groan.

The trees in the forest opened to a glen,
and she was shocked to see what resided within.

A very large dragon was basking in the sun,
rolling in the grass and seeming to have fun.

But there was another groan and he sounded in pain,
it wasn't Calla's imagination running away again.

She thought, "Dare I say something and let him know I'm here?
Or do I just run like the wind until I am clear?"

She couldn't stand to see another creature hurting,
but in between groans, he had fire spurting.

She called out to him, hoping he wouldn't hear,
but his head perked up at the sound someone was near.

"Who's there?", he called out to the trees.
"Come out in the open where I can see."

She was afraid, as he was a dragon after all,
and for a unicorn, she was still quite small.

"My name is Calla" she called from the wood,
"Are you a bad dragon or are you actually good?"

He said his name was Dash and he was sad,
it seems he had lost the only friend he had.

Another creature of the forest he had known for years,
just telling the tale welled his eyes with tears.

A werewolf pack had taken her away,
and now he had nobody with which he could play.

"I could not save her even with my size.
Those monsters would not let loose of their prize."

Calla was saddened by the story he told,
and finally felt she could be brave and bold.

She marched out of the woods right up to his face,
and touched her small horn in just the right place.

His sadness was suddenly gone and his heart was light,
the unicorn was pleased she did it just right.

She had absorbed his sadness and replaced it with glee,
she knew she would be safe and didn't have to flee.

They vowed to be friends forever more,
crazier things have happened in the land of lore.


The Gorgon's Stare

Mighty warrior brave and bold,
suited in armor laced with gold.

He approaches a cave hid from view,
he trembles with fear in every sinew.

Home of the Gorgon.. a dangerous place,
he must take care not to look at her face.

Snakes on her head where hair should have grown,
to look into her face turned one to stone.

Statues in horrid grimaces dotted his way,
all of them looked like they were made of clay.

Sweat glistened on his brow and his heart beat fast,
could he be the one to slay her at last?

He came upon a room where he was sure she would be,
but looking around, she was nowhere he could see.

More statues were here and he could smell death,
when suddenly, he heard someone take a breath.

The air grew chill and he felt a tickle in his hair,
and turned to meet his doom within the Gorgon's stare.


The Vampire's Quest

She lay sleeping on a moonlit night,
he, as a bat, was making his flight.
A love of the ages torn apart,
losing her had broken his heart.

The village staked him and locked him away,
'til a quake dislodged him from where he lay.
The stake was knocked out from his chest,
freeing him from his eternal rest.

He could sense her lifeforce still here,
he had to find the one he held so dear.
Their love was once so powerful and great,
to see her again, he just could not wait.

He was once a mortal, just as she,
but fate had changed his destiny.
A vampire made him one of the undead,
giving him a hunger that had to be fed.

He flies over trees, mountains and lakes,
he will find her no matter how long it takes.
He finally comes upon a great manse,
catching her scent, he had to take a chance.

Up to a window, flickering with light,
where he caught a heartbreaking sight.
There was his love, old and frail,
her face taking on a deathlike veil.

He had been gone too long, it was certain,
as her hand pulled back the sheer bed curtain.
She looked to the window's darkened glass,
and thought she saw something pass.

A light misty fog trickled through a crack,
a chill ran down the spine of her back.
He came to form and her eyes grew wide,
at the sight of her love who long ago died.

Her fear was great as she couldn't understand,
and death overtook her when he took her hand.
He stayed by her side 'til the rise of the sun,
and turned to ash as his quest was done.


Curse of the Mummy

Quietly he lays as the centuries pass,
in a sarcophagus made from gold and glass.
A sacred place for him to rest,
a scepter placed upon his chest.

His body adorned in bangles and beads,
treasure placed for his afterlife needs.
A mighty king of a desert land,
his grave long hidden within the sand.

Upon it a curse for those who seek,
to try and disturb this great king's sleep.
"To anyone who dares enters this tomb,
by the mummy's hand shall meet his doom".


Titan of the Sea

Titan of the sea, or Neptune to some,
ruler of all in the watery kingdom.

His trident a symbol of his rule,
but also a most powerful tool.

It commands the waters and all within,
all the creatures he calls his kin.

Long flowing beard and barnacled crown,
sailors trying to fight him have all went down.

Tidal waves and seastorms occur when he's mad,
to cause anger in him is very bad.

Take care when on the ocean blue,
knowing he is ever watching you.


Legend of the Loch

Oh, massive Loch, both deep and wide,
what are the secrets you hold inside?

Do ancient ships lie on your floor,
with treasures hidden within their core?

A large creature was said to roam this place,
with many a seeker ever giving chase.

Does the creature guard the secrets you hold,
or is it just a story that keeps being told?

The truth I suppose we will never know,
the Loch never reveals what lies below.


Minotaur's Maze

A mighty beast of legend's past,
brought about by a spell cast.
A bull was given to the King of Crete,
solid white from head to feet.

The bull was to be a sacrifice made,
honor and respect to a God paid.
The King did not want this to be the bull's fate,
it's beauty and grandeur was much too great.

The Queen was in love with the bull of white,
and made a union with it one fateful night.
The God then punished them for their scorn,
and the half man half bull was born.

They placed the beast within a maze,
it's entrance shrouded in a misty haze.
A labyrinth so complex with every bend,
with only one way out and many a dead end.

Named the Minotaur, the beast did reside,
within this maze, way deep inside.
Sacrifices to the beast were made,
in hopes the God's anger would fade.

Seven young women and seven young men,
were placed within the maze every now and then.
The Minotaur took them slowly one by one,
as hunting and killing them was his fun.

One brave young man decided it was time,
to stop this madness he considered a crime.
With the aid of his love and a ball of string,
he went into the maze to kill this evil thing.

He wound his way through with ease and skill,
found the beast in his lair and made his kill.
He made his way back to the woman he did adore,
the maze of the Minotaur threatened no more.


Demon's Delight

They gather around the pit of fire,
stroking the flames ever higher.

Filth and woe permeate the air,
sulfur and brimstone the local fare.

Tormented souls cry out in pain,
but their efforts are in vain.

The fire and heat unbearable to most,
are of little bother to this place's "host".

The river of lava not a problem for him,
nor for the others as they go for a swim.

Misery and sadness make them grin,
they thrill at bringing the evil out in men.

Madness and screaming of those in fright,
all are feeding the Demon's delight.


Chase the Rainbow

The rain falls, all misty and gray,
through the clouds, the sun sends a ray.

The beam catches the moisture in the air,
causing colorful magic to appear there.

The rainbow is born and spreads across the sky,
it's beginning and end naked to the eye.

Like a prism, the colors sparkle in hue,
in red, yellow, orange, green and blue.

Many have sought to find it's end,
no matter how far it's arc may bend.

The subject of legend, myth and lore,
the rainbow's end is worth searching for.

For it has been said in all stories told,
at the end you will find a pot of gold.

But if you go in search please take care,
for a leprechaun will be waiting there.

To keep the gold one must catch him,
but he is full of magic, vigor and vim.

He is not so willing to share in his treasure,
harming those who try always gives him pleasure.

So chase the rainbow if that's your thing,
just watch out for the little man in green.


Dragon's Gold

Legends and myths throughout lore,
speak of the gold dragons keep in store.

But none really speak of how this came to be,
why they collect it no-one can see.

A little secret from a source I cannot name,
let me in on the truth of their game.

It seems when they are young and teething,
the pain in their gums is quite seething.

Yours would be too if you had to grow,
hundreds of fangs in many a row.

Their mother's gave them gold to chew,
to sharpen their fangs growing anew.

Gold is as soft as metal can get,
and does not rust when it gets wet.

So when they are grown and childhood has passed,
they like to have hordes of it amassed.

Because even though they are done with childhood ways,
it reminds them of mother and happier days.


Danger of the Djinn

A magical being with an ancient past,
as an immortal he is not the last.

Hidden from the world he will sit and wait,
for someone to come unlock his fate.

The Djinn needs a master to obey,
to grant his wishes in every way.

But the Djinn is not as nice as you think,
he can turn on his master quick as a blink.

Loyal to none but to himself true,
he can make your wishes turn back on you.

To get wishes one must set him free,
but there are dangers you cannot see.

There's a reason their kind gets locked away,
inside lamps and gems where they cannot stray.

So if you find one this warning i give,
be careful how you wish if you want to live.

Take caution in how your wish is phrased or said,
or the Djinn will make you wish you were dead.


Shifting Sands

Through the ages it watches as time rolls by,
seeing many a sun and moon go by.

The wind blows it softly into dunes and drifts,
past rocks and plants it finely sifts.

Desert storms cast it thrashing about,
making it unsafe for anyone to go out.

Swirling it so thick you cannot see,
where you've been or where you want to be.

The power to swallow cities whole,
throughout time it has played a role.

Changing landscapes as it shifts along,
ever the rhythm in nature's song.


Stir of Shadows

The sunlight fades and twilight is born,
the beginning of darkness that comes 'til morn.
The moon rises and casts an eerie glow,
a light chill wind begins to blow.

A dance of sorts, between dark and light,
can sometimes play tricks upon one's sight.
The shadows stir in a melodic way,
shifting about between black and gray.

You strain your eyes as best you can,
as some shadows take the form of man.
Others flit about, never staying in one place,
some even appear to have the shape of a face.

Why these shadows come, I know not,
but often about it, I have thought.
So sometimes, I lay awake at night,
watching shadows stir 'til morning's light.


Witches Brew

A pinch of this and a smidge of that,
eye of newt and wing of bat.
Wart of toad and tongue of frog,
baby's breath and hair of dog.

Boil brew boil, all nice and hot,
getting all bubbly inside my pot.
A potion for what I will not say,
just dont cross my path today.

Ancient secrets from long ago,
in a magic book that tends to glow.
If you come about seeking me,
know my potions are not for free.

Everyone must pay their price,
but none have ever been twice.
My potions always complete their task,
no matter what it is you ask.

Even if you are just plain sick,
my Witches Brew will do the trick.
Ask not what you can do for the brew,
better to ask what it can do for you!


Sorcerer's Apprentice

I am but a student of the magic ways,
from a master of the olden ways.

I gather ingredients for his potions and spells,
on mountain tops and down deep wells.

Caves and forests or ponds and lakes,
I find what he needs whatever it takes.

A staff old and gnarled with a crystal atop,
shoots lightning bolts to make enemies hop.

He is wise and old this master mage,
full of great power, he is a true sage.

He teaches me spells and the ways of old,
and enlightens me on how things are foretold.

Plants and animals give us things we need,
to make all of our incantations succeed.

Day by day his lessons come faster,
in grooming me to become a master.

I am quite good as I will not lie,
but only enough to get me by.

With a thought I can make a candle burn,
but this apprentice has a lot to learn.

There is more to magic than little tricks,
like popping flames on candle wicks.

Magic must be treated with honor and respect,
or the spells casted will on you reflect.

One day I hope to be a sorcerer too,
maybe my first apprentice could be you!


Dream Weaver

Dream weaver weave me a dream,
take me to the stars on a golden beam.

Ride a rainbow ribbon across the sky,
float me above the clouds so high.

Put me on a unicorn in a beautiful place,
wearing a beautiful gown trimmed in lace.

Make me a warrior with a magic sword,
and lead me to a dragon's golden hoard.

Give me a castle in a forested land,
let me hold a moonbeam in my hand.

Spin your web of dreams galore,
every night I want to see more.

I can not wait to sleep you see,
for in my dreams I am truly free.


Seven Deadly Sins

There are seven deadly sins as we all know,
and to Lust after things is not the way to go.

One must put their feelings aside,
or risk falling victim to their own Pride.

When having a feast for all to share,
one can be sure that Gluttony is there.

If a great treasure can at last be found,
the ugliness of Greed will always abound.

As a person lazes about in their bed,
the sin of Sloth rears it's evil head.

Encounter a beast with an icy heart,
to Anger him would not be smart.

The sins go on throughout time,
do not Envy my little rhyme.


Seven Heavenly Virtues

Seven deadly sins were placed upon man,
from the largest tribe to the smallest clan.

But seven heavenly virtues were also placed,
giving them Fortitude over the fears they faced.

In a time when all reason has passed,
one must have Faith it will not last.

In a war-torn town where suffering exists,
there will be Charity that no-one resists.

A thief has come to rob in the night,
but Justice will come to make it right.

When temptation rears it's ugly head,
only Temperance will stop it dead.

Being a gossip can be cruel and mean,
having Prudence keeps conversation clean.

Alas, there is so much more to teach,
I do Hope you've enjoyed my speech.


Tears of my Soul

I see the little children crying in the street,
no coats on their backs nor shoes on their feet.
One looks directly at me holding an empty bowl,
that's when I shed the tears of my soul.

Pets are set free when people no longer care,
and then they starve when no food is there.
I spot a helpless pup with eyes black as coal,
that's when I shed the tears of my soul.

A river flows full of trash and oil,
seeing this mess makes my blood boil.
Keeping earth clean should be a common goal,
that's when I shed the tears of my soul.

Many homeless will sleep cold tonight,
inside a box, beneath a streetlight.
Posters of the missing are placed on a pole,
that's when I shed the tears of my soul.

It's hard to care in a world that cares not,
where hopes and dreams are sold and bought.
We seem to never come together as a whole,
that's when I shed the tears of my soul.



As I sit and ponder the past,
I wonder how it all goes so fast.
Remembering days when we were young,
laughing, playing, catching snowflakes on our tongues.

Climbing trees and skipping rope in the yard,
leaving it behind is just so hard.
Even when there were gray skies above,
our big old house was full of love.

But children grow and move away,
loved ones pass on, I am sorry to say.
Houses grow empty and families grow apart,
the sadness of it all just breaks my heart.

But we leave our marks wherever we go,
making footprints in the past, of this I know.
So after all of us have come and gone,
our spirits and memories will always live on.



Softly it comes,
like a breeze upon the air.
As an old friend,
it has always been there.

Softly it beckons,
with a shining beam of light.
It opens up a path for you,
as it broadens your sight.

Softly it waves,
urging you to follow.
You cannot feel any warmth within,
you only feel cold and hollow.

Softy it touches,
it takes you by the hand.
You finally see what's happening,
this isn't what you had planned.

Softly it whispers,
a horrid stench upon it's breath.
It speaks words you've feared to hear,
"welcome to the land of death".

Softly it escorts,
taking us to the other side.
It will take us all eventually,
for from death we can never hide.



When we dream we hold a key,
to open our minds and set us free.

Could it be the dreamer or is it just the dream,
that we become things we don't normally seem?

Some dream of dragons in all their might,
others see the fairies twinkling in flight.

Dreamers of battles swing magic swords,
while fighting off monsters from evil hoards.

Ladies in waiting and damsels in distress,
all wearing crowns in elegant dress.

Warriors and wizards, kings and queens,
our minds are home to all these things.

Whether it's taming beasts or flying through the sky,
you control the movie behind your mind's eye.

The dream is what you make it, fantasy or real,
you hold the reins to control what you feel.

So as you sleep feel free to let off some steam,
just don't let the dreamer become the dream.



They say to see one must be born with eyesight,
but there are many who's world is black as night.

Never have they needed to shield their eyes from the sun,
day and night are the same to each and every one.

But they have their own ways to see without eyes,
finding distance, features, shape and size.

Sounds and smells tell them where they are,
even without sight they can travel far.

With their hands they use their sense of touch,
using just the tips of their fingers they learn so much.

Those of us who only use our eyes to see,
are blinded from the miracles that be.

We shield ourselves in this world we live,
and ignore all the gifts nature has to give.

The texture of a rose, sounds of crickets in the night,
to experience these things one does not need sight.

When you see with your heart it is then you will find,
that all along it is we who are truly blind.


Moonlight Spell

Arise, moon!
Shine ever so bright.
Cast your magical glow,
upon the coming night.

Surrounded by stars,
twinkling white and blue.
Creatures of the night,
come to welcome you.

Your beauty grabs me,
it pulls me in.
Your enchanting spell,
starts to begin.

I am hypnotized,
I cannot help but stare.
You are like a beacon,
suspended in the air.

As you rise,
I feel power within me grow.
Basking in the light,
of your incandescent glow.

I must admit, moon,
in love with you I have fell.
For I am forever captured,
within a moonlight spell.



Awake! Awake!
The sun is on the rise.
Peek outside your window,
and see the morning skies!

Awake! Awake!
The birds begin to sing.
Making a happy melody,
to celebrate the spring!

Awake! Awake!
The world is fresh and new.
Full of great surprises,
all for me and you!

Awake! Awake!
Don't sleep it all away.
Go outside to smell the air,
and celebrate the day!


Magic of Music

The music plays,
soft and sweet
Magically creating,
a rhythmic beat.

Harmony and melody,
play hand in hand.
Bringing together,
instruments in the band.

Pianos and drums,
brass and strings.
When I hear those sounds,
my little heart sings.

My toes start to tap,
my body starts to shake.
I cannot resist,
the music that you make.

I jump about,
I twist and turn.
The more I hear,
the more I yearn.

From soft and sweet ballads,
to fast rockin' tunes.
The beautiful voice,
of a singer who croons.

The magic of music,
it fills us inside,
From it's hypnotic beat,
we can never hide.

Everyone has a favorite,
not one kind is wrong.
Just make sure your life,
is always filled with song.


Crystal Ball

Crystal ball tell me,
what do you see?
What are the things,
waiting in store for me?

Am I destined for greatness,
or doomed to fail?
Leave nothing out,
give me every detail!

Can I find compassion,
for those in need?
Could I grow a forest,
if I plant the seed?

Will I be strong,
or pathetically weak?
I must know all,
it is the truth I seek!

Do you see happiness,
coming into my life?
Or will it be filled,
with suffering and strife?

What are your visions,
magical crystal ball?
It matters not how good or bad,
I want to see it all!


Phoenix Rising

From the ashes it rises,
a new life is born.
Like the dawn of the day,
a fresh new morn.

The embers flicker,
flames start to light.
Taking shape of a bird,
preparing for flight.

It's wings spread out,
in yellow, orange and red.
One could never tell,
this creature was dead.

For each one that dies,
a new one rises.
Just one of life's,
amazing surprises.

The Phoenix takes flight,
all aglow with flame.
Once you've seen it's beauty,
you will never be the same.


Visit to the Void

Darkness envelopes you,
it suspends you in space.
You are unknowing,
of how you came to this place.

There is no sound or light,
the nothingness surrounds.
With thoughts of fear,
your racing heart pounds.

What is this place,
dominated by black?
Why do you have the feeling,
a monster will attack?

From out of nowhere,
you feel a touch upon your arm.
You know in an instant,
you're in danger of harm.

A gutteral growl breaks,
the silence that was.
Then a screech and a howl,
a deafening buzz.

Your eyes begin to focus,
you confirm your fear.
The creatures of the Void,
have found you here.

You must fight or die,
what will you do?
That, my doomed one,
is entirely up to you!


A Knight's Revenge
(dedicated to Firefly who wanted something different from me)

The weary Knight rode into the war-torn village.
Where days before, Trolls had come to pillage.
Families were torn apart,
it was breaking his heart.
To see before his eyes so much blood spillage.

The bloodshed so great it stained the ground.
The most gruesome scene he had ever found.
He stopped his horse,
hung his head in remorse.
And as he stood, there was not a sound.

He had sworn to protect the people of this place.
Tears started streaming down his reddened face.
This should not be,
this sight before he.
In his heart he felt such disgrace.

He was angered at the Trolls for having so much gall.
Then he rode out to the forest where the trees stood tall.
The Trolls all died,
there was nowhere to hide.
And he didn't stop 'til he saw the last head fall.


Letting Go

The little bird flies away from his nest.
His mother just stands in place,
watching him pick his own pace,
seeing the joy upon his face.
She aches letting him go but knows it's for the best.

She knew from the moment he cracked open his shell.
He was instantly smart,
showed he had heart,
from others he stood apart.
With all his talents, she had faith he'd do well.

The time went too quickly, too fast he had grown.
Oh, the games they played,
under the tree's cool shade,
if only he had stayed...
But sadly it was time for him to be on his own.

She had to let him go, she fought the urge to fly.
Together they would sing,
flying wing to wing,
a mother and son thing.
The hardest part, for her, was saying good-bye.


Make Believe

The world is our oyster when we make believe.
We can create anything our minds can conceive.
Let your imagination go wild,
think with your inner child,
and there is no feat you cannot achieve.

In an instant, a stick becomes a sword.
You most certainly never have to be bored.
Fight the dragon's there,
you created out of air,
pretending you could soon be gored.

The lawn becomes a sunlit stage.
Where you're a singer who's all the rage.
Sing out loud,
feel happy and proud,
for the limits to your thoughts have no gauge.

To travel far, you really never have to leave.
You can visit as many worlds your mind can weave.
It's a thrill of a ride,
discovering what's inside,
when you practice the art of make believe.


What One

What will one give a child in need?
What will it take to make one's heart bleed?

What will one do when someone's in danger?
What lengths will one go to help a stranger?

What can one do to open another's eyes?
What will happen when one reveals the lies?

What if no-one cares and one goes unheard?
What will one feel when they're called absurd?

What can happen when one expands their mind?
What are the truths that one will find?

What will one carry deep within their soul?
What is the magic that keeps one whole?

What is one's purpose upon this earth?
What did fate plan even before one's birth?

What answers to life's questions can one give?
What can one accomplish with only one life to live?


The Flaming Heart

The Flaming Heart lies somewhere hidden.
Seeking it out is extremely forbidden.
A jewel of old,
so the legend is told,
buried deep within a nasty midden.

A magical gem with powers so great.
Locked away for ages, in an iron crate.
From the fire it was born,
With powder from a dragon's horn,
an evil wizard's creation that sealed his fate.

A weapon of destruction he was asked to make.
He did as asked, knowing it was a mistake.
It was made into a ring,
for his lord and king,
molded into the body and head of a snake.

Dragonhorn powder was placed within it's core.
The most magnificent jewelry the king had ever wore.
But it was an evil thing,
this magic ring,
and the hot, searing flames began to pour.

The king was destroyed, only ashes remained.
The wizard's soul was forever stained.
He locked the ring away,
staying hidden to this day,
for when one seeks to destroy, nothing can be gained.



Oh, fearless fly of the flame!
The little bug that no-one can tame.
Falerin caught her in a jar,
and named her a star,
truly she is destined for fame!

Calls herself "grammer-Nazi of lore"!
But oh, she is so much more.
A skilled writer is she,
of tales and poetry,
and someone we all adore!

Shine on, little firefly, shine ever so bright!
You're a little beacon, twinkling in the night.
You help us through,
the works we do,
as you carry us along on your flight!


A Warrior's Tale

Steel grey eyes met with a pair of crystal blue.
This was the one he sought, in his heart he knew.
The slayer of his kin,
so long ago it had been,
and payback was long overdue.

The two stood motionless, staring face to face.
One wielded a sword, the other a mace.
He had traveled far and wide,
to find this one's evil hide,
now he will fight with skill and grace.

A mighty warrior was he, even though he was young.
His most awaited battle had finally begun.
For his mind did hinge,
on getting revenge,
at last his mighty sword swung.

The deadly mace came hurling 'round.
It's aimed for target never found.
The warrior's job done,
his battle won,
as his enemy lay dying on the ground.

He fought for vengeance, honoring his fallen kin.
This evil one's act was a terrible sin.
But this warrior went on,
though his family was gone,
for he had faith in his heart he would win.


Sailing Ships

See the ships, sailing upon the bay,
setting their courses, marking their way.
Like crystal, the water sparkles and gleams,
shimmering and reflecting the sunlight's beams.

Shouts and singing can be heard from each crew,
as they ready their ships under a sky of blue.
Fishermen, merchants and pirates of sorts,
pay visits to all the coastline ports.

Buying and selling, hunting for food,
at home on the water is this seafaring brood.
Sunken treasures lie waiting down below,
in the blackest depths lurk creatures that glow.

The silky sails billow in the gentle breeze,
as they carry the ships toward the open seas.
They return home every now and then,
only to turn around and set sail again.

Like an endless cycle, the ships come and go,
gliding over the waves in perfect flow.
Surely, almost everyone can agree,
'tis a beauteous sight, the ships upon the sea.


The Little Folk

Forests and mountains, ponds and streams,
flower filled fields where wildlife teems.
Sounds waft upon the air,
but you see no-one there.
Nothing here is as it seems.

The little folk call these places home,
there is no need for them to roam.
In caves they hide,
or in a tree reside.
Oh, look! There goes a gnome!

Elves and brownies are helpful creatures,
with pointed ears and rosy features.
They come in the night,
fixing things right,
and I've heard they are excellent teachers.

Pixies and fairies are amazing things,
dancing in the moonlight in magic rings.
Sprinkling dust around,
the ring upon the ground,
while fluttering gossamer wings.

Leprechauns and goblins, the worst of the bunch,
would rather do harm, I have a hunch.
They protect their gold,
are very brave and bold,
with cunning to beat you to the punch.

The dwarves mighty warriors, even though so small,
they have plenty of heart, no need to be tall.
Like a little knight,
they will stand and fight,
hurling themselves into the thrall.

The satyrs dance with their pipe in hand,
thinking themselves to be quite grand.
With cloven feet they hop,
little horns up on top,
they're a most merry little band.

The nymphs stay hiding in their ponds and trees,
keeping themselves where nobody sees.
Their home is their heart,
they can never be apart,
sticking together like honey and bees.

Ah, the little folk, so special are they.
I think of them often, I must say.
Secretly hiding with,
their little kin and kith,
and still in existence today!


The Riders

The riders come, streaking across the sky,
garbed in robes, on horses that fly.
The sky turns black,
there's no turning back,
for they signal the time to die.

Upon a mighty red horse War doth ride,
wielding a great sword, he never breaks stride.
All the armies he commands,
respect he demands,
willing to take his due from your hide.

Conquest rides behind on a horse of blue,
readying his magic to make the world subdue.
Spirits he breaks,
all hope he takes,
your will forever drained from you.

Along comes Famine on his horse of white,
all skin and bones, a most ghastly sight.
He starves the land,
waving a skeletal hand,
filling all souls with despair and fright.

At last comes Death on his horse of green,
the most hideous beast of all ever seen.
With the stench of death,
upon his breath,
the final blow to man he doth bring.


Love Undying

She sat quietly,
staring blankly at the door.
Only a few days had passed,
to her it seemed much more.

Her love had went adventuring,
seeking a dragon's nest.
She had begged and pleaded,
for him not to take the quest.

The news of his death,
had come the prior night.
He found and fought the dragon,
the dragon won the fight.

A love like no other,
was theirs to be shared.
Now he was gone,
leaving her lonely and scared.

How could she go on?
'Twas more than she could take.
With a heavy heart,
she had a decision to make.

"Life is not worth living,
without you here.
I must do the unthinkable,
to be with you, my dear."

She removed from it's sheath,
a very sharp knife.
With it she proceeded,
to take her own life.

With tears raining,
she looked to the skies.
Her love was there waiting,
for true love never dies.


Legend and Myth

Stories told throughout the ages,
by word of mouth and written pages.
Tales are told,
of days of old,
of a time of wizards and sages.

Ancient swords and magical rings,
fire-breathing dragons with powerful wings.
Someday we may see,
coming true prophecy,
born in the days of ancient kings.

Legends of heroes and battles fought,
of treasure hunters and treasures sought.
Wizards with their notions,
making magic potions,
with ingredients that can't be bought.

Mythological creatures roaming the land.
Pyramids buried beneath the sand.
Cities are lost,
some at great cost,
so always pay attention to the story at hand.

The stories give us clues to the past.
Legends that have been, myths that will last.
'Tis the teller who,
relays it to you,
in ways that are elegant and vast.

Parchment and scrolls hidden in nooks,
with tales long enough to fill many books.
We always crave more,
in this world of lore,
it all depends on where one looks.

The tellers of the tales, so many there are.
Coming from all places, some near, some far.
They make us believe,
the stories they weave,
and make us want to wish upon a star.

Writers, scribes, poets and bards,
seers of prophecies using tarot cards.
Paintings in caves,
messages on graves,
and tablets in bits and shards.

The legends and myths make us grope,
to find the answers to help us cope.
So that we may see,
a world that was and will be,
and bring us a glimmer of hope.


The Leaves

The leaves are born,
upon the trees of spring.
Blossoming out,
in many shades of green.

They unfold and reach out,
to greet the morning sun.
Their life's cycle,
just barely begun.

The summer sun wilts them,
some split and burst.
'Til the summer rains come,
to quench their thirst.

The fall brings,
an incredible sight.
As the leaves change color,
and then take flight.

Turning many shades,
of red, orange and gold.
Then drifting away,
as the air turns cold.

As winter hits,
the leaves are no more.
The trees look skeletal,
stripped of their decor.

The snow melts away,
spring starts to begin.
Bringing the leaves,
renewed life once again.


My Mind's Eye

In my mind's eye I see,
a world in which I wish to be.
With a rainbowed sky,
where I can fly,
and unicorns roam wild and free.

In my mind's eye I feel,
my thoughts turning like a wheel.
Flowing with emotion,
like waves on the ocean,
sinking into the abyss of the unreal.

In my mind's eye I love,
spreading my wings like the snow-white dove.
My spirit is free,
happy to be me,
while soaring through the heavens above.

In my mind's eye I taste,
taking in slowly, what I used to take in haste.
I'm filled inside,
with a sense of pride,
and not a single thing do I waste.

In my mind's eye I smile,
as I work magic with flair and style.
My spells start to grow,
as I start to glow,
and my power builds stronger all the while.

In my mind's eye I speak,
but innermost thoughts I do not leak.
I make myself heard,
with my spoken word,
and never present myself as weak.

In my mind's eye I sing,
while on the highest star I swing.
My notes are clear,
so all can hear,
the sweetest sounds my voice can bring.

In my mind's eye I write,
I pen my words in black and white.
So the world can read,
as I plant the seed,
to open their mind's eye into the light.



In the darkness he lurks,
watching for his prey.
He hides from the sun,
and brightness of the day.

Garbed all in black,
into the shadows he blends.
With immortal powers,
human will he bends.

He sees humans as sheep,
so predictable and slow.
They seem to copy each other,
everywhere they go.

Some are quite large,
some small as elves.
The only thing in common,
a lack to be themselves.

The followers and the fakers,
the pretenders and the actors.
He sits and observes,
taking in all the factors.

At least their blood is real,
it slakes his burning thirst.
Except for the intoxicated,
their blood is the worst.

He wishes he could stop,
take animals instead.
But human blood he craves,
his curse for being undead.

His thirst for it is strong,
it truly controls his mind.
Into the night he goes,
seeking victims to find.

They become trapped,
hypnotized by his glower.
Then they submit to him,
lost forever in his power.

For centuries this has been,
and always it will ever be.
A slave to his bloodlust,
he can never be free.



No memory has he,
of how he got here.
Everything is fuzzy,
nothing is clear.

He gazes around,
but recognizes nought.
He tries recollecting,
but nothing is caught.

The surroundings are strange,
not familiar at all.
There is nothing there,
that he can recall.

The faces of the people,
he knows no one.
As if struck by lightning,
he stood there in a stun.

Why is he here?
How did he get to this place?
Why can't he remember,
a single person's face?

He tries with all his might,
but not a spark is there.
This just is not right,
it just is not fair.
For his mind to be alive,
but have no memory there.

It pains him inside to know,
that his memory is no more.
Not even his own name,
or what he is here for.

If only there was a way,
to bring it all back.
But like solid marble,
it's just too tough to crack.

Someday, he hopes,
it will all return.
But until then,
everything he must relearn.

He's in a strange place,
possibly filled with danger.
Where not only the people,
but he himself is a stranger.

He could not know,
that a spell had been cast.
Nor could he know,
it was meant to last.

The spell was placed,
to control his mind.
So he could search his soul,
and his true self find.

This was his punishment,
for committing a misdeed.
And he could never again be ruled,
by his most foolish greed.


Cabin in the Wood

There is a cabin,
nestled deeply in a wood.
No-one really knows,
how long it has stood.

The foliage around it,
is thorned and dense.
The size of the cabin-
strikingly immense.

Into the treetops,
the roof seems to grow.
High into the canopy,
stopping where it doesn't show.

In the windows,
not a single light shines.
All is quite dark,
in this place among the pines.

Cobwebs dangle down,
sparkling with dew.
Making me wonder,
how it looked when new.

The perfectly-fit logs,
now blackened with age.
Must have once shone,
like a polished stage.

The elegant structure,
once artistic and grand.
Now seemed disheveled,
broken and bland.

I forced my way through,
all the thorny brush.
To get to see inside,
filled me with a rush.

I was taken in by its beauty,
though rotting from the years.
The thought of its neglect,
nearly brought me to tears.

I finally reached the door,
and gave a gentle push.
The air rushed in,
with an audible "whoosh".

As I stepped inside,
the door slammed behind.
The darkness was so thick,
it was like I was blind.

My eyes finally adjusted,
as sunlight through the windows shone.
That's when I discovered,
I was not alone.

A hooded figure stood in the shadows,
the air suddenly turned very cold.
But no-one supposedly lived there,
at least, that was the story told.

I tried to say hello,
but the figure didn't speak.
It was giving off an aura,
that was foreboding and bleak.

A robed arm raised,
pointing to the stairs.
They rose and split off,
spiraling up in pairs.

I warily approached them,
and started my climb to the top.
Once my feet touched them,
my legs wouldn't stop.

Around and around I went,
'til finally a landing I met.
My body shook with fear,
cold and damp from sweat.

The figure was suddenly there,
standing by my side.
I knew it was futile,
attempting to run and hide.

Its arm raised again,
and pointed down a hall.
Where my eyes beheld,
the strangest thing of all.

A scythe of gold,
levitated in the air.
It called out to me,
and pulled me closer there.

I grasped the handle,
and I started to glow.
I felt a strange energy,
through my body flow.

Suddenly, I too was garbed,
wearing a robe with a hood.
That's how I joined the Reapers,
in the cabin in the wood.


Wild Horses

The wild horses run stampeding across the plains,
kicking up dust clouds from the earth's soft grains.
They whinny and neigh,
while they nip and play,
with the wind flowing through their tails and manes.

Into the meadow they go where the grass is plush,
birds nesting in bushes come flying out in a gush.
They frolic and roll,
in the grassy knoll,
where the foliage grows green and lush.

The elder horses stop to rest by the brook's banks,
while the younger ones play enjoying little pranks.
They act aloof,
kicking each hoof,
as they show off flexing their muscles and flanks.

A lone nag stands in the shade of a tree,
favoring what appears to be a wounded knee.
She sheds a tear,
knowing the time is near,
for her spirit inside to simply cease to be.

Finally they all come to rest with their day of play done,
but it will start again with tomorrow's rising sun.
So for now I wait,
and I anticipate,
'til I may see again the wild horses run.


Day at the Beach

I went down to a lovely beach today,
and watched the seagulls while at play.
They swooped and soared,
as the ocean roared,
spreading wings of white and gray.

The waves rolled in a rhythmic motion,
ever changing is the mighty ocean.
I felt calm and serene,
while watching this scene,
like taking an intoxicating potion.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky,
a most amazing sight caught my eye.
In the morning sun,
having their fun,
dolphins were jumping way up high.

A flock of pelicans flew very low,
close to the water I watched them go.
One snagged a fish,
as was his wish,
and the others followed in flow.

A gentle breeze wafted through my hair,
the smell of salt permeated the air.
I sat in the sand,
ran it through my hand,
and forgot all else while sitting there.

Seashells dotted the beach in a line,
imbedded and scattered in the sand so fine.
So many to see,
all just for me,
but only the prettiest ones became mine.

As I went to leave the beach a sadness I felt,
putting on my shoes and tightening my belt.
Back to real life,
with all its strife,
brought me to tears and made my heart melt.


In the Twilight

As the sun rises,
darkness fades from the light.
The birth of the day,
and the death of the night.

In the twilight of the morning,
the world is surprisingly at peace.
I look up above me,
to see a flock of geese.

In a perfect "v" they glide,
soaring through the skies.
So graceful as they head,
towards the sun's waking rise.

The color of the sky,
is neither black nor blue.
The twilight comes,
in many a hue.

A varying prism of color,
that changes every day.
It brings to me a comfort,
soothing me in every way.

As the daylight ends,
the twilight is reborn.
Coming as beauteous at night,
as it does in the morn.

The glowing orange sun,
finally starts to sink.
Turning the evening sky,
a lovely shade of pink.

Stars begin to appear,
and the moon starts to show.
The world once again,
takes on a peaceful glow.

When a new life is born,
an old life faces death.
Arriving and leaving,
with the first and last breath.

Taken for granted,
are the simplest things.
We never really know,
what it all means.

Some things have always been,
and always will they ever be.
When we open our minds and hearts,
only then do we truly see.

The burden of belief,
is ever ours to bear.
Since the beginning of time,
the twilight has always been there.


Spirit Dance

Spirits come together beneath the moon's light,
some gliding close to the earth, others in full flight.
Answering to the call,
to join the ball,
that begins on the stroke of midnight.

An eerie sound trickles through the air,
a strange kind of music beyond compare.
The rhythm starts slow,
with a heady flow,
then picks up the pace with flair.

The spirits begin moving in an oddish way,
shaking and weaving in a freakish sway.
They feel the beat,
tapping misty feet,
as the strange music continued to play.

The incorporeal party kept up 'til dawn,
not a single spirit ever appeared to yawn.
They wanted to keep going,
though the sun was showing,
but in an instant, they were all gone.


The Lighthouse

Alone stands the lighthouse near the ocean's shore,
serving only one purpose, the reason it is there for.
A beacon of light,
shining in the night,
to sailors it is so much more.

It guides them to land when the sky is black,
and warns them of danger when it's time to turn back.
Keeps them clear of rocks,
and leads them to the docks,
as winds begin to blow and lightning starts to crack.

The keepers of the light, brave and loyal souls are they,
whether high upon a cliff or on an island in the bay.
They will always be,
heroes of the sea,
assuring sailors they would never be lead astray.

The buildings stand as monuments to time's test,
their massive lights placed high within their nest.
In rain, wind and hail,
these buildings prevail,
and stand true to their neverending quest.

So even when the stars shine and the moon is bright,
ships upon the waters face dangers in the night.
But boldly they go,
for they all know,
they will always find safety with the houses of light.


Death Does Not Care

Death does not care,
how old or how young.
Death does not care,
work must be done.

Death does not care,
how right or how wrong.
Death does not care,
it just takes us along.

Death does not care,
whether female or male.
Death does not care,
it will not fail.

Death does not care,
how strong or how weak.
Death does not care,
souls it must seek.

Death does not care,
colors matter not.
Death does not care,
it can't be fought.

Death does not care,
whether it's me or you.
Death does not care,
it has a job to do.



I took a safari in an untamed land.
A place of beasts,
and tribal feasts.
New adventures are always grand.

Animals appeared slowly one by one.
All roaming free,
so awesome to see.
My thrills had barely begun.

A pride of lions lazed in the tall grass.
The cubs all played,
in a spot of shade.
The older males shook their manes with class.

I saw monkeys happily swinging through the trees.
The jumped and swung,
by their tails they hung.
The larger apes just sat picking fleas.

Giraffes were strutting with their heads held high.
Each had a gentle face,
all striding with grace.
I gazed in wonder as they passed by.

The hippos were all playing in a shaded pool.
Making a happy sound,
they splashed around.
It was obviously the best way to get cool.

So many animals were out having fun.
I watched them all day,
at work and at play.
Then came the night and my safari was done.


On Dragon's Wings

On dragon's wings we take to the sky,
making circles and loops, we go way up high.
We are free,
my dragon and me,
so happy together as we fly.

On dragon's wings across the land we go,
over forests of trees and mountains with snow.
My dragon roared,
as we soared,
and let a mighty breath of fire blow.

On dragon's wings the world below looks small,
I can see the humans in an ant-like crawl.
Just milling around,
there on the ground,
never paying any notice of us at all.

On dragon's wings above the oceans we soar,
crystal blue water spanned from shore to shore.
Fish flew like birds,
whales swam in herds,
there's just so much to see in this world of lore.

On dragon's wings all day I rode,
'til on the horizon moonlight glowed.
So full and bright,
for the coming night,
so we rested where a mighty river flowed.

I expect no-one to understand these things,
when aboard a dragon, my little heart sings.
Together we go,
flying to and fro,
taking our view of the world on dragon's wings.


The Path

There is a path,
not always taken.
The only travelers,
are ones forsaken.

Leaving behind them,
a world of grief.
They take the path,
to find relief.

Through a blackened forest,
long ago dead.
Past a battleground,
where many had bled.

With many bloodstains,
still upon the ground.
There's no sign of life,
not even a sound.

A path for the brave,
not the weak at heart.
For ones without fear,
it is a world apart.

Up a mountain,
it makes a rise.
To continue upon it,
one must be wise.

Treacherous and hard,
it challenges all.
Through many places,
one must crawl.

Teeming with risks,
and many a danger.
One must stay alert,
and choke back anger.

Over the mountain,
the path continues still.
Going seemingly forever,
for those with the will.

With highs and lows,
and winding turns.
Through desert rocks,
and sand that burns.

On and on it goes,
with no end in sight.
Some cannot take it,
and give up in fright.

But others keep going,
no matter the strife.
It's what they must do,
when on the path of life.



I've seen many things,
to give me a thrill.
Some gave me fright,
but I am here still.

I've climbed many trees,
sledded on many a hill.
But I had the heart,
to keep going still.

I've given up rights,
took many a spill.
I've lost and won,
and keep fighting still.

I've swallowed words,
like taking a pill.
I've held my tongue,
and kept truths still.

Through life and death,
I've kept my will.
Happiness and pain,
coexist in me still.

Emotions and thoughts,
from out of me spill.
The words I write,
pour from me still.

In my heart and soul,
a need I must fill.
Hoping the world,
will love me still.


The Visitor

From where he comes, no-one knows,
he has no explanation for where he goes.
A traveler in space,
from another race,
visiting planets in a spaceship that glows.

From each place a souvenir he takes,
quietly he goes, not a sound he makes.
Wings from a bee,
leaves from a tree,
and shiny pebbles from the bottoms of lakes.

The inhabitants never see him there,
he visits each place with special care.
He comes in the night,
stays out of sight,
his great stealth is beyond compare.

Signs of his visit occur now and then,
marks left where his spaceship had been.
Circles and dots,
left in spots,
the residents all wonder how, why and when.

Through the stars his spaceship flies,
streaking like a comet in the midnight skies.
He visits each place,
with joy on his face,
for he is happiest where adventure lies.

Some planets are full of grime,
with smelly rubbish and full of slime.
He sheds a tear,
to see this here,
as it had to been beauteous in another time.

Other planets have style and grace,
landscapes spread like delicate lace.
This is his game,
none are the same,
to the visitor from outer space.


Ride a Seahorse

Ride a seahorse,
through the sea.
Take joy and wonder,
being wild and free.

Pull the reins tight,
and push him for more.
Drive him down,
to an ocean floor.

Take in the sights,
that only live below.
Go way, way down,
to see fish that glow.

See an octupus or squid,
as it swims along beside.
Taking them by surprise,
seeing you on your ride.

You pass a school of puffins,
and a giant electric eel.
Ducking a great white shark,
who wants you for a meal.

You see many whales,
some large, some small.
But the blue whale showed,
and scattered them all.

The starfish and crabs,
wriggle in the sand.
Find an oyster with a pearl,
and hold it in your hand.

To the coral reef,
and the beauty it holds.
With intricate patterns,
a new world unfolds.

Your heart will delight,
as anyone can agree.
'Tis wonderous to ride,
a seahorse through the sea.


Lend a Hand

People need help in many ways,
but are sadly ignored in these modern days.
Hungry and alone,
sleeping on stone,
home is wherever their head lays.

What will it take to fill their need?
Can others forget their personal greed?
To show they care,
have a dime to spare,
for a family with bellies to feed.

I truly cannot help but think,
we're all born with a common link.
Remove your pride,
toss it aside,
and offer to someone your cup to drink.

Helping each other is always our task.
Open your eyes and remove your mask.
So you may find,
those left behind,
because they never knew how to ask.


Sweet Visions
(for the lovers of all tales)

I see many visions,
inside my head.
Characters and scenes,
from books I've read.

There's an ogre here,
dragons over there.
Dust sparkles of magic,
linger in the air.

A princess is in peril,
but a prince comes along.
The nightingale is singing,
its everlasting song.

Pixies and fairies,
are fluttering about.
One of the three little pigs,
is wriggling his snout.

King Arthur is sitting,
at the table that's round.
A ninja is stalking,
making no sound.

Pirates are sailing,
on the ocean blue.
Sherlock Holmes is hunting,
searching for a clue.

Vampires are lurking,
in shadows they hide.
Great Lady Godiva,
is going for a ride.

The Cheshire cat,
gives a wide grin.
Dorothy is traveling,
with a man of tin.

Captain Nemo takes a dive,
in his homemade sub.
Aladdin finds a lamp,
and begins to rub.

The phoenix flies,
on wings of flame.
Three little mice,
are blind and lame.

Black Beauty is running,
so wild and free.
A bear went over a mountain,
to see what he could see.

Harry Potter waves his wand,
and lets his magic loose.
Little children gather,
circling Mother Goose.

Dinosaurs are living,
on an island far away.
A town full of rats,
pays the Pied Piper to play.

Ghosts are haunting,
in a castle's hall.
Repunzil in her tower,
lets her golden hair fall.

Spaceships are flying,
through the stars they go.
An ancient sword casts,
an everlasting glow.

Captain Ahab searches,
for Moby Dick the whale.
The nose of Pinocchio,
grows with each tall tale.

Peter Pan is playing,
with the lost little boys.
Santa's elves are working,
making Christmas toys.

Jack climbs a beanstalk,
to find the giant there.
The big bad wolf,
gave everyone a scare.

Lovers are in a garden,
walking hand in hand.
Fighting off the devil,
warriors make a stand.

The Cat in the Hat,
is making a mess of things.
A little Hobbit turns invisible,
with a magical ring.

King Midas touches,
turning things to gold.
The Titanic is sinking,
in water so very cold.

The tortoise and the hare,
are running their race.
The Phantom of the opera,
hides his gruesome face.

Rip Van Winkle is sleeping,
'neath the shade of a tree.
So many great stories,
are alive inside of me.

But now I think,
it is high time.
For me to stop,
this neverending rhyme.


The Gifts

A forgotten cemetery,
overgrown with weeds.
The final destination,
where a thorny path leads.

The tombstones old and worn,
the names have disappeared.
Epitaphs to the dead,
the beloved and endeared.

Crosses and statues,
in marble and stone.
A massive mausoleum,
is standing alone.

In this place of death,
my heart did not fear.
The sight of its neglect,
made me shed a tear.

For no apparent reason,
I started to work.
Clearing thorny vines,
giving weeds a jerk.

The names may be gone,
but the bodies remained.
I cleaned every grave,
'til my energy had drained.

The mausoleum door,
was hanging askew.
One of the hinges,
was missing a bolt or two.

Awkward and heavy,
this cast iron gate.
It took all my strength,
to set it up straight.

I found an iron spike,
and jammed it in the hinge.
I went to close the latch,
and felt my body twinge.

Another strange urge,
made me step inside.
I just could not fight it,
no matter how hard I tried.

Down the steps I went,
into a cavernous room.
Heavy was the scent of death,
in the coldness and gloom.

With a magic spark,
torches lit with flame.
A painting hung upon a wall,
inside a glowing frame.

A strange fog swirled,
around my ankles and feet.
I stared at the painting,
and felt a wave of heat.

A picture of a Paladin,
below it was a plaque.
Its words remained untouched,
by weather and time's attack.

As I read the words,
an apparition came to view.
Its face was distinct,
its body I saw through.

The spirit of the Paladin,
was before me there.
Making not a sound,
just floating in the air.

He pointed to the plaque,
with a look that was proud.
He made a motion for me,
to speak the words out loud.

"A mighty warrior lies,
in this holy place.
Beside him is resting,
his golden sword and mace.

One will come along,
showing that they care.
Deserving of the power,
that is his to share.

He bestows many gifts,
things of power and might.
To the one willing,
to side with the light."

I stood there in a daze,
not sure what to do.
I just couldn't believe,
this was all true.

He prodded me to open,
the lone coffin's lid.
Without a hesitation,
it's exactly what I did.

There I found his armor,
polished with a golden shine.
His body was long gone,
turned to dust so fine.

Strange, bittersweet tears,
from my eyes poured.
Alongside his armor,
lay the mace and sword.

To my knees I fell,
unable to believe.
These gifts were mine,
this power to receive.

With a wave of his hand,
I was suddenly outside.
My eyes full of wonder,
innocent and wide.

The cemetery was gone,
no graves had remained.
I could not find it,
I searched in vain.

The armor and weapons,
now belonged to me.
With this power of light,
I can help others to be free.

I learned a great lesson,
while exploring that day.
Follow your heart,
even when it goes astray.

Pay your respects to things,
long forgotten and old.
You may be rewarded,
by the gifts they hold.


(for Kona)

An ode to a friend who exists no more.
Who was not ready when death opened the door.
A free spirit was she,
alive in my memory,
defining all meaning to what friends are for.

Unique, green eyes that made your heart melt.
You cannot fathom the pain I've felt.
It's just not fair,
she's no longer there,
but that is the way destiny's cards are dealt.

The six short months I knew her took my breath away.
Lots of little games, together we would play.
Always running about,
ever wearing me out,
I so often wish she were still here today.

Kona, my loving friend, you're in my heart so dear.
You always made me happy whenever you were near.
Unconditional love,
sent from above,
I will never be the same without you here.


Ballad of Sir Spam-a-Lot

This is the ballad of Sir Spam-a-Lot,
someone everybody knows.
Spamming up the forums,
everywhere he goes.

A comment here, a comment there,
unrelated to the topic at hand.
Saying things he shouldn't say,
on the brink of being banned.

Sometimes he is nice,
when he posts his words.
Often his opinion,
is strictly for the birds.

He never reads the rules,
just posts what he wants.
Using different colors,
and sometimes fancy fonts.

He hits threads at random,
the subject matters not.
Thus is the life,
of Sir Spam-a-Lot!



A dragon is soaring, circling you overhead.
He takes a swoop,
makes a loop,
lets his head droop.
Emitting a powerful, overbearing sense of dread.

Your body is frozen, overcome with fear.
You try to run,
but you succumb,
your body is numb.
You try screaming, but there is no-one to hear.

The fear squeezes, crushing you in its grip.
Like a dart,
stabbing your heart,
rips your mind apart.
You feel all your will starting to slip.

The dragon prepares to throw his flame at you.
With a turn,
it looses the burn,
for relief you yearn.
Trapped by the fear, there's nothing you can do.

Your flesh is searing, peeling from your bones.
You can tell,
by the smell,
this is your hell.
And none but the dragon hears your dying moans.

Your mind is fading, darkness starts to loom.
The end is near,
nothing is clear,
thanks to dragonfear.
Always striking quick to take you to your doom!


Fun with Numbers
(an experiment for doing an educational "kiddie book")

A one and a two,
then a three and a four.
Numbers! Numbers!
More and more!

A five, then a six,
of course--seven, eight.
Keep on counting,
you're doing great!

Then comes a nine,
and finally a ten.
But don't stop there,
let's go again!

Double the ten,
and you have twenty.
Think about it now,
you'll see there's plenty!

Going up in tens,
there's thirty, forty, fifty.
Playing with numbers,
can be quite nifty!

Next you will find,
sixty, seventy, eighty.
There's many more,
I'm not kidding, matey!

Ninety and one hundred,
to complete a set.
But this isn't over,
I'm not finished yet!

Then after the hundreds,
come thousands and millions.
Just keep on going,
way past the zillions!

Numbers are so cool,
surely, you must agree.
They go on forever,
beyond all infinity!


Witch in the Window

At the stroke of midnight,
in the window she appears.
She is the epitomy,
of my childhood fears.

A gnarled face,
and crooked nose.
With warts and boils,
puss-filled and gross.

Black, stringy hair,
tangled in a mess.
She froze me in place,
I must confess.

An evil presence,
she always gave.
I knew someday,
I'd have to be brave.

But how does one rid,
themself of a witch?
I wrestled my mind,
'til my eyes did twitch.

There must be something,
I can do or say.
I moved in close,
and screamed "Go away!"

She gave an evil grin,
one that made me wince.
But then she disappeared,
and I haven't seen her since!


Unicorn on My Shelf

Little unicorn upon my shelf,
on top of a music box.
Sitting amongst a clutter,
of pretty crystals and rocks.

I like to imagine,
that it is real.
A living creature,
I can touch and feel.

With a lovely white coat,
and glowing golden horn.
From the palm of my hand,
I feed it kernals of corn.

I stroke its mane,
all soft and thick.
I offer a sugar cube,
and it takes a lick.

It kneels down low,
offers its back to stride.
I hop myself aboard,
to take a little ride.

Grabbing its mane,
I hold on tight.
It runs so smooth,
almost taking flight.

Faster and faster we go,
over every dale and hill.
Leaping brooks and fences,
oh my, what a thrill!

Into a grassy meadow,
passing a forest of trees.
The sun shines on my face,
my hair blows in the breeze.

Down worn out paths,
and roads that wind.
Going anywhere we want,
in the depths of my mind.

No-one can see us,
I giggle to myself.
As I daydream and ride,
the unicorn on my shelf.


A Walk in Purgatory

Take a walk with me,
to a place unknown.
Where hopes and dreams,
of mankind are sown.

The streets are made,
with bricks of gold.
The weather is perfect,
never too hot or cold.

A place of limbo,
that can't be seen.
Neither Heaven nor Earth,
but somewhere in between.

Where the tapestries of life,
by the three fates are made.
The destiny of mankind,
is planned out and laid.

The spirits of lost souls,
who have lost their way.
On their life's path,
they had went astray.

Not Heaven or Hell bound,
invisible in the eyes of grace.
They just roam aimlessly,
spending eternity in this place.

Well, it's not so bad,
it's actually quite nice.
But if you wish to stay,
you'll pay the ultimate price.

The incarnations of the world,
call this magic spot home.
I learned of its existence,
reading an ancient tome.

I decided to pay it a visit,
to see if the tale was true.
When I found out it was,
I wished to share it with you.

So I'll leave you now,
to write your own story.
And you may share too,
your walk in Purgatory!


Death's Sweet Embrace

It takes me in its arms, though unfeeling and cold.
It soothes me here,
I shed no tear,
I have no fear.
The pains washed away, once within its hold.

It was my time to go, I knew this in my heart.
With eyes like coal,
it caressed my soul,
and made me whole.
Making it easy for me, from this world to part.

There are no guarantees in life, we're only here on a lease.
I've given my best,
I puff out my chest,
I've earned my rest.
Within Death's sweet embrace, I'm finally at peace.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 2/6/2009 17:33:15 >
AQ  Post #: 3
6/28/2008 16:51:22   

Life's Lessons

When you taught me to speak,
I spoke with my heart.
When you taught me to love,
it filled me from the start.

When you taught me bravery,
I carried on without fear.
When you taught me compassion,
I learned to shed a tear.

When you taught me guilt,
I became wrought with shame.
When you taught me to lie,
I understood your game.

When you taught me to steal,
I knew that it was wrong.
When you taught me to hate,
I hated you from then on.

Be careful what you teach,
your children when small.
You may start their journey right,
or you may lead them to fall.

When you teach them to believe,
the highest stars they will reach.
When you teach them not to care,
it is yourself you need to teach.
AQ  Post #: 4
6/28/2008 17:09:59   

Edited version of "Legend"


A child was born in a little known wood,
who's parents were both decent and good.
They raised him well and he grew big and strong,
there seemed to be nothing he could do wrong.

He had talents, of which nobody knew,
that became stronger as he grew.
He knew not how he came upon these things,
he could change his shape, grow claws or wings.

Any animal he thought of, he could instantly be,
as large as an elephant or as tiny as a flea.
One day he found a cave and ventured inside,
he found a chest with a scroll, made of dragon's hide.

As it unravelled, a magical being appeared before his eyes,
she wore a beautiful gown and was small in size.
Delicate, pixie-like wings grew from her back,
in her hands, was a small glittering sack.

A wreath of flowers lay upon her head,
and he knew, from her, he had nothing to dread.
She smiled when she saw him and pointed to the scroll,
he let go of the bottom and let it continue to unroll.

"I have waited for you to find me" she said with a smile.
"Oh, how I have waited, for such a long while".
"How can that be?" he asked "I know not who you are,
and I've been all over these woods, both near and far."

"Read the scroll and you will know all you need,
of this I beg of you, I implore, I plead."
He gazed upon the words and all became clear,
it was his destiny to find her here.

His name was upon it and the letters sparkled in hue,
it seems a Legend had finally come true.
A Goddess of nature had been locked inside the chest,
and placed in the cave by some very evil pests.

The scroll told of his birth and the powers he possessed,
and how with these gifts, he was truly blessed.
It was she who gave him this power he had,
the one he discovered when he was just a young lad.

"Why me?" he asked, with amazement and awe.
What, in him, could she have foresaw?
"I'm Mother Nature" she said at last,
"I'm the present, future and past."

"I control the animals, the flowers and trees,
the skies above and the powerful seas."
"When I was locked away, I made one last flower bloom,
your mother plucked it and held it against her womb."

"This is how your powers came to be,
so you could eventually rescue me."
"Now we must celebrate and hold great feasts,
for you are now dubbed, the Master of the Beasts."
AQ  Post #: 5
6/30/2008 19:59:07   

For Love of Dragons

I have a mighty dragon, its name is Shalazar.
Its body is black,
it has a fiery attack,
I ride upon its back.
To me, it's the most awesome dragon by far.

Together we fight in the battles of Lore.
Taking on foes,
vanquishing woes,
our bravery shows.
Leaving our enemies shaking to their core.

We both train hard to better our fight.
Using burn and rend,
and scale to defend,
seeing it to the end.
Working together, we have strength and might.

I know there are others, with dragons like me.
Fighting as a team,
their eyes agleam,
like watching a dream.
There is nowhere else they would rather be.

Respect and care are all it ever really takes.
So work and train,
for power to gain,
forgetting all pain.
One must give their heart when raising drakes.
AQ  Post #: 6
7/3/2008 20:41:55   

A Heardened Heart

Ever being stepped on, and always pushed aside.
Seeking places of darkness, so to shrink and hide.
No-one ever sees,
the pain doesn't ease.
It just flows in and out like the ocean's tide.

My heart has been hardened by those I've seen.
Control freaks and bullies, or those who are mean.
They beat you down,
to make you frown.
Always will they be, always have they been.

Sometimes I wonder what hardened their heart.
Who was the culprit? What factors played a part?
It's hard to believe,
peace can be achieved.
When there is no-one willing to make a start.

Someday, I will find those who are real.
Thinkers and dreamers, those who feel.
Breaking the chain,
releasing the pain.
Melting the hearts of ones cold as steel.

I have learned well from those who don't care.
Those who are selfish and unwilling to share.
I hope they learn,
their cheek must turn.
The truth finally exposed, that life is not fair.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 7/4/2008 7:20:34 >
AQ  Post #: 7
7/4/2008 7:24:04   

A Heardened Heart

Ever being stepped on, and always pushed aside.
Seeking places of darkness, so to shrink and to hide.
No-one ever sees,
the pain doesn't ease.
It just flows in and out like the ocean's tide.

My heart has been hardened by those that I have seen.
Control freaks and bullies, or those who are mean.
They beat one down,
to make one frown.
Always will they be, always have they been.

Sometimes I wonder what has hardened their heart.
Who was the culprit? What factors played a part?
It's hard to believe,
peace can be achieved.
When there is no-one willing to make a start.

Someday, I will find those who are real.
Thinkers and dreamers, those who feel.
Breaking the chain,
releasing the pain.
Melting the hearts of ones cold as steel.

I have learned well from those who don't care.
Those who are selfish and unwilling to share.
I hope they learn,
their cheek must turn.
The truth finally exposed, that life is not fair.
AQ  Post #: 8
7/6/2008 8:12:44   

Isle in the Mist

There is an isle,
few have ever seen.
Neither here nor there,
just somewhere in between.

Shrouded in a mist,
staying hidden from view.
When it graces your sight,
it will beckon to you.

You cannot resist,
your will is taken.
Something inside you,
begins to waken.

You must get closer,
to this pretty place.
It exists on no map,
not a speck nor a trace.

You reach its shore,
glittering is the sand.
You spring from your craft,
soon as you touch land.

The magic of the isle,
swims in your mind.
All anxiety and dread,
are left far behind.

A dense forest spreads,
miles beyond the shore.
Thick, green and lush,
with adventure in store.

You feel very happy,
you're calm and at peace.
You start your long trek,
into the tall trees.

Shining beams of sunlight,
shimmer here and there.
Strange, beautiful flowers,
are blooming everywhere.

You hear running water,
and follow the sound.
It's like walking on air,
though your feet still touch ground.

You imagine a lovely waterfall,
and suddenly, one appears.
You feel so at peace,
there are no fears.

You dip your small canteen.
into the waterfall's pool.
The water feels refreshing,
so sparkling and cool.

You raise the canteen,
to your sea-parched lips.
It tingles in your mouth,
and down your throat it slips.

The water surges and flows,
your mind begins to reel.
Old wounds and scars,
amazingly start to heal.

You wish you had a house,
to live in on this isle.
One is suddenly there,
like it existed all the while.

It's an exact copy,
of one from your dreams.
It becomes quite clear,
the isle's more than it seems.

You enter the house,
and turn very pale.
This is your dreamed of house,
down to the last detail.

You wonder if there's food,
with a "poof" it is there.
Just magically appearing,
popping out of thin air.

Whatever you may need,
or may think of in your mind.
The magic of the isle,
makes it easy to find.

You wonder if the animals,
of the isle are tame.
They could be dangerous,
with an intent to maim.

You imagine friendly creatures,
from both reality and lore.
Since all your thoughts became real,
you would want nothing more.

You peek out a window,
to see an awesome sight.
Animals teeming in the forest,
and gorgeous birds in flight.

You remember your boat,
left behind on the shore.
You're so at peace here,
you decide it's needed no more.

You wish to stay on this isle,
lost in a sea of blue.
Where all your hopes are granted,
and little fantasies come true.
AQ  Post #: 9
7/8/2008 6:39:08   

Power of the Monsoon

The desert becomes hot from first rise of the sun.
To escape its searing rays, into the shade we run.
The humidity rises,
there are no surprises.
It is sweltering, and the day has barely begun.

Right around midday massive clouds start growing.
Turning very dark gray, their threat starts showing.
The thunder booms,
warning of doom.
The wind howls in madness once it starts blowing.

The rain starts to fall, coming down in large drops.
There is no way of telling when this will stop.
The monsoon rages,
like beasts in cages.
Dancing and swaying in the tall treetops.

Lightning flashes and forks out across the sky.
This is when danger reaches an all-time high.
It cracks and spreads,
in charged spiderwebs.
If one gets hit by a bolt, they will surely fry.

In this world, nature plays a very strange tune.
From the flow of the tide to the stages of the moon.
Respect its ways,
and alive you'll stay.
Never underestimating, the power of the monsoon.
AQ  Post #: 10
7/10/2008 6:41:51   


Pressure from our friends,
pressure from our peers.
There is so much pressure,
steam comes out our ears.

Pressure to do things,
we don't want to do.
Pressure from our parents,
and from our siblings too.

Pressure to do right,
pressure to do wrong.
No matter where it comes from,
it's always the same song.

We must do this,
and we must do that.
The pressure bears down,
squishing all of us flat.

Some of us can't take it,
we want to explode.
It's too much to carry,
such a heavy load.

Pressure to excel at work,
pressure to excel at sports.
It squeezes us inside,
it twists and contorts.

Pressure to obey,
every little rule.
Pressure to disobey,
and act the fool.

There is pressure to give,
to those who are without.
Pressure to believe,
and pressure to doubt.

Pressure to laugh,
and pressure to cry.
Pressure to drive,
and pressure to fly.

People do not realize,
the harm they can do.
When pushing others,
to be like them too.

We must take a breath,
and let the pressure cease.
Or else it may find,
an unhealthy release.
AQ  Post #: 11
7/13/2008 7:58:06   

Death of a Dynasty

For centuries, they were worshipped and revered.
No matter their strifes, they had persevered.
Treated like Gods.
What were the odds?
Eventually, they became dangerous and feared.

Once sworn protectors of kingdoms and towns.
Given hoards of treasure such as jewels and crowns.
They most liked gold,
so pretty to hold.
'Til the humans turned and sought to bring them down.

They saw them as too strong, a threat to all.
With massive bodies and standing so tall.
Razor sharp claws,
and powerful jaws.
Their beautiful dynasty was starting to fall.

They were brutally slayed, one by one.
Some hid away while others tried to run.
They had to try,
or surely die.
Their age of power and magic was finally done.

Believers of the tales, born in days of old.
Of mighty Dragons and treasures of gold.
Their lives will not,
be merely forgot.
They live on in those tales that continue to be told.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 1/18/2009 9:29:06 >
AQ  Post #: 12
7/16/2008 6:52:44   

Spirit Seeker

I like to go out,
in the darkest of night.
Seeking ghosts and spirits,
ignoring my inner fright.

Old abandoned houses,
spooky forests and caves.
Ruins of ancient castles,
and churchyards with graves.

Spirits like to roam,
among familiar places.
Some are merely mist,
others will show their faces.

I call out to them,
hoping they will speak.
Sometimes they will tap,
or cause a door to creak.

Some will not apparate,
keeping out of view.
Others wander aimlessly,
gliding along without a clue.

I can sense their presence,
whenever they are near.
Leaving extremely cold spots,
causing shivers of fear.

But, I seek them anyway,
to catch glimmers of proof.
Too often when I spot them,
they vanish with a "poof".

What is their purpose?
What drives them to go on?
I wonder if they realize,
that they are dead and gone.

They speak in soft whispers,
and touch in little ways.
Tiny tugs on my clothing,
or with my hair they play.

Objects will often disappear,
and show up in another spot.
Some carry the scent of flowers,
others smell of death and rot.

They really do exist,
that much I do know.
The spirits can be found,
almost anywhere you go.

People think I'm crazy,
call me what you want.
After I have passed on,
it will be you I come to haunt.
AQ  Post #: 13
7/19/2008 17:49:37   

The Survivors

The streets are all empty, cars no longer run.
There is only darkness since the explosion of the sun.
We stood to fight,
creatures of the night.
The human race depleted, almost every single one.

Only a select few were lucky to be alive.
Determined, desperate souls yearning to once again thrive.
We hid in fear,
when monsters came near.
We must find a way, we have the will to survive.

Plunged into darkness, the world turned very cold.
We hunted food for our bellies, weapons for our hands to hold.
Taking what we could,
for the greater good.
Making our stand, we became brave and bold.

A dozen men and women, scattered over Earth's face.
We found ways to connect without leaving a trace.
United as one,
war had begun.
The task placed upon us, to revive the human race.

From vampires to werewolves and demons from hell.
With great stealth we fought as each one fell.
The sole survivors,
and Earth's revivors.
Giving future generations great stories to tell.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 7/21/2008 19:40:57 >
AQ  Post #: 14
7/23/2008 7:39:22   

Moods of the Angels

When angels shed their tears,
rain falls from the sky.
What could be the reason,
to cause angels to cry?

An injustice to humanity,
perhaps an earthly disaster.
The more tragic the scene,
the tears will fall faster.

They will softly sigh,
with each human's death.
Sending gentle breezes,
with their exhaled breath.

Their sadness affects the clouds,
turning them a very dark gray.
It makes them thicken and grow,
blocking out the light of day.

With the flapping of their wings,
they cause mighty winds to blow.
In the coldest times of winter,
their tears will fall as snow.

It's strange how their moods,
can affect our earthly weather.
Their sadness and anger cause harm,
their joy will softly float a feather.

When they are happiest,
the sun is ever so bright.
All the stars are visible,
in the sky at night.

Hear all the birds chirping,
to celebrate the spring.
They are only echoing,
songs the angels sing.

In a relaxed sort of mood,
they make fluffy white clouds.
Some make them light and wispy,
like ghosts floating in shrouds.

We can see images and shapes,
when using our inner eye.
It is actually artwork,
made by angels in the sky.

Have you ever seen leaves,
blowing around in swirls?
This is when the angels,
are dancing about in twirls.

Just use your imagination,
I am sure you will find more.
Invisible forces of nature,
angels are responsible for.

I will believe this now,
and for all of my years.
That every time it rains,
angels shed their tears.
AQ  Post #: 15
7/25/2008 18:18:09   

Moods of the Angels-edited version

When angels shed their tears,
rain falls from the sky.
What could be the reason,
to make the angels cry?

An injustice to humanity,
perhaps an earthly disaster.
When the scene is more tragic,
the tears will fall faster.

They will sigh softly,
with every human's death.
Sending gentle breezes,
with their exhaled breath.

Their sadness affects the clouds,
turning them a dark gray.
Making them thicken and grow,
blocking out the light of day.

With the flapping of their wings,
they cause mighty winds to blow.
In the coldest times of winter,
their tears will fall as snow.

It's strange how their moods,
can affect our earthly weather.
Their sadness and anger cause harm,
their joy light as a feather.

When they are happiest,
the sun is ever so bright.
All the stars are visible,
in the sky at night.

Hear all the birds chirping,
to celebrate the spring.
They are only echoing,
songs the angels sing.

In a relaxed type of mood,
they make fluffy white clouds.
Some make them light and wispy,
like ghosts floating in shrouds.

We can see images and shapes,
when using our inner eye.
It is actually artwork,
made by angels in the sky.

Have you ever seen leaves,
blowing around in swirls?
This is when the angels,
are dancing about in twirls.

Just use your imagination,
I am sure you will find more.
Invisible forces of nature,
angels are responsible for.

I will believe this now,
and for all of my years.
That every time it rains,
angels shed their tears.
AQ  Post #: 16
7/26/2008 7:12:35   


As little babes we are barely learning to crawl.
Innocent of mind,
a diapered behind,
never unkind.
We find joy in this world and the wonder of it all.

As small children we discover our first known fears.
Monsters we see,
clear as can be,
making us flee.
We hide 'neath our covers through the preteen years.

Ah, the teenage years, always awkward and rough.
Striving to fit in,
young women and men,
forever trying to win.
Learning very quickly that competition can be tough.

In our twenties we think we know every little thing.
Acting like hams,
getting into jams,
running our scams.
Never appreciating the true gifts life can bring.

The thirties and forties are where we start to gain some sense.
Listening to others,
sisters and brothers,
fathers and mothers.
Learning when to use our words and when not to mince.

The fifties and sixties bring reflections of the past.
So many shed tears,
and victorious cheers,
throughout the years.
It is amazing how it can just fly by so fast.

From seventy to one hundred we feel blessed to live so long.
No-one should gauge,
others by their age,
it's merely a stage.
And we have been the singers in life's neverending song.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 7/29/2008 20:07:14 >
AQ  Post #: 17
7/29/2008 6:48:45   

I Believe

I believe happy endings,
can verily come true.
I believe what once was,
can be rebuilt anew.

I believe in the Heavens,
the moon and the stars.
I believe there is life,
beyond Earth and Mars.

I believe pain exists,
when a tree is chopped down.
I believe a sad person hides,
'neath the mask of a clown.

I believe in the magic,
in fairy tales of old.
I believe hidden in a jungle,
lies a lost city of gold.

I believe in dragons,
great beasts with fiery breath.
I believe in the fates,
that control life and death.

I believe in the spirits,
that roam in the night.
I believe in the truth,
and doing what is right.

I believe within each person,
a hidden talent resides.
I believe in workmanship,
in teamwork and pride.

I believe there are things,
we were never meant to know.
I believe for every seed I plant,
something beautiful will grow.

I believe in true love,
and the elation that it brings.
I believe in unicorns,
and other mythic things.

I believe in fighting,
for a cause that is just.
I believe in strength of family,
and friends you can trust.

I believe in the miracles,
that cannot be explained.
I believe that knowledge,
is how power is obtained.

I believe in the writers,
of poetry and gripping tales.
I believe in pirate ships,
asea with billowing sails.

I believe we should enjoy life,
and find ways to have fun,
I believe it is time,
for this poem to be done.
AQ  Post #: 18
7/29/2008 20:20:17   

I Believe-edited

I believe happy endings,
can verily come true.
I believe what once was,
can be rebuilt anew.

I believe in the Heavens,
the moon and the stars.
I believe there is life,
beyond Earth and Mars.

I believe pain exists,
when a tree is chopped down.
I believe sad ones hide,
'neath the mask of a clown.

I believe in the magic,
from fairy tales of old.
I believe, hidden in a jungle,
lies a lost city of gold.

I believe in dragons,
great beasts with fiery breath.
I believe in the fates,
that control life and death.

I believe in the spirits,
that roam in the night.
I believe in the truth,
and doing what's right.

I believe within each person,
a hidden talent resides.
I believe in workmanship,
in teamwork and pride.

I believe there are things,
we were never meant to know.
I believe for every seed I plant,
something beautiful will grow.

I believe in true love,
and the elation that it brings.
I believe in unicorns,
and other mythic things.

I believe in fighting,
for a cause that is just.
I believe in strength of family,
and friends you can trust.

I believe in the miracles,
that cannot be explained.
I believe that knowledge,
is how power is obtained.

I believe in the writers,
of poetry and gripping tales.
I believe in pirate ships,
asea with billowing sails.

I believe we should enjoy life,
and find ways to have fun.
I believe in having chances,
but with life we only get one.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 7/29/2008 20:28:18 >
AQ  Post #: 19
8/1/2008 6:40:05   

The Monster

He skulks through the cemetery in the darkest of night.
Wearing shadows like skin, he keeps out of sight.
The worst of knaves,
seeking fresh graves.
Stealing the bodies within by the pale moonlight.

An evil doctor with sinister plans in his head.
Trying experiments in resurrecting the dead.
Taking parts he needs,
for his heinous deeds.
Arms, legs, torso, and of course, the perfect head.

He takes the parts and lays them out one by one.
He will not stop until his work is done.
Stitching and sewing,
with blood flowing.
This unnatural operation had finally begun.

A creature, the likes of which no-one had seen before.
Its grotesque face and body reeked of blood and gore.
Stretched on a slab,
in the doctor's lab.
Lightning and thunder roared as the Heaven's began to pour.

He raised the slab high and exposed it to the rain.
Lacking food and rest, this caused the doctor to strain.
Once the slab was set,
the body was soaking wet.
It had to work this time or his toils would be in vain.

He ran about his lab flipping every little switch.
All details were checked for it to go without a hitch.
The lightning flashed,
into the slab it crashed.
Charged by the current, the body started to twitch.

Some machines exploded and they caught ablaze.
The doctor shielded himself from the smoke and haze.
The lightning had stopped,
the body still flopped.
He brought the slab down and there held his gaze.

He pulled the wet sheet away, his anticipation growing.
His creation's chest was heaving, signs of life were showing.
"It's alive!" the doctor cried,
full of victory and pride.
The creature's eyes flew open, scared and unknowing.

The doctor was thrilled, bringing medical science to a new height.
Nothing could compare to his creature's strength and might.
But his evil creation,
was an abomination.
Others would just scream, "Monster!" and run away in fright.

The doctor never dreamed his creation would be so feared.
He imagined great rewards, being honored and revered.
His vision fades,
of big parades.
There are no crowds of people, his name is not cheered.

In his mind, this was not how things were supposed to be.
Blinded by his ego and pride, he truly did not see.
He searched within,
to find his sin.
Making a self-discovery, that the true "monster" was he.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 8/5/2008 6:52:17 >
AQ  Post #: 20
8/7/2008 20:24:13   

Flight of the Dragonflies
(For Eukara)

Fluttering about near ponds and brooks.
Rivers, lakes or springs hid in nooks.
Landing on lily pads and leaves of trees.
Whizzing around making sounds like bees.

Hovering above the water almost in a trance.
Darting to and fro like doing a little dance.
They go up and down, then go back and forth.
Zipping east and west, bobbing south and north.

Their wings are glittery in the sun's pure light.
Hypnotic to watch as they make their flight.
Stopping to rest only once in a while.
Riding the air with grace and style.

Think of any color that you may have seen.
I'm sure it's one their bodies have been.
From bright fiery red to cool shades of blue.
Their species can be found in many a hue.

Just another of nature's gifts to be found.
Living close to water or near swampy ground.
Take my advice and I promise you will see.
Just visit the places where dragonflies fly free.
AQ  Post #: 21
8/14/2008 20:33:56   

Love to Rhyme

I can't seem to remember,
the place or the time.
When I first fell in love,
with things that rhyme.

A song that is happy,
a warm littly ditty.
Poetic-told tales,
all funny and witty.

When I am writing,
I like to play a game.
Finding the right words,
that all sound the same.

It's actually quite fun,
I really must say.
Thinking up my rhymes,
all throughout the day.

I giggle at my wit,
smile at my snappy patter.
Even when it's stupid,
it just doesn't matter.

I write to relieve stress,
to escape from real life.
Where tension can be so thick,
you could cut it with a knife.

Laugh at yourself sometimes,
find the humor within.
Think of where you're going,
remember where you've been.

You may think I'm silly,
loving to rhyme so much.
But I like to think,
it's another way to touch.

To reach another's spirit,
and make them laugh or cry.
Stir them deep inside,
to cause a heavy sigh.

Poems to give one hope,
or bring tears to fall.
Whatever the emotion,
I write about them all.

Even when I'm ignored,
I don't really care.
I just keep on rhyming,
because I love to share.

I write not just for me,
I also write for you.
So that's how it is,
it's what I love to do.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 8/15/2008 6:23:55 >
AQ  Post #: 22
8/19/2008 19:39:48   

The Masks We Wear

We all wear masks every single day.
Each one depends on the role we play.
Changing our faces,
when visiting places,
and for the people we meet on the way.

Pretending to be happy when we are in pain.
Friendly gestures to those who drive us insane.
Our hearts cry,
our spirits die,
and the energy vampires suck dry our brains.

We hold back our regrets, our sorrow and hate.
Just so others will think we're feeling great.
But it's a charade,
the mask will fade,
and to be free of its control we just can't wait.

Oh, to be rid of these masks and lies.
To break out of chains and binds that tie.
We make a stand,
to stay our hand,
but the masks still return no matter how we try.

Donning these masks is a burden beyond compare.
Keeping up with the roles can be hard to bear.
It's what we do,
to muddle through,
and keep adding to our list of the masks we wear.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 8/19/2008 21:49:18 >
AQ  Post #: 23
8/23/2008 8:55:06   

A Senseless Act

A beautiful and happy home,
a very fulfilling life.
The recurring dream,
for a husband and wife.

A family is then created,
foundations are then built.
Taken away in a moment,
by those without guilt.

Hearts have been broken,
their world is in a haze.
On one fateful morning,
all had gone ablaze.

Someone who was hateful,
or persons without shame.
Humans without morals,
they're the ones to blame.

An evil act of arson,
on an innocent clan.
Their lives were spared,
thanks to one man.

A neighbor who saw,
the hot flames roaring.
Threw rocks at windows,
yelling and imploring.

The family was wakened,
they fled from the house.
Firefighters had arrived,
and soon the flames were doused.

But they were too late,
to save animals inside.
Two very sweet dogs,
and a little cat died.

They were the victims,
of a very senseless act.
Done by ones without pity,
an undeniable fact.

Minor injuries occurred,
during their escape.
Tears started streaming,
as they stared agape.

The horror of it all,
they could not believe.
They fell to their knees,
continuing to grieve.

The culprits should burn,
send them straight to hell.
They deserve to be punished,
locked away in a cell.

The family deserves justice,
so their nightmare can end.
Why am I so passionate?
Because it happened to my friend.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 8/23/2008 16:07:24 >
AQ  Post #: 24
8/27/2008 6:31:09   


Imagine if you will,
a world without hate.
Where your hopes and dreams,
are all there is to debate.

Imagine if you will,
a star-studded sky.
Where the moon is full,
and comets streak by.

Imagine if you will,
your heart is full of love.
Where you help your fellow man,
and worship Heaven above.

Imagine if you will,
a world without pain.
Where disease and hardship,
no longer remain.

Imagine if you will,
times of dragons and kings.
Where merely surviving,
was the most important thing.

Imagine if you will,
an ocean of blue.
Where the water's so clear,
you can see right through.

Imagine if you will,
little children at play.
Where they all get along,
no harsh words to say.

Imagine if you will,
a world full of peace.
Where war and distrust,
would finally cease.

Imagine if you will,
a very magical place.
Where you are not judged,
by the looks of your face.

Imagine if you will,
a world full of mirth.
Where all work together,
to create harmony on Earth.

< Message edited by garnetdragoness -- 8/31/2008 7:07:23 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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