He Who Lurks
Alright, I've seen arguments about the Bunnyzooka set being the most powerful auxiliary, regardless of their damage due to the fact they have the most stat modifiers(currently) and I have an extremely different opinion about this. Bunnyzookas only deal 33+ damage and has 18 stat modifiers. Charfade's Bazooka deals 37+ damage and has 14+ stat modifiers. If being compared to Energy Bunnyzooka, Charfade's Bazooka only has 2 less stat modifiers in dexterity and support. 4+ damage can greatly change the tide of the game rather than 4+ extra stat points.Also, what about those without Energy Bunnyzooka? The only reason I see the set praised so much is for it's defensive stat modifiers(Energy Bunnyzooka). Which do you prefer and what's your opinion on this argument?