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RE: Bounty hunters are OP <*proof inside*>

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11/3/2012 22:08:38   

strength is op not bh
Epic  Post #: 26
11/4/2012 15:36:53   

people basically just copy comicalbiker's current build, so whatever he is, will be considered OP because everyone uses it.

I am a bloodmage and I don't find that bounty hunters are any harder to defeat than any other class.
Epic  Post #: 27
11/4/2012 15:57:28   

Okay. People are saying that BM are OP. First, If blood mage is sooo OP, Why dont people uses BM??? You see very little BM, look, you are saying that im not giving enough proof, okay, where is your proof??? Strength builds are OP?? sounds like your complaining. Look BH enhances strength builds abit too much. Other classes has like 90% max boost which is berzerker, which also can be blocked and doesnt have blood lust. Massacre, cant be blocked and has blood lust. With the large amount of dmg dealed with a debuff and massacre, blood lust will easily keep them alive. Look at TLM and Merc, they dont have a dex/tech debuff. BH is just like when TLM was OP, TLM had hybrid shield, smoke, berzerk. They were over used because of that. Isn't this basically just a repeat of TLM?Instead of hybrid shield, BH just has Blood Lust.

Also... What do you call proof??? Video? Picture? If you think those are proof, why dont you provide a link before you call my comments, that they aren't proof!!! "Strength OP, not BH". You can call that proof???

Look, your proof is just saying "I can kill this, I can kill that", but i am providing solid comments, not just saying" I cant kill that, I cant kill this". Sometimes I do kill BH, but sometimes I dont. I am just like any other player, but in my opinion, BH is OP.

< Message edited by robo90925 -- 11/4/2012 16:07:19 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
11/4/2012 16:50:13   

Post #: 28
Last two sentences,do you have to win every time for bh to be considered not overpowered?


Look BH enhances strength builds abit too much.

Strength build enhances bounty hunter too much.

< Message edited by D.v.D. -- 11/4/2012 16:53:54 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 29
11/4/2012 16:51:12   

i seee alot of them use bm. just because most ppl dont use it it doesnt mean its not powerful. most ppl dont use it cuz it lacks creativity in the build and therefore they got bored with it
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
11/5/2012 1:27:20   

Look... I don't have to win every BH. The reason BH is OP is because people can't recover from massacre at all. Massacre then rage is just too strong. Blood lust just makes it too hard to kill them cause they regain too much HP after massacre. If they just make massacre non compatable with blood lust, it will be more fair to other classes. Usually before they massacre, you can kill them, but after massacre they gained too much HP.

< Message edited by robo90925 -- 11/5/2012 18:11:23 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
11/5/2012 1:46:40   
Crimson Eagle

As a whole, Bounty Hunters are NOT OP, the only thing that makes them OP is strength builds! As a bounty hunter myself, I know how much damage massacre can do! With Blood Lust its pretty much a free heal as well! After massacre is over, 9/10 times we have rage and then usually ends the match or brings it close to it!
All bounty hunters need are maybe Blood Lust nerfed (A lil bit) and massacres damage taken down.. Other than that they are like a normal class... Blood Mages are the real OP class of them all in my opinion!

< Message edited by Mr. Clean XD -- 11/5/2012 1:47:42 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
11/5/2012 2:55:09   

Strength just needs a nerf, along with a bit of a massacre change, as I have already given a suggestion for massacre where it scales slower while it's max being only 115%. Also, I associated an extra benefit since I had nerfed it. Here is my suggestion.



Extra Benefit:

10% damage to HP
13% damage to HP
16% damage to HP
19% damage to HP
22% damage to HP
24% damage to HP
26% damage to HP
28% damage to HP
29% damage to HP
30% damage to HP
Scales per level, meaning a BH with level 5 massacre will do 75% more damage while gaining a benefit of 22% damage to HP, which does NOT stack with Blood Lust.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
11/5/2012 18:10:47   

I think that suggestion is pretty good, but 30% health regain on max massacre with smoke could still be pretty bad, but who knows until we try?

Yes the reason BH is OP is cause of strength builds, BH relies on the extra dmg to heal enough to survive. Look, the whole reason i think we need to nerf BH is because there are too much of them around. People are exploiting BH's ability. BH have smoke screen and have blood lust. With a strength build, blood lust will just heal too much because of their debuff and maybe if massacre wasnt staking with blood lust we could kill them the next turn after massacre because they dont regain HP.
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
11/5/2012 19:52:06   

@ robo90925

Str build OP =/= whole class OP

Also making bloodlust not work with massacre would defeat the whole purpose of bloodlust since it is suppose to work with every attack. Also I see far more BH with 100+ health then your ones with 95 or less using agility that are str bh.
Epic  Post #: 35
11/5/2012 22:44:27   
Blaze The Aion Ender

Just find something that doesn't nerf my focus build
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
11/5/2012 22:50:48   
legion of souls

I really really enjoy fighting tanks

Strength? Nope
AQW Epic  Post #: 37
11/5/2012 23:09:32   



Just find something that doesn't nerf my focus build

Find a way to fix strenght itself, don't just nerf a whole class. Otherwise, i could complain about Str BM and their deadly aim. I mean, 40+ non-rage damage?
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 38
11/6/2012 17:58:42   

Strength build =/= BH OP. Are you joking? Do you know any good BH that isn't strength build? Blood lust just covers the weakness of a hgih strength low defence build. They need to lower blood lust for massacre or decrease the strength of massacre. You need some more proof then "strength =/= BH OP". I already posted enough reasons why BH is OP. You definietly sound like you use BH alot. You sound abit bias to me. I used BH, TM, BM and merc. I definietly think BH is abit too strong.

@Mother1 removing blood lust from massacre will be really fair. BH can heal up to 20HP with one massacre. How will making Blood lust not stake with massacre defeat the purpose of blood lust??? There are BHs out there that dont use massacre and they are still winning alot. Now and then, you see a BH using a sword like infernal slayer or dragon busterII with around 10k-20k wins and 5k-9k loses. That is good as!!! I can tell you, it does not defeat the purpose of blood lust if we make it not stake with massacre because, those BH definietly don't use blood lust

This post is about BH, I don't get how BM got into this.

If we nerf strength, It will affect every build. a normal focus 5 build with around 18-20 attack will be nerfed to like 15-18 attack. That will suck pretty bad since there are people who don't abuse strength!!!

@mother1 Down there: The problem is that BH causes strength is be waaaaaayyyyy too strong. Let say there is a strength BH with 125 HP. Well, First sstrength will increase blood lust's heal, secondly i cant only deal so much dmg (example: 18-20, im not gonna deal 21 dmg) and finally 20-24+(35 x 94%) sounds pretty strong.
AND I have seen focus 5 and dex BH w/ massacre, let me tell you, they are very strong.

< Message edited by robo90925 -- 11/7/2012 14:58:20 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 39
11/6/2012 20:14:17   

@above actually 80% of the max capped lvl 35 full varium players and even non varium players abuse strength, every 1v1 or 2v2 i do i meet strength abusers very often and 5 focus bms also ultra strength abuse bms. im a 5 focus cyber hunter with 95 health and strength abuse bms could get my health down to 20 in two hits. they are so powerful because their physical attacks all boost their damage like bludgeon and deadly aim since i see most strength bloodmages use a physical gun and the worst thing is that they have intimidate. they can weaken me and deal mass damage while gaining their health back. so basically strength bounty hunters are not mainly OP but their massacre is, and the whole bloodmage class is op because of deadly aim and intimidate and bludgeon.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 40
11/6/2012 20:44:23   

I don't like that a guy with 10-12 str can hit nearly 40 dmg with a lvl 5 massacre.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
11/6/2012 23:31:10   

@ robo90925 Bloodlust stack with all attacks with every class that has it. It works with all offensive abilites that do damage except supercharge with BM, but that is only because it already has a health gain ability already. So unless you give massacre a health gain addictive like supercharge then it is only fair that it stacks with blood lust since every regular attack that does have a health bonus gives back health since bloodlust is suppose to work this way.

Also is a tech build BH OP because a str build BH is OP? I think not. Is a dex build BH OP just because a str build BH is OP? No, is a focus BH OP because a str build BH is OP? I don't think so. Just because people like to use the strength build because if gives quick kills doesn't define the whole class. So please stop trying to say one build make an entire class OP. Nerf strength and the OPness will go down without having to hurt the rest of the builds.

Massacre seems OP because Str is OP and Massacre works with strength. when Strength gets it's nerf, then Massacre will also be nerfed since it works with strength and it will hurt less as well. If the move is still OP after strength is nerfed then that is when the move should get nerfed not before. Cause if it is done before Strength itself will still be OP and the nerfed massacre will only hurt the other builds while strength builds will still be running wild.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 11/6/2012 23:36:46 >
Epic  Post #: 42
11/6/2012 23:33:47   


My version of massacre? It still gives HP back, BUT you have to get to level 6 massacre to be able to regain 24% HP back. Because with a level 1 massacre now, it can be deadly being able to gain back 23% of about 40+ damage with only 33 EP drained.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
11/7/2012 3:10:44   

I also agree with Wrathchild.

First i was a Cyber, and the easiest opponents for me were actually BH.
If they go first: BH: Smoke
CH: Def matrix
And there entire build falls down because the only thing they can do is psysical.
If i go first: Ch: Malf
BH: Smoke or energy shield
Ch: Def matrix for smoke, and take energy if energy shield

As a tact merc its also easy.
BH smokes
Tact merc takes energy.
Bh keeps attacking
Tact merc just heals once and smoke gone and his energy gone.

Bounty hunters arent that hard, if you use the right build or strategy.
Epic  Post #: 44
11/7/2012 4:29:39   

u didnt count in the blocks and the power of their massacre and their high energy reserves with energy booster
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
11/7/2012 5:00:56   

Sorry to say, but i have never ever seen a bounty with energy boosters. Seriously never.
So i dont count that one.
And the blocks are also avoidable. Just use gun, aux, robot special and a skill that is unblockable.
Epic  Post #: 46
11/7/2012 5:29:02   

@ above

You must have never been in the higher levels O_O
When I Atom, they E Booster, and still proceed to crumble me since they have maxed massacre.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 47
11/7/2012 5:33:14   

I am a lvl 35 TLM now, i am in the higher lvls.
And if they have max massacre they are probably noobs.

Atom has a 2 turn cooldown.
Massacre takes 3 turns warm up.

And my atom takes 34 energy at least.
And because bh always has exactly enough energy for there skills, 1 atom is enough for me.

Sow make atom stronger, or just atom twice
Epic  Post #: 48
11/7/2012 5:35:43   

Max massacre is deadly my friend.

Having 125 HP, 75+ EP, 16-20 strength and eh defenses with maxed massacre and E boosters? Prepare to be destroyed.


What level atom do you have O_O

I have 12-15+33 damage with level 1 atom and can do 22-24 Ep drain.

With a level 9 Atom with 16-20+35 damage, that is 39-42 EP drain costing only 14 EP to you.

< Message edited by rayniedays56 -- 11/7/2012 5:40:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
11/7/2012 5:37:03   

@above all smart smoke and massacre bhs have enough energy to smoke massacre and smoke again, so if u take their energy they still got lots left.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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