Hey all! Well, some of you may know me from the Oversoul, AQW, and Mechquest forums. I started thinking about what Epicduel would be like in real life when I saw one thread here somewhere that said "What would epicduel be like if it was real life?" Or something among those lines. Anyway, I think that Delta V is not solely controlled by two factions (Legion and Exile) But is actually controlled by....how do I put this...gangs or smaller factions that rage multiple territory wars all over the continent in PvP or in influence. We are all just mercenaries who fight for war just to gain credits, varium, battle tokens all in the sake for not peace but for a profitable battle for better armors, weapons, bots, and anything else that could give us a boost to win to fight for our chosen factions (Not Exile or Legion but the smaller clans/factions). I really have no idea why I posted this here, but maybe it could turn into an interesting discussion. That is what I'm hoping for. Any thought on this? Maybe this could be implemented in some kind of story in ED? *shrugs* All forums rules apply. Discuss!
< Message edited by hijinks -- 11/8/2012 21:08:29 >