TDLNND Day 1 quote:
ORIGINAL: The Odor *The Odor skids onto screen, dodging a rampaging Turducken.* Well people it seems we have another catapultless war. This time the battle is raging within city limits! We are at the moment unaware what unleashed this pest but we can tell you one thing. This food bites back! There are two new MOP recruits who might have more information for you but it currently is all but impossible to even get close. I must take this moment to point out that Wayne industries (the new mayors personal protection company) claims to be distributors of the NSC (Nitroglycerin sponge catapult) but yet when his city comes under attack they are absent. For this week we were also suprised by Geo with a nice new part of our saga appearing in book form. Namely the Thankstaking storybook. Now lets beat this war so we can go back and enjoy past adventures. This is The Odor reporting live from the front lines for TDLNND! Battle on and Don’t Fear the Darkness! Welcome to TDLNND. I'm Dragonman66 getting all news-y up in your face. Today the Turducken for Thankstaking has turned sentient. KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT! And this messes up Mayor Landis' Dinner plans. He is indeed more occupied with that. That makes me somehow very happy. Somehow MOP members Voodoo Master and ShadowDragon666 have not protected the recipe which is very strange, considering they are very compitent. Dragonman66 has announced, even though this war is helping his political opponent, he will fight the Turducken because they might be a small threat. Speaking of our future Mayor, these people are voting for him, and you should too: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, and Shadows Morgenstern. Good luck, and goodnight! Day 2: Dragonman66 here to "news it up". Do I really have to keep doing these catchphrases?... No I will not stop whining... Oh yeah, well you're an annoying producer! The three million wave Turducken fest is really disinheartening some warmongers, to re-inheart yourself, I suggest music, or something to make you laugh. In any case, seven percent of these ferocious fowl have been fried, with annother 93 still running. We asked Volltabolt if he had anything to do with the excess monster-sized food. He said, "You haf no proof that I haf anyfing to do wif ze turduckenz." The only problem with that satement was, he said that, before we asked the question. In other news Ash is leaving his band, The Destiny Knights, due to a fight with the guitarist formerly known as Paladin. He is quoted on saying " My name is Bob now, stop calling me Guitarist formerly known as Paladin!" He was obviously dillusional when saying this, as the news network has no idea what he was talking about. In election news, Dragonman66 announced who his running mate isn't, Doug Digg. Doug and Dragonman got into a fight, when Doug was being a big jerk, and stole Dragonman's pancakes, even though he told him not to... needless to say, tis lowers the list to, everyone who isn't a Rose member, or Rayf or Waen. These people know that Dragonman will decide on a good running mate eventually: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, and Popinloopy. Finally, today we remember Artix, the brave fighter who passed.... us on the street today. But it's remember the Battle of Necro U day, so we do really remember Artix. Remember TDLNND is sponsored by D00ms Hammer Bonks! Day 3: Hello and welcome to TDLNND. I fired my producer that was making me say catchphrases, so it'll be a little more normal around here. Today many, many, Turduckens have meet an end involving some sort of hero magic-ing, slashing, or bashing them to death. However, 81% of the foul food remains attempting to destroy our delightful outpost for the magical arts. It seems obvious that whoever messed with the cooking is a Rose conspiritor, people are blaming not only Voltabolt, but Oishii and the MOP this year. Because of this belief causing townsfolk to believe that MOP members ShadowDragon and Voodoo are Rose affiliated, they have even been asking the MOP member Dornalca, Chisagen, Chainsword, and Eric and Lady Ravenwing to step down. For some reason, the townspeople do not feel threatened by the feline MOP members. These riots have caused, humorously enough, the bakery to shut down. Most townspeople are too busy either fighting or rioting to get this irony. In other news, future mayor Dragonman66 has put out a warrant for the arrest of Batoro, because Batoro is an unlawful vigilante, and should allow actual heroes to do the heroing. Roblos and San Robin like this solution a lot. While Mayor Waen only relectantly approved the warrant. Is Landis Waen hiding something? More tommorow! Also, shocking interview with a warmonger tommorow you won't want to miss! Now a word from our sponsors. Do you like Hammer Bonks but not see D00ms enough? Well look no farther, for D00ms portable Hammer Bonf! Now you can Bonk yourself whenever you need. Hammer Honks are not for everyone, if you get side effects such as headache, heart attack, amnesia, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, or lip pain, tell your moglin and stop taking Hammer Bonks immidiatly. Dragonman66 is the best candidate just take it from these guys: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, and deathlord45. That's all for tonight folks, make sure to tune in tomorrow at TDLNND! Day 4: Welcome back to TDLNND the only news that gives you the whole story. Today special Waen expose edition! As you may have heard, yesterday Landis Waen signed the warrant for the arrest of Batoro. The man who wasgiving him political pressure, who happens to be me, was actually ploying to prove once and for all that Landis Waen is indeed a secret Rose leader. While simply being a memeber of The Rose is not enough to throw a person in jail, this would unrefutably proves that Landis Waen has been lying to the public. Dragonman66 humbly apoligizes to Batoro for putting the warrant on him, but it had to be done in the search for truth.... wait a second. This just in, Landis Waen has repealed the bounty on Batoro's. In other news, tune in tomorrow to hear interview with BraveSir Robin, and hear about the wondeful exploits of a aman, me, who will have done two different three hour raids in that day. Now a word from our sponsor: Evil. This is what Dragonman66 promises to fight during his time as Mayor. These are the honorable people at his side, working to fight evil: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, and deathlord45. Remeber to continue to tune in and remember, go to TDLNND for all your Lore news needs! Day 5: Welcome to TDLNND news. I'm dragonman66 going crazy beccause I did 2 three hour raids today. Thanks Leon ShadowHeart :P. So I inteviewed BraveSirRobin, here it is quote:
So BraveSirRobin, how long have you been warmongering? Since the Wrath of Wargoth.Though in the Rift war I started warring.I wouldnt really call myself a warmonger though. Of the few wars you've fought in, which do you feel was most significant to Lore, and why? The Wrath of Wargoth I guess.That was pretty crazy.It really summed up the importance of fighting Wargoth.The Ebil War was good too.Finally taking it to Eilcorps. Cool! How do you feel about this war? I like it.Its nice to fight food sometimes.This is actually my first Thankstaking.Also the turduckens are delicious. Well, anything you'd like to say? Keep fighting everyone!Remember: We are warmongers We always win WE'RE FIGHTING FOR FOOD! Vote for dragonman66 Also thanks everyone for being awesome!And thanks dragonman66 for this awesome interveiw!Now lets eat some turducken! Haha! Yeah! Thank you for your time! No problem!Always good to talk with the future mayor! And that was the inteview. In other news, there was a fire in the Bakery, but nobody was hurt, because it was already closed from the riots. And Finally, a word from our sponsor. Dragonman66's eyes hurt. You know why? He went on two different three hour raids today to protect your city. Who wouldn't vote for someone like that? These people would vote for a hero: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, and Yuttt. Would you? And that's all for today, remember to umm... brush your teeth after you eat all that turducken! Day 6: Welcome to TDLNND. So today is a strange day, because, besides the war, absolutely nothing newsworthy happened. Literally, nothing. Well in war news, we went up to past a third today. And um.. the turducken have strangely been found to be... edible! Well lets hurry up then. So we can get to 50%. Vote for Dragonman66 because umm he told you to! These people tell you to too: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, and Yuttt. And TDLNND is brought to you by: Muffins! Eat them! (Or else) That's all for tonight. Day 7: Welcome to TDLNND. And happy Thankstaking! Because today is thankstaking, everyone is busy getting sick from all the eating they just did. In addition, this is making the war is go incredibly slow. So I have one thing to say, after Tomorrow, no more news will be broadcasted, until 50% is reached. This is my own little way of enticing us to get to 50%. TDLNND brought to you by: Starsaber's Muffins. Only SOME of them are poisonous. Vote for Dragonman66 for mayor. HE does news, and so, he knows what is going on, unlike Rayf or Waen. These people won't vote for someone who doesn't know what's going on: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, and Yuttt. That's all for tonight, see you tomorrow on TDLNND! Day 8: Welcome to TDLNND at this point we are at 45% and the threat of not having 50% tomorrow is very, very diminished. Tody has been a good day for the war, with 9% of the turducken army being destroyed so far. In other news, the riots in Falconreach have begun to die down, as people realized that ShadowDragon, Voodoo, and Oishii are neither incompotent or Rose members. They are simpley people who have been outfoxed by the nefarious Dr. Voltabolt. However, with Voltabolt's foul army ready, the town is still being destroyed, so normal citizens and farmers have begun to take up the pitchforks and torches, that they had been using to riot, to defend their town. Seeing how one of the onley two times the town was completely destroyedwas from Turducken, some townspeople are nervous. It is up to the heroes to keep them safe. In other other news, I have started to pick a running mate. I really have no idea who it will be, but I do know that they wil be the next Vice-Mayor. Now to a word from our sponsors. Dragonman66 is a kind soul who occasionally comes up with lame political ads. Landis Waen ALWAYS comes up with lame political ads. Therefore, Dragonman66 is smarter. Plus, he protects you town, while Waen does not. These people want a political minded protector: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, and Yuttt. If you wish to vote for me, just tell me! This broadcast also brought to you by Muffins. Now coming from Faerdin, Starsaber88, and blaze656. That's all for today, good night and goodluck! Day 9: Welcome to TDLNND today we have gotten from 50% to 64%, with all this speed the war will be over in no time (Or y'know 2 days!) In other news, other foods have joined the assault, and everyone is glad about this. This is because the other foods can't stun people, so they're weak! The heroes of Falconreach have also finally prepped the catapult and waves are dissappearing faster than ever! Secondly, it turns out those riots a few days ago were started by Rose members implanting false information. The Rose member who implanted this information is none other than one of the farmers who was rioting, Mr. Dragonblade, Ash's father. He is being held in the Libraseum, because there is no Falconreach Jail, for disturbing the peace. Finally, Dragonman66 has announced he is supporting the strange new magic exploration, void exploration. He wishes to continue void exploration, which has been at a near standstill for a long time. That is another good reason for voting for Dragonman66 like all these people:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, and Yuttt. This just in, those guys are the greatest ever. Remember TDLNND is sponsored by Muffins! Faerdin's Buffin's and Cysero's. And that's it for tonight! See you all tomorrow on TDLNND! Day 10: Welcome back to TDLNND. Today we reached 75% good job. In other news, there is no other news. Absolutely nothing newsworthy happened today. Or did it? Nah, it did, I'm just to tired to say it, or even political speach, so uh good warring everybody. Pertend I said some story about Twig eating cheeseburgers. That's it. Day 11: Welcome back to TDLNND! I'm you host Dragonman66. Since our last broadcast we have only increased 4% the war cannot go back down to it's slow speed during the first few days, that would be devastating. We must win this war. As alluded to previously, a group of Cheeseburgers has come to life and is attempting to eat Twig. Luckily, the citizens who were rioting and then unsuccessfully warring, have taken it to themselves to protect the local moglins, from food eating them. And in other news, Frostval is around the corner, everyone is excited for this celebration of Winter and the Hero. Unless Zadd is involved, let's hope he isn't. Finally, Dragonman66 has announced he is funding a new void ship series. These Ollopa class ships will be able to safely travel with manned missions through the void, to see what exactly is in there. Vote dragonman66 if you want to explore the void. Dragonman66 wants to explore the void, and these people support him:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, and Rider of Firnen. Contact dragonman66 to vote now! Thanks for watching. And stay tuned, How I Met Your Minion is up next! Day 12: Welcome to TDLNND. I'm your host Dragonman66, here to say news thingies. Today a freak storm arrived, the turducken are apparetly getting in the water sources. This greasy water has evaporated, and today moonridge has payed the price with a grease storm. Through some strange luck there was only one injury, and it wasa a high up rose leader. In other news, Sek-Duat has declared war on Aisha, overe a matter of debt. We do not know much more about the causes yet, but we will get to you on that tomorrow. And today Falconreach has managed to use the Gelatonous Cubes and Jell-a-TON Molds to barricade the docks from The Rose. They won't be able to invade for another few days at least. Finally, Twig has been succesfully protected, all of the Moglin-Eating cheeseburgers have been killed by the riot mob. Unfortunately, the riot mob are all sick from grease-water, and will no longer be able to help. Finally, the network has told me I'm not alloud to sponsor my own newscast. I may have to fire them. Day 13: Welcome to TDLNND. I'm his little sis', Pielover, that is more awesome then everyone! That was random. Regarding the war between Aisha and Sek-Duat, it has been revealed that Aisha owes Sek-Duat two gold. Sek-Duat really wants his money back becase she has owed him money for 5,000 years. Including intrest she now owes him her entire queendom. in other news ponys are eating too much and are eating all the weapons in swordhaven. this is good because our ponys are fat, so we will have alot of pony weapons. In other words it is raining Delicious pie if you haven't noticed. and um watch out for the pumpkin Pie-rats ! remember this was brought to you by ...PIE!!! oh and vote dragonman for mayor !!! Day 15: Welcome to TDLNND we are at 95% and have only 7 hours to complete the war. Will the turducken best us again. This reporter highlry doubts that. In other news, I'm not going to say any other news except FIGHT, FIGHT like there is no tommorrow! Thank you, and vote for me. Dragonman66 is brought to you buy his supporters: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, and magmaman
< Message edited by Dragonman -- 12/28/2012 22:44:10 >