This thread is to suggest with reasoning for 1 of 2 options: Auxiliary improves by 1 damage point per 1 Support stat or Support receives the Sidearm from Strength OK, big issue. Excluding the Robot, which is clearly a weapon that improves by Focus and Technology, there are 3 weapons between Strength and Support... which are the: Primary, Sidearm, and Auxiliary. First of all, because it is an odd number- 3, we can not split a weapon into 2... or can we? It is definitely illogical for how hard you pull the trigger the more damage your gun does anyways. But anyhow! We are working with- in the standard equations... 2 weapons for Strength and 1 weapon for Support or 1 weapon for Strength and 2 weapons for Support. To give you the gist of things, Strength and Support progress in stat progression at the same rate, so here is the first diagram outlining gross damage (y) over time in turns (x): as individual weapons as stats, as stats (weapon directory) *gross damage is damage before subtracting Defense or Resistance* *I used the value 35 for my constants... weapon damage, level, damage from stats, Defense and Resistance, etc...* *rage, blocking, deflecting, skills, are not included due to inconsistency* The equations used here are: Primary Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 0 (cooldown of weapon) Sidearm Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 2 (cooldown of weapon) Auxiliary Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 3 (cooldown of weapon) Now that we have a basic understanding of the 3 weapons before Defense and Resistance, let us see what damage REALLY looks like with Defense and Resistance included: as weapons as stats, as stats (weapon directory) As expected, the damage per turn halved. Why? First of all, the equations are the first 3 equations with c = 35. The damage is equal to a constant plus a constant minus a constant. Since all 3 constants had the same value, the damage was equal to 1 constant as opposed to 2 constant values in the first graphs. From this I can concur with the following information: The Primary weapon has the most damage over time potential, more than the Sidearm, more than the Auxiliary; 3 times, and 4 times more... respectively... due to cooldowns. With the damage from the Primary with the damage of the Sidearm, Strength severely overpowers Support and has absolute seeking potential (2 defence types (Defense or Resistance), 2 weapons) while Support does not. Now, that we have declared a significant hole in stat balance between 2 stats, we will be exploring the possible results if the Auxiliary were to progress at a faster rate OR have Support acquire the Sidearm. The change in equations are simple (as opposed to getting the original equation), the first option we will examine is if the Auxiliary were to progress in damage by 1 point per 1 Support stat. Here are the resulting equations: Primary Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 0 (cooldown of weapon) Sidearm Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 2 (cooldown of weapon) Auxiliary Damage = ((4a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 3 (cooldown of weapon) And here are the resulting graphs: as weapons as stats (weapon directory) So with this change to Auxiliary stat damage progression (4 times the normal rate), the Auxiliary already surpasses the Sidearm in damage! Hurray! It does not challenge the Primary yet. Awww. So, let us take a check of what damage is like WITH Defense and Resistance included, shall we?: as weapons as stats (weapon directory) The Auxiliary now challenges the Primary in net damage (the ACTUAL damage)! We are getting somewhere, in this proposal, Strength's most damaging weapon is now challenged by Support's most damaging weapon in damage over time of course. But since the same weapon or same action to say blandly- is not used each turn, this Auxiliary would be worth 4 Primaries (4 turns) in 1 turn. Since the Auxiliary grants a bonus of 3 turns to do whatever, while Striking would require each turn, Support would have a time advantage with optional skills prepared. But Strength can still seek elements... so, are 2 weaker but faster weapons on par with 1 stronger but slower weapon? I may have to examine that later on. This proposal for a quadruple progression rate is basically completed, so now we will move onto Sidearm being coupled with the Auxiliary in Support. December 2/12: OK, continuing off of yesterday (and to be honest here reading the end of my post I think I was getting insomnia loopiness), we will be investigating the potential of moving the Sidearm over to Support. To start off, why would I consider suggesting moving the weapon over? Bluntly, the Primary is a self-sufficient weapon. There are no turns in which it will not be available. That causes Strike to be the most reliable option in the game. The basic "attack" button. Strike can also be manipulated to great damage with Strength or melee skills such as Berzerker or Static Charge. Because the Strike option lacks cooldown while the other 2 weapons both have more than 1 cooldown (therefore the weapons are not able to be spammed continuously), we will test the potential of a dual-weapon combo... Sidearm and Auxiliary. To start off here is the preliminary graph for damage before Defense and Resistance: as stats (weapon directory) Even with the Sidearm included, Support has less potential to do damage per turn than the Primary by itself. Why is that? Cooldowns. Here is a visual representation by series of events for Primary VS Sidearm and Auxiliary: *X = the weapon was used, O = the weapon was not used* Primary: |X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X|...|X| Sidearm: |X|...|O|...|O|...|X|...|O|...|O|...|X|...|O|...|O|...|X|...|O|...|O| Auxiliary: |X|...|O|...|O|...|O|...|X|...|O|...|O|...|O|...|X|...|O|...|O|...|O| Sidearm + Auxiliary: |X1|...|X2|...|O|...|X1|...|O|...|X2|...|X1|...|O|...|O|...|X1|...|X2|...|O| If I am correct, since the Sidearm has a cooldown of 2 (or once per 3 turns), and Auxiliary has a cooldown of 3 (or once per 4 turns)... Sidearm has a cooldown rating of 1/3 and Auxiliary is 1/4. So if I add those together I get a rating of 7/12. When I count the number of Xs in "Sidearm + Auxiliary", what do you know, I get 7 out of 12 hits for X. Thus, explains the vast difference in damage output with Primary having no cooldown. For the equations used in the graphs, I used: Primary Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 0 (cooldown of weapon) Sidearm + Auxiliary Damage = ((a+b-c)(x-1))/(d+1)+a+b-c+((a+b-c)(x-1))/(e+1) a = 35 (damage from stat), b = 35 (damage from weapon), c = 0 (Defense or Resistance), d = 2 (cooldown of weapon) [sidearm], e = 3 (cooldown of weapon) [auxiliary] Now to show what things would look like WITH Defense and Resistance, net damage: as stats (weapon directory) Still considerably lower damage per turn than the Primary by itself. I have arrived at this conclusion, no matter the type of weapon used, time is the most influential factor in damage. Since the Primary weapon is not bound by time and that the Sidearm and Auxiliary have an equal or similar damage rating (currently 35 damage but up to 39 for Auxiliaries), it would be reasonably balanced to allow Support to acquire the Sidearm from Strength. Why I would not suggest improving the progression rate of the Auxiliary is because of the grand potential for exploitation. The last thing I think of is buffing because of these possibilities. Include Defense or Reistance and a Strike will damage less per turn than an Auxiliary that improves more times than the Auxiliary takes to cooldown (example 3:2 or 5:1 ratio). The effects: Strength loses seeking ability Strength is entirely influenced by blocking Strength's potential damage per turn is not affected excluding seeking Support gains seeking ability Support gains a cooldown advantage (but still less than 0 cooldown)
< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 12/2/2012 14:29:14 >