![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight DragonFable
Artix (4) Human Location: Artix, the Mighty Paladin, Doomwood Duo, Artix Appears! Level: As player Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Melee Element: Light HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: Level*5/2 DEX: Level*5/2 INT: Level*5/2 CHA: 200 LUK: Level*5/2 END: Level*5/2 WIS: 0 Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 15 + Level/5 Crit: 10 + LUK/10 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]% Dex: [100+DEX/40]% DoT: [100+DEX/4]% Crit: [175+INT/10]% Defense Melee: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Pierce: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Magic: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Block: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Parry: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Dodge: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances Evil: 10 Darkness: 50 Light: 50 Shrink: 300 Attack Types Attack Type 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 - Channels light energy before approaching and slashing his target twice with his Blinding Light of Destiny for 2 hits of 100% Light/Null damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies either 'Inner Light' or 'Shining Light' to Artix (see other information). Attack Type 2 - Approaches and blasts his target with light magic for 6 hits of 66.6% Light damage, amounting to 400% damage; applies 'Crushing Light' to target, stunning it for 2 turns. Attack Type 3 - Approaches and slashes his target with his Blinding Light of Destiny for 1 hit of 300% Light damage; applies 'Light's Guidance' (+100 Bonus) to himself for 2 turns inclusive. Attack Type 4 / 4.1 / 4.2 - Approaches and strikes its target before jumping to further striking it for 5 hits of 60% Light damage, amounting to 300% damage; applies 'Impending Destiny', a [200X]% Magic Light DoT effect, to target for 1 turn, where X is the number of times this attack has been used. (Pop-up: Artix: 'Let's keep going! Battle on!') Attack Type 5 / 5.1 - Summons a spear and throws it at target for 2 hits of 0% Light damage, with -1,200 Crit; if a hit lands, set his target's current HP to 1 HP; reset 'Thrill of Battle' and 'Joy of Battle' stacks to 0. Attack Type 6 - Drinks a potion, dealing no damage but recovers 40% of his maximum HP. Other information Upon using Attack Type 1, Artix applies 'Inner Light' or 'Shining Light':- Artix begins the battle with 'Inner Light' (+100 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, +30% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) applied to himself for 99 turns.
- If Artix was affected by 'Inner Light', it is removed and applies 'Shining Light' (+25% Boost, +60 Crit) to himself for 99 turns inclusive.
- If Artix was affected by 'Shining Light', it is removed and applies 'Inner Light' to himself.
Artix begins the battle with the following permanent effects:- 'Unbreakable Will': While affected by this status effect, Artix cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and can only be defeated by DoT effects.
- 'Thrill of Battle' (+2Y All Resist, -2Y Health Resist, -2Y Immobility Resist), where Y is increased by 1 each time Artix has taken direct damage. If Artix receives a stun effect upon receiving direct damage, stacks of 'Thrill of Battle' will reset to 0. In addition, all stun effects applied on him will immediately be removed and replaced by 'Dazed Paladin' to himself, stunning him for 1 turn as well as applying 'Durability' (+300 Immobility Resist) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: Artix's Thrill of Battle resets as he manages to shake off some of your stun.)
- 'Joy of Battle' (+2Z% Boost, -5Z Bonus), where Z is increased by 1 each time Artix lands a hit. Stacks of 'Joy of Battle' will reset to 0 if Artix misses or glances a hit from his attacks. (Pop-up: Artix's Joy of Battle resets with his missed attack!)
- If Artix's combined 'Thrill of Battle' and 'Joy of Battle' stacks exceed 30, he will use Attack Type 5. (Pop-up: Artix is overcome by the thrill and joy of battle!)
Artix follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 4 -> Repeat., and will pause this rotation to use Attack Types 5 and 6 if the following conditions are met:- If Artix's combined 'Thrill of Battle' and 'Joy of Battle' stacks exceed 30, he will use Attack Type 5.
- If Artix falls below 60% of his maximum HP, he will prioritize Attack Type 6 over all Attack Types. Attack Type 6 can only be used twice.
In Doomwood Duo, Artix will gain buffs by Twilly; refer to Zorbak entry for more information. Also See: Dream Artix, Undead Artix
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/4/2025 12:22:37 >