 ArchKnight DragonFable
The Undead Vs Artix Location: Night of the Ebil Dread -> To the War! -> UNDEAD vs ARTIX Requirements: Completion of Best Day Ever!, 100% War Meter Release Date: October 22nd, 2022 Objective: Can you finally put an stop to the Night of the Ebil Dread? Objective completed: With the book safely in the care of the Cauldron Sisters, it's time to get back to celebrating Mogloween! Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (1) Artix - Boss (1) Undead Artix, (1) Dracolich - Boss NPCs Artix Ash Bubble Cysero Toil Trouble Twilly Zorbak Rewards Light of Ebil Dread I Dialogue *In Falconreach's Eastern Section, the chainsaw wielding Artix jumps and strikes an Undead Alchemist; after defeating it, you caught up with Artix.* <Character>: Artix! *As you, your dragon, and Twilly confront Artix, The Book of Ebil Dread continues to summon undead.* <Character>: Finally... Caught up to you...! <Character>: Give. Me. The book! <Character>: Please! Artix: But... but... Artix: Is this not an amazing Mogloween? I am having a great time! <Character>: But nobody else is! The undead the book is creating are attacking Falconreach! That's very not cool! <Character>: People are terrified! Look, even poor Twilly and <Dragon> are scared! Twilly: Huh? <Dragon>: ... <Character>: Guys! Twilly: OH! Twilly: Oh yes, I'm very scared! You're scaring me, Artix! <Dragon>: ...Yeah, I'm not doing that. | *Disinterested and very much not scared growl* Artix: Scaring...? *The Book of Ebil Dread's mind control on Artix breaks, signified by the lack of Artix's green eyes.* Artix: I am scaring you? Artix: Oh no, I am so sorry, everyone! That is the last thing I want to do. Artix: I was just having so much fun, I did not think— *The Book of Ebil Dread shocks Artix, returning him to its influence.* Artix: <Character>... *Still influenced by the Book of Ebil Dread, Artix sees you as an undead.* <Character>: Oh come on, he got enchanted again?! This is getting absolutely ridiculous! Artix: How could I have been so blind! You have been an undead this entire time?! *You blink rapidly to Artix's response.* <Character>: What? Artix: I can see through your disguise! And to think I considered you... a friend! Artix: No! <Character> is a friend! But you! Whoever you are! Artix: You kidnapped her/him! Replaced her/him! <Character>: W-what is happening? Twilly: It must be the book! Twilly: It seems very talented. <Character>: Ugh... <Character>: I guess I don't have a choice. I'm sorry, Artix, but if you won't give up the book willingly... Artix: I will make quick work of you and then- and then I will find my friend, you undead fiend! To Battle! - begins battle with Artix. Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. Run Away! - returns to Night of the Ebil Dread. *After defeating Artix, he return to his senses.* Artix: Oooow, my head... <Character>: Sorry about that. I had no other choice. <Character>: How are you feeling, Artix? Artix: I'm not reading anything for at least a year. Artix: Or forever. Artix: Reading is evil! <Character>: I don't know if that's the right lesson to take away from this... Artix: It is okay! I think you managed to beat the enchantment out of me! Artix: To be honest, you could have also just given me a whiff of Holy Wasabi, that would have worked too! Twilly: Umm, guys? The book? <Character>: Oh no! We were too busy talking and didn't close it right away! Now it's doing something nefarious! <Character>: Artix, stay away from it! *The Book of Ebil Dread summons an undead copy of Artix.* <Character>: Well, that's new. Artix: That's me! Twilly: Due to how long Artix spent with the book, it's now able to make an Ebil undead copy of him! <Character>: Twilly... how do you know so much about evil artifacts? Twilly: Zorbak likes to brag. *The Book of Ebil Dread prepare to summon another undead.* Twilly: Oh noes, we spent too much time expositioning! <Character>: What now?! *The Book of Ebil Dread summons a dracolich.* Artix: This is fun! What will be next? <Character>: Nothing, if we can help it. <Character>: Let's put an end to this! Twilly: I'll get the book! <Dragon>: Time for round two! | *Eager roar!* <Character>: Artix, are you ready? Artix: Are you kidding me? I get to slay undead me! Artix: Battle on! Artix joins you as Guest A. To Battle! - begins battle with Undead Artix and Dracolich. Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. Run Away! - returns to Night of the Ebil Dread. *After defeating Undead Artix and Dracolich, Twilly closes The Book of Ebil Dread.* Twilly: There we go! <Character>: Phew, what a night. Artix: You are telling me! I have not felt so alive in a while. Artix: Also, sorry about the whole... getting carried away thing. <Character>: Well, that book definitely did something to you! <Character>: I know you'd never want to hurt any of your friends. <Character>: But... apology accepted! *After accepting Artix's apology, you glare at Artix and his chainsaws before asking him a question.* <Character>: Artix, why do you have chainsaws on your hands? Artix: Oh, for more efficient slaying of undead, of course! <Character>: ... Artix: Hey, it made sense at the time! Artix: It is a little harder to eat sushi now, but I do not mind it too much! <Character>: *Sigh* Twilly: Let's go tell everyone the danger's passed! *Once back at the entrance of Falconreach's Guardian Tower, you report your success to the Cauldron Sisters and other Falconreach citizens.* <Character>: ... and then we destroyed the undead copy of Artix, and Twilly closed the book and saved the day! Ash: Nice work, Twilly! Twilly: Aww, you guys! <Character>: Sisters, can we entrust the book to you for safe keeping? Toil: Of course! We'll study it and keep you posted of our findings. Bubble: Crisis averted! Trouble: This whole ordeal has given me an idea for a new candy: little chocolate books, filled with lime jelly! Toil: Ooooh, nice one. But how about a lime mousse instead of jelly? Cysero: Why not both! Artix: Both is good! <Dragon>: Can we trick or treat now? | *Impatient grumble* <Character>: Oh, that's right, <Dragon>! Trick-or-treating! Zorbak: Okay, got my wallet. Now where's that candy? *You and the others turn around and look at Zorbak.* Zorbak: ...What? Zorbak: Did I miss something? Complete Quest Other information Completion of this quest unlocks Ebil Finale shop.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 9/19/2024 15:52:59 >