Legendary AK!!!
Randor the Red Super CIty Mall - Phaze I Hiya SMASHers! This week, Phase 1 of the Super City Mall has been released! Instead of 3 difficulty levels, we're raising the bar and releasing 4! (The different areas of the mall will have monsters at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20!) Boss Monster will be added in a later phase. Let us know of any monster bugs or balance issues on the AE Bug Tracker. (Become a Bug Hunter here: Currently there are no weaknesses or elemental defenses. (Since there are no diseases in HeroSmash, what should zombies be immune to?) Wonderp Bread designed all the zombies and did most of the animation himself, so give him a /cheer! (Achievement unlocked!) Item drops will be apart of phase 2, with shops and quests coming after that. A member-only Arena is ALSO coming soon, where you can test future bosses earn rewards through a Points shop! Tags: Randor the Red Super City Mall It has begun! \0/ The backgrounds are really cool and there are plenty of screens to explore. Can`t wait to fight a few lvl 20 mobs and especially looking forward to the quests! Just an idea, but since you guys are creating the area multileveled aka creating mobs for different tier players, how about you implement that into the future quest system also? As in making quests with a specific lvl range in mind, easier ones for lower lvl players and harder but more rewarding ones for top lvl players. Basically making some of them as end game content since currently HS is lacking a bit in the end game content category. Also good job with the zombie chars Wonderp! I`m curious what drops we will get.
< Message edited by Balu -- 3/27/2013 15:06:33 >