This is the first and only RP forum I've ever joined. It will probably stay that way, unfortunately. Mainly because I cannot seem to find any other forums that have the same system, and the system here is what I like the most. Anyways, I stumbled upon this place after a while of surfing the forums, and came across welcome to the clubs. I saw the thread, didn't get how it worked, and posted without permission in Welcome to the Clubs. Thankfully, Arthur was able to get me out of that before the AKs got to me, but I never was able to muster up the courage to join the RP again. Not really, at any rate. But in other RPs, I was able to make my first few characters that got interested me in the whole ordeal, and eventually, I started getting better. I even made my own RP, but it barely started until it was shut down. Oh, those were the days. Wait, did I just say that? Wow. I'm getting old. Why I'm interested? I like writing, but since I'm not altogether determined enough to keep going in my own stories, RPs are a nice solution. I also enjoy acting, although don't get the chance to do it. And I think that RPing is rather like Impro-Acting crossed with writing. So yeah, combine that with a community, and I feel right at home, which is likely why I've stuck around.