Steel Slayer
What happened to balance in this game? Mages now have all the same skills as bounties, just weaker versions? The new static grenade is pretty much the same as assimilation, just does TWICE as much energy drain/return? And assimilation still needs a staff, while bounties can use swords for better damage and more stats. New skill, fire scythe-looks cool I guess, but its just like cheap shot except guess what? IT COSTS TWICE AS MUCH! And you have to waste a bunch of points on unrelated skills to get it, cheap shot is first tier, FS is FOURTH?!?! And CS has the extra crit chance too, AND a shorter cooldown. Battery backup isn't great since every other class now has a drain skill, you just wasted a turn to give the other guy your energy. Lets not forget the long-standing imbalance between smoke screen and malf, smoke improves with tech, which you were gonna take anyway for the resist, AND synergizes with the aforementioned OP static grenade, while malf improves with support, which you had no reason to take except for that 1 skill, and just got a big nerf anyway with crits only doing 30% armor reduction now. OK, now that I'm done ranting, how can this be fixed? Static Grenade- Just change it to scale with support instead of tech. Assimilation- Either put it back to 100% gain to make it worth taking a staff, OR remove the weapon requirement. Malfunction- Increase base skill effect by 5, maybe reduce scaling if it gets too OP at high support. Fire Scythe- This is a big one. Since I cant think of anywhere else to put it, it kinda has to stay in fourth tier, so lets make it worth it. Either reduce the CD to 2 turns and make it cost less(1 energy per skill point instead of 2), or jump the armor ignored to 20...60%, yeah I know its big but on a 3 turn CD it should be OK, considering the energy cost. Battery Backup- I guess its OK how it is if its timed right, really not much else you can do for it. I haven't played the other classes enough to comment much on them yet, since everyone who could afford to switched to bounty, but they look OK on paper, fix SG and maybe we can see the other classes in action.